After months of minimalistic advertising, the National Tender Bulletin is eventually seeing an increase in activity. While the gazette is yet to regain its full pre-COVID bulk, this week's edition has much to offer the ICT industry.
The bulletin offers opportunities in the double digits for all sectors, led by services and followed closely by hardware and software requests. The State IT Agency (SITA) continues to feature dominantly, posting six advertisements this week under its own name as well as that of its clients.
The issue also sees a return of national departments to technology procurement. The Department of Social Development retains its activity levels from last week with four new advertisements and is joined by the Department of Home Affairs with two advertisements of its own.
New tenders
State Information Technology Agency
SITA is advertising for the provision of renewal of McAfee licenses and additional licenses for the Government Pensions Administration Agency for a period of three years.
Tender no: RFB 2160/ 2020
Information: Takalani Singo, Tel: (012) 482 2253, E-mail: tenders@sita.co.za and www.etenders.gov.za.
Closing date: 7 Aug 2020
Tags: Software, Software licensing, Security
The agency also requires upgrade of Dell/EMC Isilon and Data Domain backup infrastructure to the DOD, including maintenance and support for a period of three years.
Tender no: RFB 2142/ 2020
Information: Wezi Pityana, Tel: (012) 482 2704, E-mail: weziwe.pityana@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 7 Aug 2020
Tags: Hardware, Storage, Security
SITA is looking for the supply of Cisco WAN infrastructure equipment with maintenance, support and associated services for Zeerust SAPS.
Tender no: RFB 2180/ 2020
Information: Mantsie Mabiletsa, Tel: (012) 482 2655, E-mail: mantsie.mabiletsa@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 7 Aug 2020
Tags: Hardware, Services, Networking, Support and maintenance
The agency is also advertising for renewal of Mimecast licenses for KZN Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs for 36 months.
Tender no: RFB 2128/ 2020
Information: Mantsie Mabiletsa, Tel: (012) 482 2655, E-mail: mantsie.mabiletsa@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 7 Aug 2020
Tags: Software, Software licensing
Companies and Intellectual Property Commission
The commission invites service providers to bid for the supply, install, configure and commission of HP BL460c Gen10 servers or equivalent.
Tender no: CIPC BID NUMBER:02/ 2020/2021
Information: Technical: Anand Moopanar, Tel: (012) 394 5272, E-mail: amoopanar@cipc.co.za. General: Ntombi Maqhula, Tel: (012) 394 5344, E-mail: nmaqhula@cipc.co.za.
Closing date: 14 Aug 2020
Tags: Hardware, Servers
Department of Home Affairs
The department wishes to appoint a service provider for the supply and delivery of firewall hardware, firewall software licenses, certificate authority, as well as support and maintenance of firewall/encryption solution for the next 60 months.
Tender no: DHA11- 2020
Information: Technical: Zakhele Khuzwayo, Tel: (012) 406 2522, E-mail: zakhele.khuzwayo@dha.gov.za. General: Rita Prinsloo, Lunga Njwabule or Nico Masango, Tel: (012) 406 2785/4027/2789, E-mail: rita.prinsloo@dha.gov.za, lunga.njwabule@dha.gov.za, nico.masango@dha.gov.za.
Closing date: 21 Aug 2020
Tags: Hardware, Software, Services, Security, Support and maintenance, Software licensing
Department of Social Development
The department wishes to appoint a service provider to supply a rental solution for Dell laptops systems, peripherals and devices for a period of three years.
Tender no: SD08/ 2020
Information: Technical: M Nkhethoa, Tel: (012) 312 7108, E-mail: MapasekaM@dsd.gov.za. General: S Mabina, Tel: (012) 312 7447, E-mail: ShamaM@dsd.gov.za.
Closing date: 7 Aug 2020
Tags: Hardware, Computing
A service provider is sought to develop an electronic system to collect data on substance use and measure the performance and quality of South Africa’s substance use treatment services.
Tender no: SD03/ 2020
Information: Technical: M Nkhethoa, Tel: (012) 312 7108, E-mail: MapasekaM@dsd.gov.za. General: S Mabina, Tel: (012) 312 7447, E-mail: ShamaM@dsd.gov.za.
Closing date: 7 Aug 2020
Tags: Software, Software development
The department also requires a service provider to develop a monitoring and evaluation electronic system.
Tender no: SD06/ 2020
Information: Technical: T Stevens, Tel: (012) 312 7658, E-mail: ThildeS@dsd.gov.za. General: S Mabina, Tel: (012) 312 7447, E-mail: ShamaM@dsd.gov.za.
Closing date: 7 Aug 2020
Tags: Software, Software development
Supply of new core equipment, maintenance contract, services and service level agreement is required for the HPE Core network equipment in the department.
