The IT sector experiences a bit of a dip in interest in this week's National Tender Bulletin. This follows months of above-average activity relative to other sectors providing to government.
It is the telecommunications sector that receives notable interest this week, despite not dominating the issue. The State IT Agency (SITA) provides the first of four tenders targeting the sector with a call for approval to create a bidder accreditation panel for SAPS's GSM and LTE router solution to be used in remote sites and mobile vehicles for a period of three years.
This is followed by the South African National Roads Agency which is looking for a telecommunication service provider to design, support and maintain a self owned national wide area network. South African Local Government Association, meanwhile, is advertising for the supply of Internet, telecommunications, e-mail, backup and hosting/cloud service solutions. SITA also provides the final telecoms opportunity with a request for information for its NGN Core Layer-2 transmission network.
The Gauteng Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs is also offering tenders of interest. In the first, the province calls for data billing audits in six of Gauteng's municipalities. The second sees the department looking for a service provider to conduct a work study investigation and business process mapping to assess the current situation at Provincial Disaster Management Centre.
Elsewhere in the bulletin, the services sector leads with software interest on its heels. The hardware sector, however, only has one opportunity to respond to.
The heightened interest in software permeates the issue, followed by a number of interesting opportunities for the services sector. The hardware sector falls behind this week but still attracts a healthy selection of requests.
In another notable request, the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) is looking for a service provider to assist it with the development of implementation plans for projects that date back as far as 2013 and 2014.
The edition closes with a busy results section, featuring 7 cancellations and 5 awards.
New tenders
Department of Environmental Affairs
Renewal of OpenText content server (EDMS) software licences, including maintenance and support , is sought for the DEA for a period of three years.
Tender no: RFB 2219/ 2020
Information: Lesley Chauke, Tel: (012) 482 2025, E-mail: Lesley.Chauke@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 21 Aug 2020
Tags: Software, Software licensing, Services, Support and maintenance, Content management
South African Police Service
SITA is advertising a request for approval to create a bidder accreditation panel for SAPS global system for mobile communications (GSM) and long-term evolution (LTE) router solution to be used in remote sites and mobile vehicles for a period of three years.
Tender no: RFA 2214/ 2020
Information: Portia Mphela, Tel: (012) 482 2754, E-mail: portia.mphela@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 21 Aug 2020
Tags: Telecommunications, LTE, GSM, Cellular
South African National Roads Agency Limited
SANRAL wishes to appoint a telecommunication service provider to design, support and maintain a self owned national wide area network.
Briefing: There is no compulsory clarification session. A tender clarification presentation will be made available to download from the SANRAL website from the following link https://www.nra.co.za/live/content.php?Category_ID=166.
Tender no: SANRAL HO/58000/ 1013/ 2020/WAN
Information: Ulizwi Mngoma, Tel: (012) 844 8124, Fax: (012) 844 8000, E-mail: MngomaU@nra.co.za.
Closing date: 27 Aug 2020
Tags: Telecommunications
The agency is soliciting proposals for the maintenance and support from Avaya authorised partners for a period of 24 months. This agreement shall be valid for a period of 24 months from the date of award.
Briefing: There is no compulsory clarification session. A tender clarification presentation will be made available to download from the SANRAL Web site from the following link https://www.nra.co.za.
Tender no: SANRAL 58000/1004/ 2020/ 03
Information: Haniel Motaung, E-mail: MotaungH@nra.co.za.
Closing date: 25 Aug 2020
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance
Community Schemes Ombud Service
The organisation wishes to appoint a service provider to provide maintenance and support of a risk management solution.
Tender no: CSOS002-2020
Information: Technical: Sethabile Ngobese, Tel: (066) 305 8300 E-mail: Sethabile.Ngobese@csos.org.za. General: Jabulile Sithole, Tel: (066) 302 5937, E-mail: Jabulile.Sithole@csos.org.za.
Closing date: 24 Aug 2020
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance
CSOS also requires Mimecast licence renewal and support services for a period of 3 years.
Tender no: CSOS003-2020
Information: Technical: Mawande Jadezweni, Tel: (066) 305 8300, E-mail: Mawande.Jadezweni@csos.org.za. General: Jabulile Sithole, Tel: (066) 302 5937, E-mail: Jabulile.Sithole@csos.org.za.
Closing date: 25 Aug 2020
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance
Development, deployment and support of business automation solutions are also sought for a period of five years.
Tender no: CSOS004-2020
Information: Technical: Mawande Jadezweni, Tel: (066) 305 8300, E-mail: Mawande.Jadezweni@csos.org.za. General: Jabulile Sithole, Tel: (066) 302 5937, E-mail: Jabulile.Sithole@csos.org.za.
Closing date: 25 Aug 2020
Tags: Software, Software development, Services, Support and maintenance, Business automation
The organisation is also looking for a service provider to provide a managed printing solution for a period of three years.
