
Share your views on Apple Mac in business

By Alison Job
Johannesburg, 20 Jun 2024
Megan Nicholas, CEO of iStore Business.
Megan Nicholas, CEO of iStore Business.

A survey on Mac in business, being conducted in partnership with iStore Business, has gone live on ITWeb. It aims to evaluate the Apple ecosystem awareness amongst SA businesses.

A Forrester report was commissioned by Apple to conduct a total economic Impact study and examine the potential return on investment enterprises may realise by deploying Mac devices to their employees. Benefits included reduced IT support costs, reduced risk of data breach, reduced and avoided costs related to PC deployment and improved employee performance and engagement.

Megan Nicholas, iStore Business CEO, says, “There are many misconceptions around Mac devices and with this survey, we’re hoping to uncover what local businesses really think about Mac in the workplace. The aim is to find that golden nugget that will encourage people to start considering Mac for business.

“For a long time, affordability was an issue, but since the Covid pandemic there has been a range of Mac products in the market that compete comfortably with a large portion of the laptop range in South Africa.”

With this survey, we’re hoping to uncover what local businesses really think about Mac in the workplace.

Megan Nicholas, iStore Business CEO.

Nicholas continues, “We want to find out what are our customers’ pain points, what are they looking for when they’re looking to update their technology and whether they even consider Mac as an option.”

She cites the example of battery life. “While we may not be currently loadshedding, a load reduction strategy has been announced and it’s unclear how this will impact households and businesses. However, you won’t be impacted if you use Mac as a charge typically lasts 12 hours.”

Cybersecurity is another concern when it comes to acquiring new technology and users may not realise that Mac have built-in security features.

Integration and ease of use are also potential misconceptions when it comes to Mac devices. Is there a disconnect between Mac users and other users in the business? It’s possible that IT managers may have preconceptions that need to be overcome.

“We encourage businesses that are buying technology to partner with iStore Business so that they have access to advice on the best technology for each user, while ensuring that they get the most out of their investment.”

Complete our Mac in business survey

This survey aims to assess the current business platform of choice at respondent organisations – and what they look for when they require new technology. It asks, among other things:

  • How often does your company review and update its technology integration strategy?
  • Do you offer Mac to your employees?
  • How satisfied are you with the current technology devices provided by your company?

We hope you’ll be able to set aside a few minutes of your time to participate in the survey and stand a chance to win a set of Apple AirPods to the value of R3 999. The detailed results of the survey, and the prize winner, will be published on ITWeb.

To play your role in compiling this technology integration trends report, click on the link below:
