With the public sector's financial year close approaching, government focus has turned to putting its affairs in order. Accordingly, this week's National Tender Bulletin sees common requirements taking a back seat to the proliferation of advertisements for auditing services.
While new opportunities for the ICT sector experience a decline, the results section does see an increase amounting to 11 awarded contracts. Cancellations on the other hand, remain low key. with four tenders being binned.
An almost equal demand for software and services lead the issue, however, neither manages to make it to the double digits. Hardware, meanwhile, sees a drop in interest with only three advertisements.
The telecommunications sector is also represented in the issue, with two advertisements, including a request from the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority for a MPLS and APN solution. This should come in handy for the regulator if the media interest in Ivermectin for treatment of Covid-19 is matched by section 21 applications from doctors for its use.
Meanwhile, the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development appears to be making progress with the roll-out of its Integrated Case Management System and now wishes to purchase 400 scanners to support the solution.
The Department of Basic Education, on the other hand, is creating a database of providers that can assist school governing bodies to conduct electronic elections in the coming three years.
Finally, the South African Social Security Agency is advertising for the implementation of a demilitarised zone for its public facing applications.
New tenders
Department of Public Works
The department wishes to enter into a service level agreement with a service provider for Archibus ERP system (development, support and maintenance services).
Compulsory briefing: 12 Feb - Zoom platform: bidders who will be attending the briefing session are required to send an e-mail to the project manager well in advance in order to receive the meeting link two hours prior.
Tender no: HP20/ 020GS
Information: Technical: Octavia Makgati, Tel: 066 170 2199, E-mail: octavia.makgati@dpw.gov.za. General: Kagelelo Segole, Tel: (012) 406 1362, E-mail: kagelelo.segole@dpw.gov.za.
Closing date: 23 Feb 2021
Tags: Software, Software development, Services, Support and maintenance, ERP
Department of Justice and Constitutional Development
A service provider is sought for the procurement of 400 Integrated Case Management System (ICMS) scanners including five year OEM warranty and three years maintenance and support.
Briefing: Due to Pandemic measures, there will be no compulsory clarification meeting. Interested bidders are encouraged to send inquiries pertaining to this bid by e-mail to SCM@Justice.gov.za no later than 5 February 2021, quoting the bid number and description. Feedback on inquiries received will only be published on the departmental website on the 10 February 2021.
Tender no: RFB 2020 06
Information: E-mail: SCM@justice.gov.za.
Closing date: 19 Feb 2021
Tags: Hardware, Software, Imaging, Scanners, Services, Support and maintenance
Department of Public Works, KwaZulu-Natal
The province wishes to purchase 13 laptops at North Coast Region, Ulundi. Contract period: 30 days.
Please note: Only service providers that are registered on SITA contract database are eligible to bid.
Tender no: ZNQ 20/ 21/ 0010/NCR
Information: Technical: Z.P. Nene, Tel: (035) 874 2198, Fax: (035) 874 2519, E-mail: zanele.nene@kznworks.gov.za. General: Z.F.T. Makhanya, Tel: (035) 874 2149, Fax: (035) 874 3357, E-mail: zola.makhanya@kznworks.gov.za.
Closing date: 2 Mar 2021
Tags: Hardware, Computing, Mobility
South African Health Products Regulatory Authority
SAHPRA invites licensed telecommunications service providers (holders of both Electronic Communications Services and Electronic Communications Network Services licenses) to bid for the implementation of a MPLS Internet solution and APN for SAHPRA’s main office in Pretoria and satellite office in Cape Town.
Tender no: SAHPRA/ 2020/WAN & APN/RFB005
Information: Danie Bredell, Cell: 082 490 6489, E-mail: scm@sahpra.org.za.
Closing date: 22 Feb 2021
Tags: Telecommunications, MPLS, Internet, APN
Gauteng Partnership Fund
The GPF is advertising for an IT infrastructure, security and network managed service contract for the period of 12 months.
Tender no: RFP 004/ 2020
Information: Technical: Galeboe Mogotsi, Tel: (011) 685 6640, E-mail: galeboem@gpf.org.za. General: Nokuthula Mqwashi, Tel: (011) 685 6627, E-mail: Nokuthulam@gpf.org.za.
Closing date: 19 Feb 2021
Tags: Hardware, Software, Services, Managed services, Security, Networking
Department of Basic Education
The department wishes to create a database of service providers to conduct electronic elections for school governing bodies from 2021 to 2024.
Tender no: DBE168
Information: Technical: J Ndlebe, Tel: (012) 357 4163, E-mail: ndlebe.j@dbe.gov.za. General: N Metula or L Ledwaba, Tel: (012) 357 3134/3145, Fax: (012) 323 0733, E-mail: tenders@dbe.gov.za.