Tender no: CSOS008-2020
Information: Technical: Mawande Jadezweni, Tel: (066) 305 8300, E-mail: Mawande.Jadezweni@csos.org.za. General: Jabulile Sithole, Tel: (066) 302 5937, E-mail: Jabulile.Sithole@csos.org.za.
Closing date: 25 Aug 2020
Tags: Hardware, Services, Managed services, Printing
Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Gauteng
The province is advertising for data billing audits in six of Gauteng municipalities.
Tender no: COGTA 10/ 2020
Information: Technical: Nelisiwe Nthlola and Moses Shivambu, E-mail: nelisiwe.ntlhola@gauteng.gov.za or moses.shivambu@gauteng.gov.za. General: Mahlatse Madiba, Janine Johannes or Phumzile Malgas, E-mail: mahlatse.madiba@gauteng.gov.za.
Closing date: 2 Sep 2020
Tags: Services, Consulting, Data, Auditing, Forensics
The department is also looking for a service provider to conduct a work study investigation and business process mapping to assess the current situation at PDMC.
Tender no: COGTA 13/ 2020
Information: Technical: Theo Mosia or Raymond Nkabinde, E-mail: theo.mosia@gauteng.gov.za, raymond.nkabinde@gauteng.gov.za. General: Mahlatse Madiba, Janine Johannes or Phumzile Malgas, E-mail: mahlatse.madiba@gauteng.gov.za.
Closing date: 24 Aug 2020
Tags: Services, Consulting, Business process optimisation
The department also requires installation of Org Plus software system to design departmental organisational structure.
Tender no: COGTA 14/ 2020
Information: Technical: Theo Mosia or Raymond Nkabinde, E-mail: theo.mosia@gauteng.gov.za, raymond.nkabinde@gauteng.gov.za. General: Mahlatse Madiba, Janine Johannes or Phumzile Malgas, E-mail: mahlatse.madiba@gauteng.gov.za.
Closing date: 27 Aug 2020
Tags: Software
Department of Home Affairs
The national department requires a service provider for the provisioning of a learner and learner management system as well as a platform for virtual classrooms for a period of three years.
Tender no: DHA12- 2020
Information: Technical: Linda Tom-Noma, Tel: (012) 406 2746, E-mail: linda.noma@dha.gov.za. General: Rita Prinsloo, Lunga Njwabule or Nico Masango, Tel: (012) 406 2785/4027/2789, E-mail: rita.prinsloo@dha.gov.za, lunga.njwabule@dha.gov.za, nico.masango@dha.gov.za.
Closing date: 28 Aug 2020
Tags: Services, Software, E-Learning
Financial and Accounting Services SETA
Fasset is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced service provider for the provision of a management information system (MIS).
Tender no: FAS/DK/ICT/MIS/CON3075
Information: Lebogang Tsagae, Tel: (011) 476 8570, Fax: (011) 476 5756, E-mail: lebogang.tsagae@fasset.org.za or tenders@fasset.org.za.
Closing date: 21 Aug 2020
Tags: Software, Management information system, MIS
National Electronic Media Institute of South Africa
The institute is advertising for provision for 4IR specialist training for 24 months.
Tender no: Nemisa/ 2020/SPECIALIST/RFB001
Information: Henson Magumise, Tel: (081) 410 3495, E-mail: scm@nemisa.co.za.
Closing date: 14 Aug 2020
Tags: Services, Consulting, Training and learning
South African Local Government Association
SALGA wishes to appoint a service provider to supply internet, telecommunications, e-mail, backup and hosting/cloud service solutions.
Tender no: SALGA/ 84/ 2020
Information: Supply Chain Management, Tel: (012) 369 8000, E-mail: scm@salga.org.za.
Closing date: 31 Aug 2020
Tags: Software, Services, Telecommunications, Internet, E-mail, Backup, Hosting, Cloud computing
Request for information
State Information Technology Agency
Information is requested for the SITA NGN Core Layer-2 transmission network.
Note: Kindly note that bid documents published by SITA are available and can be downloaded from the National Treasury website at www.etenders.gov.za. Bidders can also request bid documents by sending e-mails to Tenders@sita.co.za.
Tender no: RFI 2193/ 2020
Information: Mpho Ntswane, Tel: (012) 482 2127, E-mail: mpho.ntswane@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 21 Aug 2020
Tags: Telecommunications
National Health Laboratory Service
The NHLS requires supply, implementation and support of an e-mail archiving and continuity system for a period of three years.
New non-compulsory briefing: 7 Aug at 11:00. A non-compulsory briefing session will be held via Zoom. Details are as follows: Phumzile Rikhotso is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/7983273752. Meeting ID: 798 327 3752.
Tender no: RFB 118/ 19/ 20
Information: Phumzile Rikhotso, Tel: (011) 555 0591, E-mail: Phumzile.Rikhotso@nhls.ac.za.
New closing date: 21 Aug 2020
Tags: Software, E-mail, Continuity, Services, Support and maintenance
Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, KwaZulu-Natal
The province requests proposals for the decommissioning of existing system, supply, installation, operation and maintenance of CCTV and access control.
