The month-long stretch of unusually high tender award and cancellation activity that preceded finance minister Tito Mboweni's tabling of the Medium-term Budget Policy Statement has ground to an almost halt. The pre-budget buying rush might have been a case of departments looking to spend budget allocations before the funds could be re-appropriated for use elsewhere. However, the sharp decrease in activity could be a result of Mboweni exhorting government to rein in spending; or a simple slump in decisions while public sector leadership took the time to understand the ramifications of the mini-budget on their own strategies.
Either way, software systems are attracting a lot of attention from government. It will be a disappointment to the software sector that all four of this week's cancellations are for outstanding software requests, with none of the three low-value tender awards going its way.
Nevertheless, the new opportunities portion of the bulletin will improve sentiment as government appears to be taking a proper look at its system requirements. National government is represented by the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, which is advertising for the development of an electronic metadata catalogue and data capture project register; as well as the Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs with its request for a panel of service providers for the improvement of municipal records systems in selected municipalities.
Other notable invitations come from the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) for an integrated cloud-based e-mail management solution; the Education, Training and Development Practices SETA's requests for terms of reference of a workflow and electronic document management system and a management information system (MIS) and decision support system; the Cross-Border Road Transport Agency's need or a board pack software solution; and the Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority's advertisements for an off the shelf ERP system and lease of a MIS.
The services sector narrowly leads the edition benefiting from the interest in software as well as several additional calls for terms of reference. These include Legal Aid South Africa's advertisement for provision of support and maintenance of its electronic legal aid administration system; the National Student Financial Aid Scheme call for provision of case management resources; and the State Information Technology Agency's request for Persal software application maintenance and support for the North West Office of the Premier.
The hardware sector does not lag far behind; however, interest is predominantly for end-user computing devices.
The telecommunications sector is also targeted, with SITA looking for provision of LAN and telephone expansion; and the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission advertising for MPLS WAN connectivity. Additionally, ICASA has reissued a tender for quality of service testing and benchmarking in six provinces.
New tenders
Department of Defence
The department's logistics division is advertising for the supply and delivery of bar code scanners including maintenance and support for a period of three years. (Procurement Plan Number: DOD PROC PLAN 19-20/ LOG DIV (DAM)/301).
Compulsory briefing: 23 Nov
Note: All suppliers to arrive before 11:00 am to register for the briefing. However, if the number of suppliers exceeds 50% of the venue capacity, there will be a second briefing session for the registered suppliers only.
Tender no: CPSC- B- PC- 015-2019R
Information: Technical: T.L. Rammutla, Tel: (012) 649 6314, Cell: 083 517 5082. General: Major N. Sobekwa, Tel: (012) 649 6682/6691, Fax: 012 649 6687.
Closing date: 20 Nov 2020
Tags: Software, Hardware, Bar code, Services, Support and maintenance
Independent Communications Authority of South Africa
A service provider is sought to provide an integrated cloud-based e-mail management solution for a period of five years on an 80/20 PPPFA 2000, Preferential Procurement Regulation: 2017.
Non-compulsory briefing: 13 Nov
Tender no: ICASA 13/ 2020
Information: Johannes (Jowi) Molomo, Tel: (012) 568 3810, E-mail: Jmolomo@icasa.org.za.
Closing date: 20 Nov 2020
Tags: Software, Cloud computing, Hosting, E-mail, Services
ICASA is looking for a service provider to test and benchmark the performance and quality of service in six provinces on an 80/20 PPPFA 2000, Preferential Procurement Regulation: 2017.
Tender no: ICASA 23/ 2020
Information: Johannes (Jowi) Molomo, Tel: (012) 568 3810, E-mail: Jmolomo@icasa.org.za.
Closing date: 20 Nov 2020
Tags: Telecommunications, Services, Consulting, Benchmarking, Quality of service
Independent Police Investigative Directorate
IPID wishes to appoint a service provider to supply, install and test computer network cables at its new office situated at Benstra Building, 473 Stanza Bopape Street, Arcadia, Pretoria.
Compulsory briefing: 12 Nov
Tender no: IPID002/ 2020/2021
Information: Technical: Thabo Tsotetsi, Tel: (012) 399 0009, E-mail: ttsotetsi@ipid.gov.za. General: F Maseko, Tel: (012) 399 0095, Fax: 086 630 1006, E-mail: fmaseko@ipid.gov.za.
