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  • Glenda van Zyl

Glenda van Zyl

ITWeb chief sub editor


Access ControlApr 26, 2011

Apple slammed over location tracking

In today's technology roundup: Apple slammed over location tracking, hack caused PlayStation outage, moving beyond encryption, and 'father of the CD' dies.

ComputingApr 30, 2009

Google stands by book search deal

In today’s technology roundup: Google stands by book search deal, US cyber security 'embarrassing', Yang gets $1 in rocky final year, new Sony PSP is a go, and Twitter-quitters abound.

Health techApr 29, 2009

Spammers fan swine flu fears

In today's technology roundup: Spammers fan swine flu fears, gadget jargon still confuses many, companies mine Web clues, Microsoft keeps tabs in a crisis, and new PCs 'will cost you nothing'.

InnovationsApr 28, 2009

Plan to monitor all Internet use

In today's technology roundup: Plan to monitor all Internet use, Craigslist founder defends 'erotic' listings, Amazon buys e-book app maker, eBay scammer gets four years in slammer, and Apple gives investors 'say on pay'.

ComputingApr 24, 2009

Giant leap looms for mobile bugs

In today's technology roundup: Giant leap looms for mobile bugs, Microsoft sales show recession fallout, cyber gangs use cheap labour, and Oracle coaxes Sun troops with tough love.

Digital WorkplaceApr 23, 2009

Botnet ensnares govt PCs

Botnet ensnares government PCs, Ballmer disses Oracle's decision to buy Sun, faster Bluetooth chips on the way, and printing goes green with soy toner.

InnovationsNov 1, 2007

Google powers up

In today`s technology roundup: Google powers up, IBM plans major security initiative, Mac OS malware targets porn surfers, and Shell customers `pay by touch`.

DevicesOct 31, 2007

Leopard leaps into action

In today`s technology roundup: Leopard leaps into action, $100 laptop now costs $200, Google sets up distribution network, and woman fleeces shopping network.

InnovationsOct 30, 2007

Apple offers new goodies in Leopard

In today`s technology roundup: Apple offers new goodies in Leopard, IBM has greener way to reuse silicon, child advocates upset over Manhunt 2, and Sun sues NetApp, California style.

BusinessJun 2, 2000

Your weekly dose of fun

Yes fans, Gigglebytes is back in town! And yes, we`re just as thrilled as you are. So settle back and enjoy some frivolity. You deserve it!

BusinessMay 26, 2000

An invitation to smile a while

Gigglebytes is back! (Did anyone miss us?) As it seems that some readers think ITWeb is slightly on the serious side, Gigglebytes has been ordered to provide a dollop of light-hearted fun each Friday!

BusinessMay 2, 2000

SMEs on the brink of a high-tech future

South Africa`s small and medium enterprise (SME) market is burgeoning, but many of these companies are still trapped in the technological dark age.