The telecoms sector gets a boost from this week's National Tender Bulletin as several organisations look to improve, extend or overhaul their communications systems. This includes a request from the Road Traffic Management Corporation which is looking for a panel of service providers to provide fibre connections, links and replacement links services for a period of five years.
At the same time, the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) says it is looking for a service provider to test and benchmark performance and quality of service across six provinces.
Hardware continues to attract high levels of interest, equal to requests for software. The services sector undergoes a bit of a slump this week, but is buoyed by several consulting requests.
After weeks of intensified activity, the State IT Agency is conspicuously quiet this week. Publishing under the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services, the agency says a tender for the unified communication solution has been cancelled.
The National Research Foundation provides this week's notice of interest with the news that the Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory has entered into a R9.5 million collaboration with the Spanish Centro Nacional de Informacion Geografica's Yebes Observatory in Spain. Together they will be working on the manufacturing, supply, testing, delivery and commissioning of a cryogenic broadband very long baseline global observing system (VGOS) receiver.
New tenders
Department of Higher Education and Training
Flavius Mareka TVET College requires supply of IT equipment and hardware on an as-and-when needs basis over a period of one year from Jan 2021 to Dec 2021 with the option to extend for another 2 years.
Tender no: T07/ 20 IT
Information: H du Plessis, Tel: (016) 976 0829 /15, E-mail: duplessish@fmtvet.co.za.
Closing date: 23 Sep 2020
Tags: Hardware
Ekurhuleni East TVET College is advertising for the supply and delivery of 299 laptops. Laptops specification: Intel Core i5, 64 bit operating system, Window 10 Pro, 4GB RAM and 500 GB hard drive, built-in CD/DVD Rom, full size keyboard with numpad, 15-inch full HD, LED screen, three years warranty.
Tender no: EEC/ T01/ 2020
Information: MW Chonco, Tel: (011) 730 6600, Fax: (011) 736 1489, E-mail: mxolisic@eec.edu.za.
Closing date: 14 Sep 2020
Tags: Hardware, Computing, Mobility
Terms of reference are sought for the appointment of a suitable consultant to render technical services to the CAS project.
Tender no: DHET137
Information: E-mail: Tenders@dhet.gov.za.
Closing date: 2 Oct 2020
Tags: Services, Consulting, Software
Terms of reference are sought for the appointment of a suitable consultant to render consultancy services to the CAS project.
Tender no: DHET138
Information: E-mail: Tenders@dhet.gov.za.
Closing date: 6 Oct 2020
Tags: Services, Consulting, Software
Dube TradePort Corporation
DTPC invites a panel of three suitable service providers to supply it with HP laptops, HP thin clients and HP desktop computers and other computer accessories. This will include hardware maintenance for a 3-year period for the IT equipment.
Evaluation: All proposals will be evaluated in various stages – compliance and functionality will be assessed and thereafter all responsive proposals will be evaluated in accordance with the PPPFA regulations, 2017 using the 80/20 preference points system.
Non-compulsory briefing: 1 Sep (Virtually) for service providers, who have paid for and have been emailed the bid documents during the period above, will be held via Microsoft Teams at 11:00.
Tender no: DTP/ RFP/ 19/CEO/ 09/ 2019
Information: Vanishree Naidoo, Tel: (032) 8140096, Fax: 032 8140102, E-mail: tenders@dubetradeport.co.za.
Closing date: 14 Sep 2020
Tags: Hardware, Computing, Mobility, Services, Support and maintenance
National Research Foundation
SARAO invites bids for the design, supply, configuration and installation of a next generation enterprise firewall solution, including hardware, training, licensing and support for a period of five years.
Compulsory briefing: 1 Sep - due to risks associated with the Covid-19 pandemic, the briefing session will be held virtually via the Zoom application. Interested parties must register their intention to attend the briefing session with Anwuli Okecha (anwuli@ska.ac.za) by 16:00pm on 28 August 2020, which will ensure they are invited to attend, and sent the meeting link.
Tender no: NRF/ SARAO SNET/ 18/ 2020- 21
Information: Technical: Benjamin Lunsky, Tel: (021) 506 7300, E-mail: blunsky@ska.ac.za. General: Anwuli Okecha, Tel: (021) 506 7300, E-mail: anwuli@ska.ac.za.
Closing date: 22 Sep 2020
Tags: Hardware, Software, Services, Security, Support and maintenance
Road Traffic Management Corporation
The RTMC wishes to appoint a panel of service providers to provide fibre connections, links and replacement links services for a period of five years.
Compulsory briefing: 31 Aug - Bidders are required to register for the online/virtual compulsory briefing session by submitting necessary information to ITredundant@rtmc.co.za by not later than 28 August 2020 @ 12:00pm.
Tender no: RTMC BID 07/2020/ 21
Information: E-mail: Bidadmin@rtmc.co.za.
Closing date: 15 Sep 2020
Tags: Telecommunications, Hardware, Fibre
Coastal KZN TVET College
The college seeks to appoint a credible and proven education technology company to implement blended and distance learning for National Certificates Vocational (NCV) and National Accredited Technical Education Diploma (NATED) programmes.
Tender no: SS CKZN 05/ 2020
Information: P.N Khanyile, Tel: (O31) 905 1039, Fax: (031) 905 1399, E-mail: khanyilep.ckzcao@kzntvet.edu.za.
Closing date: 11 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, Services, Education
Compensation Fund
The fund wishes to appoint a service provider to provide self-help kiosks for its labour centre and maintenance for a period of 36 months.
Non-compulsory briefing: 4 Sep
Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic bidders attending the briefing session must all wear cloth masks. Bidders should be at the premises an hour before for symptom screening.
Tender no: TCF 01: 2020/2021
Information: Itumeleng Mokonyama, Tel: (012) 406 5712, E-mail: SCM.Enquiries@labour.gov.za.
Closing date: 22 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, Hardware, Services, Maintenance and support
Competition Tribunal
The tribunal is soliciting proposals from potential bidders to provide onsite and offsite backup services for all server-based data and information.
Tender no: T- 2020- 2021/001/ Data Backup Services
Information: Paddy Froude, E-mail: PaddyF@comptrib.co.za.
Closing date: 25 Sep 2020
Tags: Services, Hardware, Software, Storage, Backup
Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Gauteng
A service provider is sought for the installation of electronic access control system and high security cylinder locks at COGTA headquarters.
Tender no: COGTA 22/ 2020
Information: Technical: Livhuwani Ragau, E-mail: livhuwani.ragau@gauteng.gov.za.General: Mahlatse Madiba, Janine Johannes or Phumzile Malgas, E-mail: mahlatse.madiba@gauteng.gov.za, phumzile.malgas@gauteng.gov.za or janine.johannes@gauteng.gov.za.
Closing date: 16 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, Hardware, Security, Biometrics
Department of Police
SAPS is looking for a service provider for rendering of archiving and retrieval services for forensic files for a period of two years.
Tender no: 19/ 1/ 9/ 1/ 09 TP(20)
Information: Technical: Lt Col Malan, Tel: (012) 841 7041, Fax: 086 642 9403, E-mail: MalanS@saps.gov.za. General: Capt EG Paul or B Muthula, Tel: (012) 841 7702/7204/7310, Fax: (012) 841 7574, E-mail: pauleg@saps.gov.za, muthulabilly@saps.gov.za.
Closing date: 10 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, Document management
Independent Communications Authority of South Africa
A service provider is sought to test and benchmark the performance and quality of service in six provinces.
Tender no: ICASA 07/ 2020
Information: Technical: Eric Nkopodi, Tel: (012) 568 3949, E-mail: enkopodi@icasa.org.za. General: Samuel J. Sizba, Tel: (012) 566 3629, E-mail: ssiziba@icasa.org.za.
Closing date: 11 Sep 2020
Tags: Services, Consulting, Telecommunications
Mining Qualifications Authority
The authority requires a service provider to provide Microsoft Office 365 (cloud solution) E5 licences and migrate Microsoft Exchange mailboxes to the cloud solution.