Closing date: 26 Feb 2021
Tags: Hardware, Software, Services, Voting, Election
Department of Economic Development, Gauteng
A service provider is sought to draft a strategy on the re-configuration of Gauteng Enterprise Propeller with supporting business process designs and other enabling technical documentation. Pre-qualification criteria threshold is 70 points for functionality.
Tender no: GT/ GDED/ 002/2021
Information: Technical: Goitsione Tladi Motloung, Tel: (011) 355 8556, E-mail: Goitsione.Malete@gauteng.gov.za. General: Hlamalani Masetoni, Tel: (011) 355 8126, E-mail: Hlamalani.Masetoni@gauteng.gov.za. Tender Enquiries: Thapelo Mohlanga, Tel: (011) 689 6481, E-mail: Tender.admin@gauteng.gov.za.
Closing date: 12 Feb 2021
Tags: Services, Consulting, Business process optimisation
Mining Qualifications Authority
The authority wishes to appoint a service provider to develop and implement an interactive website.
Tender no: MQA/ 03/ 20- 21
Information: Technical: Sakhile Mlauzi, Tel: (011) 547 2650, E-mail: SakhileM@mqa.org.za. General: Tsholo Dilape, Tel: (011) 547 2628, E-mail: TsholoD@mqa.org.za. Functional: Merle Clark, E-mail: MerleC@mqa.org.za.
Closing date: 22 Feb 2021
Tags: Software, Software development, Internet, Website
Office of Health Standards Compliance
A professional service provider is sought for an integrated human resource management and payroll administration system.
Non-compulsory briefing: 5 Feb
Tender no: OHSC/ 09/ JAN/2021
Information: Technical: Philip Moholola, Tel: (012) 942 7816, E-mail: pmoholola@ohsc.org.za. General: Phemelo Kgwele or Ndaedzo Munyai, Tel: (012) 942 7812/7847, E-mail: pkgwele@ohsc.org.za, nmunyai@ohsc.org.za.
Closing date: 15 Feb 2021
Tags: Software, HR, Payroll
Support and maintenance of the Office of Health Standards Compliance and Health Ombud websites as well as the OHSC intranet is required for 24 months.
Tender no: OHSC/ 10/ JAN/2021
Information: Technical: Jay Tulsee, Tel: (012) 942 7708, E-mail: jtulsee@ohsc.org.za. General: Phemelo Kgwele or Ndaedzo Munyai, Tel: (012) 942 7812/7847, E-mail: pkgwele@ohsc.org.za, nmunyai@ohsc.org.za.
Closing date: 15 Feb 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance, Website, Internet, Intranet
Road Traffic Infringement Agency
The agency wishes to appoint a service provider for the provision of on-line payment gateway and merchant account for the period of five years.
Note: This is the re advertisement of the tender that was advertised on the 11th December 2020.
Tender no: RTIA 03/ 2020/2021
Information: Technical: Basetsana Rikhotso, Tel: 087 285 0500, E-mail: scmenquiries@rtia.co.za. General: Bid office, Tel: 087 285 0475.
Closing date: 2 Mar 2021
Tags: Services, Software, Payment, Internet, Gateway
South African Social Security Agency
SASSA invites potential service providers to bid for the provision of co-sourcing of the beneficiary records management services for a period of three years.
Tender no: SASSA- 22- 20-CS- HO
Information: Technical: Katlego Karabo Molosiwa, Tel: (012) 400 2017, E-mail: KatlegoMo@sassa.gov.za. General: Ramasekiwa Tshokwe, Tel: (012) 400 2413, E-mail: RamasekiwaT@sassa.gov.za.
Closing date: 19 Feb 2021
Tags: Services, Data management
The agency also invites proposals for a demilitarised zone (DMZ) for public facing applications.
Tender no: SASSA- 43- 20-ICT- HO
Information: Technical: Ntombizodwa Maluleka, Tel: (012) 400 2321, E-mail: ZodwaMal@sassa.gov.za. General: Mogafe Mphahlele, Tel: (012) 400 2412, E-mail: mogafem@sassa.gov.za.
Closing date: 19 Feb 2021
Tags: Software, Security, Applications
Water Research Commission
The WRC is advertising for provision of mobile connectivity and data.
Tender no: WRC- 004- 2020/21
Information: Silai Malisha, Tel: (012) 761 9300, E-mail: tenders@wrc.org.za.
Closing date: 22 Feb 2021
Tags: Telecommunications, Mobile, Cellular, Data
National Health Laboratory Service
The NHLS requires supply and installation of biometrics and security systems at its Green Point Complex.
Tender no: RFB043/20/21
Information: Mabuse Maila, Tel: (011) 555 0595, Fax: (011) 386 6218, E-mail: mabuse.maila@nhls.ac.za.
Closing date: 12 Feb 2021
Tags: Hardware, Software, Security, Biometrics, Access control
Department of Higher Education and Training
Procurement of a managed printing solution is sought for the Northern Cape Community Education and Training College for a period of 36 months.
New briefing: 16 Feb - The briefing session will be held electronically via Microsoft Teams and the details will be provided on the College website: http://www.nccetc.edu.za/Supply_Chain/tenders.html.
Tender no: NCCETC2020/ 03
Information: E Phaladi, Tel: (053) 753 0000, E-mail: ephaladi@nc.cetc.edu.za.
New closing date: 12 Mar 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Managed services, Hardware, Printing
South African Social Security Agency
SASSA invites potential service providers to bid for the procurement of annual license renewal and upgrade of KOFAX software.
Note: No bidder enquiries will be entertained after 10 days of the bid advertisement.
Tender no: SASSA: 32- 20-ICT- HO
Information: Technical: Kamentheren Govender, Tel: (012) 400 2476, E-mail: kofax-2020@sassa.gov.za. General: Mogafe Mphahlele, Tel: (012) 400 2412, E-mail: kofax-2020@sassa.gov.za.
New closing date: 5 Feb 2021
Tags: Software, Software licensing, Automation
Department of Transport, KwaZulu-Natal
The supply and deployment of hybrid datacentre solution.
Tender no: ZNB0008/ 19T
Department of Tourism
Appointment of a service provider to manage ICT services in line with Sita contract 1183 “document and image management services” for a period of three years.
Tender no: NDT0006/ 20
National Health Laboratory Service
The provision of data centre cabling at Braamfontein and Sandringham.
Tender no: RFB101- 19- 20
F5 Smartnet maintenance and licence renewal for a period of three years.
Tender no: RFB027- 20- 21
Agricultural Research Council
Laboratory information management system.
Tender no: ARC/ 12/ 09/ 19
Successful bidder: LabWare Africa (Pty) Ltd
Value: R15 644 865
Microsoft Dynamics AX R3, Power BI and Jet Reports support, new development and customisation for a period of three years.
Tender no: ARC/ 01/ 04/2020
Successful bidder: MMT Inland (Pty) Ltd
Value: R5 060 per hour
Asset management including track and trace for a period of three years.
Tender no: ARC/ 23/ 03/2020
Successful bidder: KT Opportunities
Value: R2 238 843
Department of Health, KwaZulu-Natal
Procurement of a data, telephony system and electrical power skirting for Iris Marwick Building at Town Hill Hospital complex.
Tender no: ZNB 9834/ 2020-H
Successful bidder: Khanya Africa Networks
Value: R1 036 604
Department of Public Works, Eastern Cape
Supply and delivery of 103 laptops.
Tender no: MTH02/ 2020
Successful bidder: Lungani Family Trust t/a Yebo
Value: R2 642 901
Department of Tourism
Appointment of a service provider to manage ICT services in line with Sita contract 1183 “document and image management services” for a period of three years.
Tender no: NDT0006/ 20
Successful bidder: Datacentrix (PTY) Ltd
Value: R16 164 373
Financial Services Board
Provision of managed security operations centre (SOC) services.
Tender no: FSCA2020- 21-T004
Successful bidder: Performanta South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Value: R9 714 190
Mining Qualifications Authority
Appointment of a service provider to provide Microsoft Office 365 (cloud solution) E5 licences and migrate Microsoft Exchange mailboxes to the cloud solution.
Tender no: MQA/02/20-21
Successful bidder: Adapt IT
Value: R1 314 094
Office of the Ombud for Financial Service Providers
Provision of security information event management.
Tender no: FAIS2020/ 21-T001
Successful bidder: Infoguardian SA
Value: R1 550 000
Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs
Appointment of a service provider to provide financial management and supply chain risk management and compliance support to the Municipal Infrastructure Support Agent (MISA).
Tender no: MISA/ F/ FMSCM/002/ 2020
Successful bidder: Cool Ideas 1016 (PTY) LTD and Projects t/a ESP Consulting
Value: R9 715 200
Independent Police Investigative Directorate
Request for proposal for appointment of a service provider to supply, install and test computer network cables at Independent Police Investigative Directorate new offices Benstra Building, 473 Stanza Bopape Street.
Tender no: IPID 002/ 2020/2021
Successful bidder: Bridging Technologies SA
Value: R2 354 305