Tender no: SD07/ 2020
Information: Technical: M Nkhethoa, Tel: (012) 312 7108, E-mail: MapasekaM@dsd.gov.za. General: S Mabina, Tel: (012) 312 7447, E-mail: ShamaM@dsd.gov.za.
Closing date: 7 Aug 2020
Tags: Hardware, Networking, Services, Support and maintenance
National Student Financial Aid Scheme
The organisation is looking for the supply and delivery of computer hardware for a period of three years.
Tender no: SCMN005/ 2020
Information: National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS), Tel: (021) 763 3200, E-mail: scm@nsfas.org.za.
Closing date: 21 Aug 2020
Tags: Hardware, Computing
Perishable Products Export Control Board
PPECB is advertising for the provision of SD WAN managed services. Bidders are required to quote for the supply, installation, commissioning maintenance and support of software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) devices and services to all PPECB offices nationally. The appointed service provider must have a national footprint. The appointed service provider will be contracted for a period of five years with an option to renew for further two years based on performance.
Tender no: RFP/ ICT/ SDWAN/2020/ 20
Information: Technical: Athienne Summerton, Tel: (021) 930 1134, E-mail: athiennes@ppecb.com. General: Lynn Paulse, Tel: (021) 930 1134, E-mail: lynnp@ppecb.com.
Closing date: 7 Aug 2020
Tags: Hardware, Services, Software, Managed services, Networking
South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited
SANRAL invites bidders to supply and deliver desktop and laptop computers to all its offices. It is intended that a service provider will provide a three-years onsite service and support warranty. This agreement shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of award.
Briefing session: There is no compulsory clarification session. A tender clarification presentation is available to download from the SANRAL website: www.nra.co.za.
Tender no: SANRAL 58000/1013/ 2020/ 02- R
Information: Haniel Motaung, E-mail: MotaungH@nra.co.za.
Closing date: 7 Aug 2020
Tags: Hardware, Services, Computing, Mobility, Support and maintenance
SANRAL invites tenders for the operations and maintenance of an open road tolling system in the Gauteng Province, South Africa, and a National Transaction Clearing House and Violations Processing Centre. The contract period shall be for a duration of 72 months in total, including the design-build and operation service periods.
Only those tenderers who satisfy the detailed eligibility criteria contained under Clause 4.1.1 of the Tender Data are permitted to submit tenders.
A summary of the eligibility criteria for the tendering entity includes: Having a B-BBEE contributor status level of 1, 2, 3 or 4; being registered on the National Treasury Central Supplier Database at the closing date; having an ownership structure where at least 51% is owned by South African entities; having experience of at least one similar project (not necessarily a toll project), to the value of at least R300 million; and having relevant financial standing to execute the project.
Tenderer must subcontract a minimum of fifteen percent (15%) of the work to Targeted Enterprise(s).
Note: Tenderers must submit, via email, the duly completed Form A1.1 Certificate of Intention to Submit a Tender within seven days from the tender advertisement date. Failure to submit this certificate would result in the tenderer not receiving addenda or additional issued information and may result in the tenderer being non-responsive.
Briefing session: Tenderer’s clarification presentations are available to be downloaded from the SANRAL website at the following link – https://www.nra.co.za/live/content.php?Category_ID=166.
Tender no: SANRAL X.002-140- 2020/ 1
Information: Technical: Layton Leseane (NR), Tel: (012) 426 6218, E-mail: LeseaneL@nra.co.za. General: Andile Gogotya, Tel: (012) 426 6294, E-mail: GogotyaA@nra.co.za.
Closing date: 16 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, Services, Software development
Department of Defence
SITA is calling for solution design services for the ICT LAN infrastructure upgrades of the DOD.
Tender no: RFB 2182/ 2020
Information: Lesley Chauke, Tel: (012) 482 2025, E-mail: Lesley.Chauke@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 7 Aug 2020
Tags: Services, Consulting Hardware, Networking
Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, KwaZulu-Natal
The province requests proposals for the decommissioning of existing system, supply, installation, operation and maintenance of CCTV and access control.
Pre-qualification criteria:
Only bidders who meet both of the following pre-qualification criteria may respond:
(i) BBBEE level 1(as per the provisions of section 4(1)(a) of the PPPFA Regulations, 2017); and
(ii) EME or QSE (as per the provisions of section 4(1)(b) of the PPPFA Regulations, 2017)
Note: Bid documents can be downloaded from the departmental website at www.kzndard.gov.za/tenders/adverts free of charge.
