Government procurement officers have moved into high gear again following last week's slump in activity.
The software sector is particularly popular in the latest edition and includes demand for software development, customisation and enhancements. Hardware follows with notices targeting offerings across computing, networking, peripherals, server and storage. Services, on the other hand, sees a slight dip in interest.
The State IT Agency also returns to the bulletin with two new tenders on offer, four cancellations and a single software award valued at R670 000. These add to a busy results section as a total of eight outstanding tenders get cancelled and six resulting in contract negotiations.
New tenders
Department of Defence
The Waterkloof Air Force Base requires supply and delivery of a conference system with recording and a public address set (PA system). The conference system is a system on its own but must be able to work with the PA system if needed. The public address system is to be separated into two parts: the main system, which will house the majority of the equipment; and a standby system, which will house essentials. These systems are to be installed into 19” vertical flight cases with lockable caster wheels or similar. The SA Air Force reserves the right to request a demonstration of the offered system outdoors as well as inside an aircraft hanger before final awarding of contract.
Tender no: SPU/ B/ 5 ASU/091/ 20
Information: Technical: Warrant Officer R.I. Freeman, Tel: (012) 672 4669, Fax: (012) 672 4011. General: Warrant Officer B. Greeff, Tel: (012) 351 2266, Fax: (012) 351 2340.
Closing date: 15 Feb 2021
Tags: Hardware, Software, Audio-Visual, Conferencing
National Health Laboratory Service
The NHLS requires supply and installation of biometrics and security systems at its Green Point Complex.
Tender no: RFB043/20/21
Information: Mabuse Maila, Tel: (011) 555 0595, Fax: (011) 386 6218, E-mail: mabuse.maila@nhls.ac.za.
Closing date: 12 Feb 2021
Tags: Hardware, Software, Security, Biometrics, Access control
Department of Home Affairs
A service provider/s is sought for the procurement of hardware, licences, support and maintenance of the firewall solution for a period of five years.
Non-compulsory briefing: 29 Jan - virtual meeting (Microsoft Teams). Interested bidders must submit an e-mail requesting the link for the virtual meeting.
Note: All prospective suppliers interested in pursuing opportunities within South African Government are encouraged to self-register on the Central Supplier Database. (www.csd.gov.za)
Tender no: DHA02- 2021
Information: Technical: Zakhele Khuzwayo or Ratjabalala Malema, Tel: (012) 406 2522/2525, E-mail: zakhele.khuzwayo@dha.gov.za, ratjabalala.malema@dha.gov.za. General: Nico Masango, Rita Prinsloo or Lunga Njwabule, Tel: (012) 406 2789/2785/4027, E-mail: nico.masango@dha.gov.za, rita.prinsloo@dha.gov.za, lunga.njwabule@dha.gov.za.
Closing date: 12 Feb 2021
Tags: Hardware, Software, Services, Software licensing, Support and maintenance, Security
The department also requires supply and delivery of printed java cards for a period of 36 months.
Non-compulsory briefing: 29 Jan - virtual meeting (Microsoft Teams). Interested bidders must submit an e-mail requesting the link for the virtual meeting.
Note: All prospective suppliers interested in pursuing opportunities within South African Government are encouraged to self-register on the Central Supplier Database. (www.csd.gov.za)
Tender no: DHA01- 2021
Information: Technical: Ratjabalala Malema, Tel: (012) 406 2522, E-mail: ratjabalala.malema@dha.gov.za. General: Nico Masango, Rita Prinsloo or Lunga Njwabule, Tel: (012) 406 2789/2785/4027, E-mail: nico.masango@dha.gov.za, rita.prinsloo@dha.gov.za, lunga.njwabule@dha.gov.za.
Closing date: 12 Feb 2021
Tags: Hardware, Software, Smart cards
Department of Public Works, KwaZulu-Natal
The Southern Regional office is requesting supply and delivery of 29 laptops and 17 desktops.
Note: Bidders must ensure that they comply with the tenderer notes of this service that is on the Departmental website. Only bidders registered on CSD and SITA 2005 contract will be considered.
Tender no: ZNT 2995W
Information: Technical: N Songwane, Tel: (033) 897 1320, E-mail: nelisiwe.songwane@kznworks.gov.za. General: Help desk, Tel: (033) 897 1300.
Closing date: 23 Feb 2021
Tags: Hardware, Computing, Mobility
Medical Research Council of South Africa
The council wishes to appoint a panel of service providers for the supply of information technology hardware and peripherals.
Non-compulsory briefing: 9 Feb – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: SAMRC/ ITSDAPSH&P/ 2020/ 14
Information: Technical: Patrick Charls, Tel: (021) 938 0900, E-mail: Patrick.Charls@mrc.ac.za. General: Supply Chain Management, Tel: (021) 938 0911, Fax: (021) 938 0611, E-mail: tenders@mrc.ac.za.
Closing date: 19 Feb 2021
Tags: Hardware, Computing, Peripherals
The MRC is also advertising for a Mimecast Unified E-mail Management solution.
Non-compulsory briefing: 9 Feb – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: SAMRC/ ITSDMEMS/2020/ 13
Information: Technical: Patrick Charls, Tel: (021) 938 0900, E-mail: Patrick.Charls@mrc.ac.za. General: Supply Chain Management, Tel: (021) 938 0911, Fax: (021) 938 0611, E-mail: tenders@mrc.ac.za.
Closing date: 19 Feb 2021
Tags: Software, E-mail, Unified communications
State Information Technology Agency
SITA wishes to appoint a panel of service providers for the supply, delivery, install, configure and five years warranty of LAN and WAN equipment for the Department of Correctional Services. Only bidders who are accredited on RFA 2168-2020 need respond.
Tender no: RFB 2350/ 2020
Information: Tebogo Seima, Tel: (012) 482 2253, E-mail: tenders@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 12 Feb 2021
Tags: Hardware, Networking
Department of Trade, Industry and Competition
The department is looking for an off-site storage vendor for a specific term contract of five years.
Tender no: dtic 04/ 20- 21
Information: Technical: Dr G Calitz, E-mail: Gcalitz@thedtic.gov.za. General: Y Cronje, E-mail: Ycronje@thedtic.gov.za.
Closing date: 12 Feb 2021
Tags: Services, Hardware, Storage
Food and Beverages Manufacturing Industry SETA
A suitable service provider is sought to provide an integrated management information system (MIS) for the period of three years.
Compulsory briefing: 8 Feb - Briefing session shall be held virtually on Microsoft Teams. Start time: 10:00 am. End time: 11:00 am. Everyone joining must be logged in by 10:00 am.
Tender no: FB SETA (19- 20) T0032
Information: Technical: Bongani Hlongwane, Tel: (011) 253 7300, E-mail: bonganih@pathways.co.za. General: Lunga Mokoena, Tel: (011) 253 7300, E-mail: scm@foodbev.co.za.
Closing date: 22 Feb 2021
Tags: Software, MIS
National Prosecuting Authority
The NPA wishes to procure switches, wireless and server load balance equipment including maintenance and support services for a period of five years.
Tender no: NPA 16- 20/ 21
Information: Technical: Samuel Masombuka, E-mail: tenders@npa.gov.za. General: Khayakazi Zaki, E-mail: tenders@npa.gov.za.
Closing date: 22 Feb 2021
Tags: Services, Hardware, Networking, Server, Support and maintenance
Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration
The CCMA invites proposals for the licensing, support and maintenance of Sage 300 ERP, Sage 300 Third Party Modules, and Sage VIP, Payroll and HRM for a period of 24 months. 80/20 principle will apply.
Compulsory briefing: 29 Jan
Tender no: CCMA/ 2020/ 22-ICT
Information: Ephraim Mathiba, Tel: (011) 377 6971, E-mail: Tenderenquiries@CCMA.org.za.
Closing date: 12 Feb 2021
Tags: Services, Software, ERP, Software licensing, HR, Payroll
Companies and Intellectual Property Commission
The CIPC is looking for a customer enquiry management system.
Tender no: CIPC BID NUMBER: 15/ 2020/2021
Information: Technical: Samson Sekgobela, Tel: (012) 394 5272, E-mail: Ssekgobela@cipc.co.za. General: Ntombi Maqhula, Tel: (012) 394 5344, E-mail: nmaqhula@cipc.co.za.
Closing date: 23 Feb 2021
Tags: Software, CRM
Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs
The department requires a service provider to upgrade, support and maintain the gap skill/skills audit system for local government for a period of 30 months (15 months for the upgrading of the system and 15 months to provide maintenance and support to the department ).
Non-compulsory briefing: 2 Feb - Via Microsoft Teams: Link will be on the bid document and National Treasury e-tender portal.
Tender no: COGTA (T) 18/2020
Information: Technical: Dumisani Gqada, Tel: (012) 395 4618, E-mail: DumisaniG@cogta.gov.za. General: Nomvula Ntuli, Kgaugelo Tselana, Mogoma Sekgothe, Tel: (012) 334 0820/0912/ 0586, E-mail: NomvulaN@cogta.gov.za, KgaugeloT@cogta.gov.za, MogomaS@cogta.gov.za.
Closing date: 16 Feb 2021
Tags: Software, Software development, Services, Support and maintenance
Department of Higher Education and Training
The Northern Cape Community Education and Training College wishes to appoint a suitable service provider for the hosting of e-mails and website maintenance for a period of 36 months.
Tender no: NCCETC2020/ 04
Information: E Phaladi, Tel: (053) 753 0000, E-mail: ephaladi@nc.cetc.edu.za.
Closing date: 5 Mar 2021
Tags: Software, E-mail, Internet, Hosting, Website, Services, Support and maintenance
Financial Intelligence Centre
The FIC requests proposals from service providers for the procurement of a boardroom wireless table microphones solution.
Compulsory briefing: 3 Feb - Bidders are required to confirm attendance by 29 January 2020 to luschen.pillay@fic.gov.za to ensure Covid protocols are followed. Only one representative per company will be allowed into the compulsory briefing session to avoid overcrowding.
Tender no: FIC/ RFB/ BOARDROOMSND/05/2021
Information: Luschen Pillay, Tel: (012) 641 6000, E-mail: Tenders@fic.gov.za.
Closing date: 12 Feb 2021
Tags: Hardware, Wireless, Audio-visual
Financial Services Board
The organisation is looking for an application integration platform.
Non-compulsory briefing: 3 Feb - Online briefing session.
Note: All enquiries must be in writing and be addressed to tenders@fsca.co.za.
Tender no: FSCA2020/ 21-T016
Information: Monicca Masenya, Tel: (012) 422 2980, E-mail: tenders@fsca.co.za.
Closing date: 2 Mar 2021
Tags: Software, Applications, Integration
Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority
The authority requires a service provider to develop, enhance and customise a management information system (MIS) for a period of 12 months from date of appointment.
Note: This tender will be evaluated in terms of the 80/20 preferential point system.
Tender no: PROJ/ 2020/ 21/ 03
Information: SCM Team, Tel: (011) 381 8900, E-mail: bids@inseta.org.za.
Closing date: 8 Feb 2021
Tags: Software, Software development, Management information system, MIS
National Credit Regulator
A service provider is sought to supply and install computer hardware, software, network infrastructure and related items for the NCR and National Consumer Tribunal.
Compulsory briefing: 29 Jan - Bidders must indicate if they are interested in attending the compulsory virtual briefing session and must reserve a space by sending an e-mail to procurement@ncr.org.za to request the link and the login details for the session. The briefing will be conducted on NCR Microsoft Teams platform.
Site meeting: The ICT department will arrange a site visit with the bidders that attended the briefing. Site visit to be conducted in small groups between the NCR and NCT offices as per the Covid 19 Regulations.
Note: The NCR prefers that interested service providers use e-mail for any queries.
Tender no: NCR737.01.2021
Information: Procurement Department, Tel: (011) 554 2713, E-mail: procurement@ncr.org.za.
Closing date: 19 Feb 2021
Tags: Hardware, Software, Networking, Computing
National Home Builders Registration Council
The Centre for Research Housing and Innovation invites proposals for the development, support and training on an automated technical assessment solution for a period of three years.
Tender no: NHBRC 09/ 2020
Information: Technical: Lulu Nenzinane, Tel: (011) 317 0409, E-mail: tenders@nhbrc.org.za. General: Paballo Relela or Bernard Kekana, Tel: (011) 317 0144 /0114, E-mail: tenders@nhbrc.org.za.
Closing date: 12 Feb 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance, Training and eLearning
Road Accident Fund
The RAF invites experienced, suitably qualified service providers to provide an actual reserving software solution and maintenance for a period of five years.
Note: No telephonic queries will be entertained. All queries must be directed via e-mail and will be attended to as per the information stated in the bid document.
Tender no: RAF/ 2021/ 00001
Information: Ilish Seema, Tel: (012) 429 5135, E-mail: ilishs@raf.co.za.
Closing date: 26 Feb 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance
Statistics South Africa
Stats SA is advertising for the supply, install and configuration of a next generation firewall (NGFW) and a unified threat management (UTM) end to end managed service for a period of 36 months.
Tender no: RFB 2348/ 2020
Information: Mogau Sebothoma, Tel: (012) 482 2061, E-mail: mogau.sebothoma@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 12 Feb 2021
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance, Managed services, Firewall, Security, Unified threat management
Road Accident Fund
The RAF is requesting information on datacentre hostiing, specifically co-location and infrustructure as a service (IAAS).
Note: All inquiries must be done in writing to Shadim@raf.co.za. Telephonic inquiries will not be entertained.
Tender no: RAF/ 2020/ 00019
Information: Shadi Matlou, Tel: (012) 649 2030, E-mail: Shadim@raf.co.za.
New closing date: 2 Feb 2021
Tags: Services, Datacentre, Hosting, Infrastructure as a services, IAAS, Hardware
The RAF wishes to appoint a service provider for the provision of a master service level agreement for telecommunication services for a period of five years.
Note: All inquiries must be done in writing to Shadim@raf.co.za. Telephonic inquiries will not be entertained.
Tender no: RAF/ 2020/ 00018
Information: Shadi Matlou, Tel: (012) 649 2030, E-mail: Shadim@raf.co.za.
New closing date: 2 Feb 2021
Tags: Telecommunications, Services
Ditsong: Museums of South Africa
An experienced ICT accredited service provider is sought to make provision for servers, migration of data (to O365), data backups, datacentre controls, e-mail hosting, hosted PABX and e-mail archiving for DMSA.
Tender no: DMSA 009/ 2020
Information: Technical: Constance Mantsinhe, Tel: (012) 492 5739, E-mail: constance@ditsong.org.za. General: Tshepo Mafuma, Tel: (012) 492 5730, E-mail: tshepo@ditsong.org.za.
New closing date: 12 Feb 2021
Tags: Software, Hardware, Services, Servers, Data, Backup, Security, E-mail, Hosting, Telephony, Telecommunications, Archiving
Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration
Appointment of a service provider to supply and provide Oracle database appliances for the CCMA for the period of twelve months.
Tender no: CCMA/ 2020/ 21 - ICT
Community Schemes Ombud Service
The appointment of a service provider to provide a managed printing solution for a period of three years.
Tender no: CSOS008- 2020
State Information Technology Agency
Procurement of penetration testing services for SITA and client for a period of three years.
Tender no: RFB 2342/ 2020
Supply, install and configure a next generation firewall (NGFW) and a unified threat management (UTM) end to end managed.
Tender no: RFB 2343/ 2020
Supply, install and configure a next generation firewall (NGFW) and a unified threat management (UTM) end to end managed.
Tender no: RFB 2344/ 2020
LAN and WAN equipment for the Dept of Correctional Services.
Tender no: RFB 2327/ 2020
South African Tourism
Data warehouse and management.
Tender no: SAT 181/ 19
Department of Co-Operative Governance
Appointment of a service provider to upgrade, support and maintain the gapskill/skills audit system for local government for a period of 30 months.
Tender no: CoGTA (T) 12/ 20120
State Information Technology Agency
Request for the procurement of the Emulation software for the Mpumalanga Provincial Treasury.
Tender no: RFB 2120- 2019
Successful bidder: Blue Turtle Technologies
Value: R690 000
Department of Tourism
Appointment of a service provider to manage ICT services in line with SITA contract 1183 “document and image management services” for a period of three years.
Tender no: NDT0006/ 20
Successful bidder: Datacentrix
Value: R16 164 373
National Film and Video Foundation of South Africa
The appointment of a service provider to provide information technology support services.
Tender no: RFT 04 2020-2021
Successful bidder: Mosima IT Solutions
Value: R665 275
South African Weather Service
Appointment of Microsoft Corporation for licence renewal for a period of three years (1 January 2021 to 30 December 2023).
Tender no: Deviation
Successful bidder: Microsoft Corporation
Value: R7 800 000
KwaZulu-Natal Liqour Authority
Provisioning and installation of server infrastructure and storage.
Tender no: KZNLa 01/ 2020/21
Successful bidder: Datacentrix
Value: R1 306 524
Local Government Education and Training Authority
Request for proposals for the appointment of a service provider who will provide wide area network (WAN) services (inclusive of a secure, cost-effective and highly available multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) network and internet services covering all LGSETA offices throughout South Africa) for a period of five years.
Tender no: LGSETA/INFRAWAN/20/18
Successful bidder: Vox Telecommunications Pty Ltd
Value: R8 733 683