Closing date: 20 Nov 2020
Tags: Hardware, Networking
National Research Foundation
The South African Environmental Observation Network is advertising for supply and delivery of a desktop salinometer including all the relevant software and ancillaries and a five year service and maintenance support service.
Tender no: NRF/ SAEON SMCRI/22/ 2020- 21
Information: Technical: Imtiyaaz Malick, Tel: (041) 504 4939, E-mail: imti@saeon.ac.za. General: Moshidi Mosena or Theo Jongwana, Tel: (012) 534 3516/3515, E-mail: moshidi@saeon.ac.za, theo@saeon.ac.za.
Closing date: 4 Dec 2020
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance
KwaZulu Natal Liquor Authority
The authority requires supply and delivery for laptops and accessories.
Tender no: KZNLA 02/ 2020/21
Information: Technical: Mthokozisi Cele, Tel: (031) 302 0669, E-mail: Mthokozisi.Cele@kznla.co.za. General: B Mncwango, Tel: (031) 302 0661, E-mail: bhekani.mncwango@kznlqa.co.za.m
Closing date: 4 Dec 2020
Tags: Hardware, Computing, Mobility
National Library of South Africa
The NLSA requires specifications for the procurement, supply, delivery and installation of computers and laptops for the National Archives and Records Service of South Africa.
Tender no:NARSSA 01/ 2020-2021
Information: Technical: Alexio Motsi, Tel: (066) 302 4098, E-mail: alexiom@dsac.gov.za. General: Hloki Mabeleble, Tel: (012) 401 9765, E-mail: hloki.mabeleble@nlsa.ac.za.
Closing date: 19 Nov 2020
Tags: Hardware, Computing, Mobility
NARSSA also needs specifications for the procurement and delivery of scanners.
Tender no: NARSSA 02/ 2020-2021
Information: Technical: Alexio Motsi, Tel: (066) 302 4098, E-mail: alexiom@dsac.gov.za. General: Hloki Mabeleble, Tel: (012) 401 9765, E-mail: hloki.mabeleble@nlsa.ac.za.
Closing date: 19 Nov 2020
Tags: Hardware, Imaging, Scanners
Education, Training and Development Practices SETA
Terms of reference are sought for the implementation, support and maintenance of a workflow and electronic document management system (EDMS).
Note: Any enquiries regarding this bid must be in writing only and be directed to: Tenderers@etdpseta.org.za.
Tender no: SCMU: 05 - 2020/21
Information: Technical: Sibusiso Kutshwa, Tel: (011) 372 3330, E-mail: Tenderers@etdpseta.org.za. General: Velile Msane, Tel: (011) 372 3300, E-mail: Tenderers@etdpseta.org.za.
Closing date: 1 Dec 2020
Tags: Software, Workflow, Document management, EDMS, Services, Consulting
The SETA is also looking for terms of reference for configuration, support and maintenance of a management information system (MIS) and decision support system (DSS).
Note: Any enquiries regarding this bid must be in writing only and be directed to: Tenderers@etdpseta.org.za.
Tender no: SCMU: 04 - 2020/21
Information: Technical: Sibusiso Kutshwa, Tel: (011) 372 3330, E-mail: Tenderers@etdpseta.org.za. General: Velile Msane, Tel: (011) 372 3300, E-mail: Tenderers@etdpseta.org.za.
Closing date: 1 Dec 2020
Tags: Software, Management information system, Decision support system, MIS, DSS, Services, Consulting
National Lotteries Commission
The board wishes to appoint a service provider to provide off-site storage for a period of five years.
Tender no: NLC/ 2020- 08
Information: Penelope Soyingwa, Tel: (012) 432 1414, E-mail: pamsoyingwa@nlcsa.org.za.
Closing date: 7 Dec 2020
Tags: Hardware, Software, Services, Storage
Office of the Chief of Justice
Terms of reference are sought to request bids from service providers accredited in terms of SITA transversal contract RFB 2007/2015 for bid no:OCJ2020/07B: Procurement of bulk ICT hardware end-user equipment (projectors, printers and other ICT related peripherals).
Tender no: OCJ2020/ 07B
Information: Technical: Mashudu Tshiakale, Tel: (010) 493 2500, E-mail: Mtshiakale@judiciary.org.za. General: N Ntimane, Tel: (010) 493 2500, E-mail: BidEnquiries@judiciary.org.za.
Closing date: 27 Nov 2020
Tags: Services, Consulting, Hardware, Computing, Printing, Audio-visual
Terms of reference are also required to request for bids from service providers accredited in terms of SITA contract RFB 2005/2015 for bid no:OCJ2020/07A: Procurement of bulk ICT hardware end-user equipment (laptops and all in one desktops and other ICT related peripherals).
Tender no: OCJ2020/ 07A
Information: Technical: Mashudu Tshiakale, Tel: (010) 493 2500, E-mail: Mtshiakale@judiciary.org.za. General: N Ntimane, Tel: (010) 493 2500, E-mail: BidEnquiries@judiciary.org.za.
Closing date: 27 Nov 2020
Tags: Services, Consulting, Hardware, Computing, Mobility
Companies and Intellectual Property Commission
Service providers are invited to bid supply MPLS WAN connectivity between the commission’s main data centre located at the dti Campus, 77 Meintjies Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria and its remote sites, partners and stakeholders.
Tender no:CIPC BID NUMBER: 09/ 2020/2021
Information: Technical: Anand Moopanar, Tel: (012) 394 1569, E-mail: Amoopanar@cipc.co.za. General: Ntombi Maqhula, Tel: (012) 394 5344, E-mail: nmaqhula@cipc.co.za.
Closing date: 4 Dec 2020
Tags: Telecommunications, MPLS, WAN, Networking
Proposals are also invited for the provision of managed print services (MPS) for a period of 36 months.
Tender no: CIPC BID NUMBER: 10/ 2020/2021
Information: Technical: Anand Moopanar, Tel: (012) 394 1569, E-mail: Amoopanar@cipc.co.za. General: Ntombi Maqhula, Tel: (012) 394 5344, E-mail: nmaqhula@cipc.co.za.
Closing date: 11 Dec 2020
Tags: Services, Managed services, Printing, Hardware, Software
Cross-Border Road Transport Agency
The agency is advertising for a board pack software solution.
Compulsory briefing: 13 Nov
Tender no: CBRTA/ HO/ 0061
Information: Morwamoche Sekhukhune, Tel: (012) 471 2000, E-mail: morwamoche.sekhukhune@cbrta.co.za.
Closing date: 27 Nov 2020
Tags: Software
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
The department wishes to appoint a service provider for the development, support and maintenance of an electronic metadata catalogue and data capture project register for a period of 36 months.
Tender no:5/ 2/ 2/ 1- DARLRRD0038(2020/2021)
Information: Technical: Vutomi Ndlovu, Cell: 083 400 6184, E-mail: Vutomi.ndlovu@drdlr.gov.za. General: T Mlambo or P Makhado, Tel: (012) 312 9518/8711/8359, Fax: (012) 321 2974, E-mail: tshepo.mlambo@drdlr.gov.za, pfarelo.makhado@drdlr.gov.za.
Closing date: 26 Nov 2020Tags: Software, Software development, Data, Services, Support and maintenance
Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs
A panel of service providers is sought for the improvement of municipal records systems in selected municipalities for period of 18 months.
Tender no: COGTA (T) 07/2020
Information: Technical: Choene Maeta or Thinavhuyo Skosana, Tel: (012) 334 0993/395 5827, E-mail: choene@cogta.gov.za, thinavhuyoN@cogta.gov.za. General: Nomvula Ntuli, Kgaugelo Tselana or Mogoma Sekgothe, Tel: (012) 334 0994/0912/0586, E-mail: Nomvulan@cogta.gov.za, Kgaugelot@cogta.gov.za, Mogomas@cogta.gov.za.
Closing date: 1 Dec 2020
Tags: Software, Software development, Records management
Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority
INSETA calls for a suitably qualified service provider for the provision of an off the shelf enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, supported and maintained for a period of five years.
Note: This tender will be evaluated in terms of the 80/20 preferential point system.
Tender no: PROJ/ 2020/ 21/ 01
Information: Vuyiswa Manentsa, Tel: (011) 381 8900, E-mail: bids@inseta.org.za.
Closing date: 19 Nov 2020
Tags: Software, ERP, Services, Support and maintenance
The authority also wishes to lease a management information system (MIS) for a period of 12 months from date of appointment.
Note: This tender will be evaluated in terms of the 80/20 preferential point system.
Tender no:PROJ/ 2020/ 21/ 021
Information: Vuyiswa Manentsa, Tel: (011) 381 8900, E-mail: bids@inseta.org.za.
Closing date: 19 Nov 2020
Tags: Software, Management information system, MIS
Legal Aid South Africa
The organisation is advertising for provision of support and maintenance of the electronic legal aid administration system for a period of three years. Evaluation: 80/20: Price=80 points and B-BBEE Status Level of contribution= 20 points. If all proposals exceed R50 000 000 the 90/10 evaluation will apply:
Note: Bidders should ensure that properly completed proposals are deposited in the relevant tender box situated at the Legal Aid House, 29 De Beer Street, Braamfontein 2017. The bid proposal must be clearly marked with Bid number: 29/2020.
Tender no: Tender No 29/2020
Information: Technical: Joe Khoza, Tel: (011) 877 2000, Fax: (011) 877 2222, E-mail: joek@legal-aid.co.za. General: Buhle Sesiko, Tel: (011) 877 2000, Fax: (011) 877 2222, E-mail: felicityz@legal-aid.co.za.
Closing date: 2 Dec 2020
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance
National Student Financial Aid Scheme
NSFAS is calling for provision of case management resources for a period of 24 months (on an as and when basis).
Tender no: SCMN013/ 2020
Information: National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS), Tel: (021) 763 3200, E-mail: scm@nsfas.org.za.
Closing date: 8 Dec 2020
Tags: Software, Services, Consulting, Case management
State Information Technology Agency
SITA wishes to procure Persal software application maintenance and support for the North West Office of the Premier.
Tender no: RFB 2291/ 2020
Information: Mantsie Mabiletsa, Tel: (012) 482 2655, E-mail: mantsie.mabiletsa@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 27 Nov 2020
Tags: Software, Payroll, HR, Services, Support and maintenance
The agency is also advertising for the provision of LAN and telephone expansion to SITA for a period of one year.
Tender no: RFB 2290/ 2020
Information: Mogau Sebothoma, Tel: (012) 482 2061, E-mail: mogau.sebothoma@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 27 Nov 2020
Tags: Hardware, Telecommunications, Networking
The Social Housing Regulatory Authority
A managed service provider is sought to provide core ICT services to the SHRA for a 36 month period.
Tender no: SHRA/ RFB/ ADMIN/05/ 202021
Information: Lesego Shabangu, E-mail: scm@shra.org.za.
Closing date: 27 Nov 2020
Tags: Services, Support and maintenance, Managed services
Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority
Proposals are requested for the lease of a fully integrated enterprise resource planning system and management information system for a period of five years, with an option to purchase at the end of the lease term.
Note: This notice has been cancelled.
Compulsory briefing: 14 Nov
Tender no: Proj/ 2019/ 03
Information: Lebogang Phaleng, Tel: (011) 381 8900, E-mail: supplychain@inseta.org.za.
Closing date: 28 Nov 2019
Tags: Software, ERP, MIS, Knowledge management, Services
Department of Police
Provision of Captiva and Open-Text Documentum licenses with maintenance and support for the South African Police Service (SAPS) for a period of 18 months.
Tender no: RFB 2285/2020
Request to source end to end software development services in order to deliver the Investigate Case as an integrated component of the ICDMS Case Administration portal.
Tender no: RFB 2286/2020
Small Enterprise Development Agency
Seda required the services of a qualified Service Provider to provide licensing, design, development. enhancement, support, training, deployment, support and maintenance services of the Qlik Sense Business Intelligence Tool for a period of 12 months.
Tender no: RFP/ T01- 2020/ 21
Small Enterprise Finance Agency
Appointment of service provider to develop a loan organisation system for a period of three years.
Tender no: Sefa: 52/ DL/ 2020
State Information Technology Agency
Procurement of 10TB portable external hard drive for SITA data transfer.
Tender no: RFQ 3007- AH-2020
Successful bidder: Siraha Group (Pty) Ltd
Value: R9 303
South African National Biodiversity Institute
The appointment of a service provider for the installation and upgrade of networking infrastructure at the Harold Porter National Botanical Garden (Betty’s Bay) and the Karoo Desert.
Tender no: SANBI: IT364/2020
Successful bidder: XON Systems (Pty) Ltd
Value: R1 202 533
The appointment of a contractor for the installation and 24 month maintenance of CCTV surveillance cameras for the South African National Biodiversity Institute.
Tender no: SANBI: G369/2020
Successful bidder: Multi-Net Systems (Pty) Ltd
Value: R2 036 441