Tender no: DARD14/ 20A
Information: N Makaula, Tel: (033) 355 9109, E-mail: nozizwe.makaula@kzndard.gov.za.
Closing date: 6 Aug 2020
Tags: Hardware, Security, Biometrics, CCTV
Department of Justice
Provision of a digital signature solution is sought for the Department of Justice with maintenance and support for a period of three years.
Tender no: RFB 2197/ 2020
Information: Portia Mphela, Tel: (012) 482 2754, E-mail: portia.mphela@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 7 Aug 2020
Tags: Software, Services, Hardware, Security, Digital signature, Support and maintenance
Lepelle Northern Water
The organisation requires provision of virtual private network and multi-protocol label switching service and support.
Note: There will be no compulsory briefing session. Bidders are requested to send electronic mails for any inquiries to the following technical enquiries: Pontshot@lepelle.co.za. No tender inquiries will be entertained 7 days prior tender closing date.
Tender no: LNW 33/ 19/ 20
Information: Technical: Pontso Tolo, Tel: (015) 295 1800, E-mail: pontshot@lepelle.co.za. General: Fortune Mogwatjana, Tel: (015) 295 1800, E-mail: fortunem@lepelle.co.za.
Closing date: 14 Aug 2020
Tags: Services, Telecommunications, Networking, VPN, Support and maintenance
Department of Higher Education and Training
Boland TVET College requires supply of 370 laptops via a 48 month operation lease agreement.
Note: The tender will not be opened in public. The lowest bid will not necessarily be accepted. More information available on www.purcosa.co.za or www.bolandcollege.com.
Compulsory briefing: 28 Jul - Via Zoom - Link will be provided on purchase of tender document.
Tender no: PUR 802/ 28
Information: Technical: Andries Venter, E-mail: andriesv@bolandcollege.com. General: Stephen Preston, Tel: (011) 545 0961, E-mail: stephen.preston@purcosa.co.za.
Closing date: 7 Aug 2020
Tags: Hardware, Computing, Mobility
Dube TradePort Corporation
DTPC maintains a high level of security on its IT platform. DTPC invites proposals from suitably qualified and experienced bidders who are Check Point 3 Star Partner and Fortinet Gold Partner certified to maintain and support the security posture including, hardware and software maintenance renewal for the DTPC Checkpoint firewalls, two year hardware and software maintenance renewal for DTPC Fortigate firewalls and three year managed services support contract that covers both Check Point and Fortigate security devices for a three year period.
The maintenance and support includes the following but not limited to:
- Fortigate FG-900D - Perimeter Firewall renewals;
- Checkpoint CPAP-SG12200-NGFW - Data Center Firewall renewals
- Security support with optional upgrade to managed security support.
In line with the PPPFA regulations, 2017 sub regulation 4 the pre-qualification for this bid is for bidders to meet the following:
- Only companies with B-BBEE Level 1or 2 with 30% subcontracted to Black EME are eligible to tender.
Note: Evaluation of this bid - All proposals will be evaluated in various stages – compliance and functionality will be assessed and thereafter all responsive proposals will be evaluated in accordance with the PPPFA regulations, 2017 using the 80/20 preference points system.
Non compulsory briefing: 27 Jul for service providers, who have paid for and was e-mailed the bid documents, will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams.
Tender no: DTP/ RFP/ 42/ ICT/03/ 2020
Information: Vanishree Naidoo, Tel: (032) 8140096, Fax: (032) 8140102, E-mail: tenders@dubetradeport.co.za.
Closing date: 11 Aug 2020
Tags: Hardware, Software, Services, Security, Support and Maintenance
Energy and Water Sector Education and Training Authority
The authority wishes to appoint service provider(s)/consultants for the provision of outsourced ICT managed services for a period of 3 years.
Tender no: EWSETA/ RFP/ 13/2020
Information: Technical: Atulkumar Patel, Tel: (011) 274 4700, Fax: 086 696 0478, E-mail: scmadmin@ewseta.org.za/atulkumarp@ewseta.org.za. General: Mpho Maphuti, Tel: (011) 274 4700, Fax: 086 696 0478, E-mail: scmadmin@ewseta.org.za.
Closing date: 7 Aug 2020
Tags: Services, Consulting, Managed services
Financial Services Board
The organisation is advertising for ethics and fraud confidential hotline services.
Tender no: FSCA2020/ 21-T006
Information: Monicca Masenya or Georgina Serumula, Tel: (012) 422 2980/2855, E-mail: tenders@fsca.co.za.
Closing date: 18 Aug 2020
Tags: Services, Call Centre
Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority
The authority requests proposals for the appointment of a service provider who will provide wide area network services inclusive of a secure, cost-effective and highly available multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) network and internet services covering all LGSETA offices throughout South Africa for a five year period.
