
Cloud trends survey goes live

By Alison Job
Johannesburg, 21 Sep 2023
Michelle Potgieter, chief marketing officer at Huawei Cloud, South Africa.
Michelle Potgieter, chief marketing officer at Huawei Cloud, South Africa.

ITWeb’s survey on trends around the use of cloud in South African organisations, being conducted in partnership with Huawei Cloud, has gone live.

The survey focuses on the latest trends, positioning, and adoption of cloud technology among South African businesses. We’re hoping to garner valuable insights that will contribute to a better understanding of cloud adoption strategies, the crucial factors influencing this shift, and the current usage trends.

Michelle Potgieter, chief marketing officer at Huawei Cloud, South Africa, emphasised the significance of this survey, saying, "Our objective is to gain insight into why companies are making the move to the cloud and what considerations and concerns drive these decisions. We've observed a rapid increase in cloud adoption, driven by factors such as ongoing power supply challenges in South Africa. Privacy, security, and cost considerations are pivotal, influencing the decisions of CIOs and CTOs."

“We firmly believe that cloud services are accessible to everyone, not just large corporations. Therefore, we are eager to hear your thoughts on the key decision drivers for South African companies, whether they are contemplating a move to the cloud or considering alternative cloud service providers.

The survey is divided into five sections, aiming to gather data on the following topics:

1. Local cloud positioning

2. Cloud adoption and usage trends

3. The importance of data access and security

4. Operational challenges faced by organisations

5. Familiarity with Huawei Cloud

Amongst other things, the survey investigates the stage of cloud adoption that SA businesses are at, the main technology drivers when moving to the cloud and operational challenges foreseen in the next 12-18 months.

We hope you’ll be able to spare a few minutes to participate in the survey. By doing so, you will automatically enter a lucky draw with a chance to win a Takealot voucher worth R3 000.

The detailed survey results, as well as the name of the prize winner, will be published on ITWeb. Additionally, respondents who agree to be contacted by Huawei Cloud for further discussions will receive an invitation to visit the recently launched Huawei Innovation Centre, along with a complimentary gift.

Let's collectively explore the current state of cloud technology in South Africa. 

Follow this link to complete the survey, which should take no more than 10 minutes of your time.
