Consumers continue to yawn at the latest handset releases - have we hit an innovation ceiling?
There's a fine line when it comes to bathroom tech, one separating the useful from the absurd.
The heated online debate over the Free State provincial government's Web site could have been avoided if it understood how social media has changed the game.
Thanks to the vivid, real-time narrating of events Twitter facilitates, thousands were present at Oscar Pistorius' bail hearing yesterday.
As shock-tactic images clog up social media timelines, one has to wonder if all that energy could be put to better use.
Without accurate information, how will SA ever know how to plan, and what sectors to prioritise to grow the economy?
Content and commerce have out-evolved payment platforms, leaving revenue untapped and holding us back.
Internet connection + social media account + opinion + whim = more trouble than I care to find myself in, thank you very much.
I'm in an abusive relationship with social media - I love it, but it also subjects me to things like Bieber fever, shocking grammar and vapid popular discourse.
In an always-connected world, should media literacy be given more priority in the National Curriculum?
Sometimes, government manages to cut off its nose to spite its face, and the taxpayer always ends up on the losing side.