Briefing session: There will be no compulsory briefing session. Kindly contact SCM office on procurement@lgseta.org.za by no later than 5 August 2020 for submission of query relating to this bid. All queries received will be compiled into one document and will be uploaded on the LGSETA website.
Tender no: LGSETA/ INFRAWAN/20/ 18
Information: Phyllis Mualusi, Tel: (011) 456 8579, E-mail: procurement@lgseta.org.za.
Closing date: 14 Aug 2020
Tags: Hardware, Software, Services, Telecommunications, Networking, Internet
Mine Health and Safety Council
A service provider is sought to supply and deliver the renewal of Microsoft Office 365 licenses for a period of 24 months.
Tender no: MHSC004/ 2020-21
Information: Z Ndlangana, Tel: (011) 656 1797, E-mail: zndlangana@mhsc.org.za.
Closing date: 18 Aug 2020
Tags: Software, Software licensing
National Nuclear Regulator
The regulator wishes to appoint a service provider for the provision of disaster recovery services for a period of three years.
Note: Due to Covid19 the bid box will be place outside the NNR entrance and bidders must put the bid document inside the bid box. The NNR will not be held responsible for any delays where bid documents are handed to the NNR personnel or postal address, or any documents which gets lost.
Tender no: NNRSCM- 01- 2020
Information: Technical: Julian Boulton, Tel: (012) 674 7176, Cell: 083 647 2675, E-mail: Lnkosi@nnr.co.za. General: Lindiwe Nkosi, Tel: (012) 001 8427/674 7100, E-mail: Lnkosi@nnr.co.za.
Closing date: 6 Aug 2020
Tags: Services, Security, Disaster recovery
South African National Accreditation System
SANAS requires provision of anti-virus software and support for five years.
Tender no: SANAS/ AVSS/2020- 21/ 04
Information: Nomvuyo Jawe, Tel: (012) 740 8535, E-mail: nomvuyoj@sanas.co.za.
Closing date: 7 Aug 2020
Tags: Software, Security, Services, Support and maintenance
South African Social Security Agency
SASSA invites proposals from potential service providers for the provision of supportand maintenance of Trend Micro Tippingpoints (IPS) for a period of two years.
Tender no: SASSA: 03- 20-ICT- HO
Information: Technical: Zama Ndzunga, Tel: (012) 400 2358, E-mail: ZamaN@sassa.gov.za. General: Zintathu Mabuza, Tel: (012) 400 2130, E-mail: ZintathuM@sassa.gov.za.
Closing date: 6 Aug 2020
Tags: Services, Software, Security, Support and maintenance
South African Tourism
SA Tourism is calling for the provisioning, implementation and support of an online tourism grading system for the Tourism Grading Council of South Africa (TGCSA).
Tender no: SAT 176/ 20
Information: Evah Mkwanazi, Tel: (011) 895 3000, E-mail: evah@southafrica.net.
Closing date: 10 Aug 2020
Tags: Services, Software, Support and maintenance
Request for information
Department of Home Affairs
The department is looking for Information for the appointment of a service provider to replace the current Biometric Access Control System (BACM) (Non-repudiation and Authentication System) on behalf of the Department of Home Affairs.
Tender no: RFI DHA02- 2020
Information: Technical: Zakhele Khuzwayo, Tel: (012) 406 2522, E-mail: zakhele.khuzwayo@dha.gov.za. General: Rita Prinsloo, Lunga Njwabule or Nico Masango, Tel: (012) 406 2785/4027/2789, E-mail: rita.prinsloo@dha.gov.za, lunga.njwabule@dha.gov.za, nico.masango@dha.gov.za.
Closing date: 14 Aug 2020
Tags: Hardware, Software, Services, Security, Biometrics
State Information Technology Agency
Renewal of OpenText Content Server (EDMS) software licences including maintenance and support for the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) for a period of three years.
Tender no: RFB 2071- 2019
Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority
Request for proposal for the lease of a fully integrated Enterprise Resource Planning system and Management Information System (ERP & MIS) for a period of five years, with an option to purchase at the end of the lease term.
Tender no: PROJ/ 2029/ 03
Department of Health, KwaZulu-Natal
Supply, delivery and installation of additional server equipment for information communication technology for fleet management: once-off.
Tender no: ZNB 9784/ 2019- H
Agricultural Sector Education and Training Authority
Appointment of a service provider to provide internal audit and whistle blowing anti-fraud hotline services at AgriSETA for a period of period 36 months.
Tender no: AGRISETA/ 2019/10
Successful bidder: Bonakude Consulting (Pty) Ltd
Value: R2 069 826