Pre-qualification criteria:
Only bidders who meet both of the following pre-qualification criteria may respond -
(i) BBBEE level 1(as per the provisions of section 4(1)(a) of the PPPFA Regulations, 2017); and
(ii) EME or QSE (as per the provisions of section 4(1)(b) of the PPPFA Regulations, 2017)
Note: Bid documents can be downloaded from the departmental website at www.kzndard.gov.za/tenders/adverts free of charge.
Tender no: DARD14/ 20A
Information: N Makaula, Tel: (033) 355 9109, E-mail: nozizwe.makaula@kzndard.gov.za.
New closing date: 27 Aug 2020
Tags: Hardware, Security, Biometrics, CCTV
Department of Transport and Public Works, Western Cape
Bids are invited for electronic traffic data collection for the Western Cape for a period of three years.
Tender no:T002/ 20
Information: Hein Uys, Tel: (021) 483 8758, Cell: 073 356 4933, E-mail: hein.uys@westernhcape.gov.za.
New closing date: 19 Aug 2020
Tags: Hardware, Software, Services
Department of Police
Supply and installation of LAN cabling, UPS, lightening protection devices for SAPS Malmesbury is also sought, including maintenance and support for a period of three years.
Tender no: RFB 2129/ 2020
Information: Gertrude Potts, Tel: (021) 442 8556, E-mail: gertrude.potts@sita.co.za.
New closing date: 14 Aug 2020
Tags: Hardware, Networking, UPS
The agency is also looking for supply and installation of LAN cabling, UPS and lightening protection devices for SAPS Lingulethu, including maintenance and support for three years.
Non-compulsory briefing session: 9 Jul
Tender no: RFB 2124/ 2020
Information: Gertrude Potts, Tel: (021) 442 8556, E-mail: gertrude.potts@sita.co.za.
New closing date: 14 Aug 2020
Tags: Hardware, Networking, Telecommunications, UPS, Services, Support and maintenance
Supply and installation of LAN cabling, UPS, lightening protection devices for SAPS Tableview is also sought, including maintenance and support for a period of three years.
Tender no: RFB 2125/ 2020
Information: Gertrude Potts, Tel: (021) 442 8556, E-mail: gertrude.potts@sita.co.za.
New closing date: 14 Aug 2020
Tags: Hardware, Networking, UPS
Agricultural Sector Education and Training Authority
Appointment of a service provider to provide Sage X3 or equivalent enterprise resource planning (ERP) or equivalent system (i.e licensing), installation, configuration, integration, support and maintenance for a period of 36 months.
Tender no: AgriSETA/ 13/ 2019
The Compensation Fund
Appointment of a service provider to conduct business process re-engineering project for a period of eighteen (18) months.
Tender no: TCF 04: 2019/ 2020
Appointment of a service provider for development,maintenance and support of CF-Filing system for a period of thirty six months.
Tender no: TCF 02: 2019/ 2020
State Information Technology Agency
Procurement of Cisco ASR 1000 series router with smartnet for the period of 36 months for Midrand Data Centre.
Tender no: RFB 624
Installation of Cisco ASR 1000 series router with smartnet for the period of 36 months for Midrand Data Centre.
Tender no: RFQ 2552- 1482-2020
Supply, install, configuration of HP LAN infrastructure for SASSA Golden Acre, Cape Town.
Tender no: RFB 2133- 2020
Office of the Premier, Limpopo
Request to supply, install and configure an electronic leave management solution with maintenance and support for a period of 36 months
Tender no: RFB 2060/2019
The Compensation Fund
Appointment of a service provider to provide, deploy, and configure 17 servers for the Compensation Fund.
Tender no: TCF 07: 2019/ 20
Successful bidder: Blue Networks and Infrastructure (Pty) Ltd
Value: R19 398 401
National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications
Appointment of a reputable service provider to implement enterprise resource planning system once off on behalf of the NRCS and provide support for a period of five years.
Tender no: NRCS 014- 2018/2019
Successful bidder: AccTech Systems and 4 Sight SA
Value: R29 607 171
National Research Foundation
Appointment of a panel of service providers that will provide printing services to NRF-SAASTA for a period five years.
Tender no: NRF/ SAASTA/07/ 2019- 2020
Successful bidders:
Lebone Litho Printers Pty Ltd
Shereno Printers
Nyalu Communications
Matcom Technologies
Mailtronic Direct Marketing Central
Value: N/A
South African Tourism
Appointment of a service provider to Google marketing platform licence and implementation.
Tender no: SAT154/ 19
Successful bidder: Net Media Planet t/a Incubeta, DQ&A and NMPI
Value: R6 279 475
Appointment of a service provider for the provision of support and maintenance of Microsoft CRM solution for South African Tourism.
Tender no: SAT 149/ 20
Successful bidder: Acctech Systems (Pty) Ltd
Value: R3 433 572