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Need to convince management on attending ITWeb Digital Economy 2020 summit?

It can be difficult to get approval to go to a conference. To help you with this process and to gain buy-in from management, we have created the below email.

Dear [manager-name],

The ITWeb Digital Economy 2020 summit is fast approaching and I would like to attend. The theme for the conference is “Staying ahead of digitisation and disruption”. The summit will assist by highlighting and answering our most pertinent issues, such as, “how to overcome disruption?”, “how to compete in the age of digitisation?”, and “what types of digital technologies to adopt?” The event will also look at the business benefits it can bring, as well as real life examples of digital transformation and innovation.

The summit is taking place on the 20 March 2020 at The Forum. The event will provide a platform for transformation and ICT professionals to share ideas and learn about the latest trends, topics and challenges industry 4.0 presents.

Once I return from the conference, I can share the knowledge and insight gained with colleagues and also evaluate where we can implement, improve or scale our digital transformation process. This way demonstrating the ROI for the business.

Standard Registration fees:
Conference - R 6 200.00

You can also view the conference website here.

If you need any more information about the event, please let me know.

Thank you for considering my request.
Kind regards

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