Tender no: MQA/ 02/ 20- 21
Information: Technical: Sakhile Mlauzi, Tel: (011) 547 2650, E-mail: SakhileM@mqa.org.za. General: Tsholo Dilape, Tel: (011) 547 2628, E-mail: TsholoD@mqa.org.za.
Closing date: 21 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, Cloud computing
National Consumer Commission
The commission is advertising for the upgrade of the voice and data processing, storage and switching ICT back-end infrastructure.
Tender no: NCC/ 01/ 2020/2021
Information: Technical: Nnapo Manok, Tel: (012) 428 7745, E-mail: N.Manok@thencc.org.za. General: Ernest Petje or Prince Makhubedu, Tel: (012) 428 7741/30, E-mail: e.petje@thencc.org.za, p.makhubedu@thencc.org.za.
Closing date: 1 Oct 2020
Tags: Hardware, Telecommunications, Voice, Storage
Railway Safety Regulator
The regulator wishes to appoint a printing service provider.
Tender no: RSR/ RFP/ MC/PS/ 20/ 08/ 04
Information: Technical: Celine Morolong, E-mail: celine.morolong@rsr.org.za. General: Goitseone Kgwadibana, E-mail: goitseonek@rsr.org.za.
Closing date: 11 Sep 2020
Tags: Hardware, Software, Services, Printing
uMalusi Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training
Bids are invited for the provision of voice over IP services, including telephone maintenance, for a period of five years.
Non-compulsory briefing: 28 Aug
Tender no: Umalusi (20- 21)T0004
Information: Supply Chain Management, Tel: (012) 349 1510, E-mail: tenders@umalusi.org.za.
Closing date: 11 Sep 2020
Tags: Telecommunications, VoIP
The organisation is also looking for a service provider to provide enterprise resource planning.
Non-compulsory briefing: 27 Aug
Tender no: Umalusi (20- 21)T0013
Information: Supply Chain Management, Tel: (012) 349 1510, E-mail: tenders@umalusi.org.za.
Closing date: 11 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, ERP
Wholesale and Retail Sector Education and Training Authority
The authority wishes to appoint a service provider that will supply, install and support a multifunctional print solution for the W&RSETA for a period of five years.
Tender no: ITD/ 2020/ 0001
Information: Dawn Prince, Tel: (012) 622 9500, Fax: 086 506 6986, E-mail: tenders@wrseta.org.za.
Closing date: 15 Sep 2020
Tags: Hardware, Printing
National Health Laboratory Service
The NHLS requires supply, implementation and support of an e-mail archiving and continuity system for a period of three years.
Compulsory briefing: 31 Jul 11:00. A compulsory briefing session will be held via Zoom, attendance of the meeting is compulsory. Zoom details are as follows: Phumzile Rikhotso is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/7983273752, Meeting ID: 798 327 3752.
Tender no: RFB 118/ 19/ 20
Information: Phumzile Rikhotso, Tel: (011) 555 0591, E-mail: Phumzile.Rikhotso@nhls.ac.za.
Closing date: 21 Aug 2020
Tags: Software, E-mail, Continuity, Services, Support and maintenance
Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services
Request to supply and install a unified communication solution including project management services during the installation, end devices, formal training, and 3rd level support and maintenance (software and hardware assurance) for 5 years for the Department.
Tender no: RFB 2222/ 2020
Government Pension Administration Agency
Provision of printing and mailing services bid.
Tender no: GPAA 11/ 2020
Council for Medical Schemes
Request for proposals for appointment of a service provider for provision of off-site storage for a period of five years.
Tender no: CMS052018/ 19
Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sports Education and Training Authority
CATHSSETA is seeking to appoint a service provider to provide managed printing services.
Tender no: CATHS/ PM/ 011/ 2019
National Research Foundation
Deviation to enter into a collaboration between SARAO:HartRAO and Yebes Observatory in Spain for the manufacturing, supply, testing, delivery and commissioning of a cryogenic broadband very long baseline global observing system (VGOS) receiver.
Tender no: NRF/ SARAO VGOS/ 10/ 2020-21
Successful bidder: Spanish Centro Nacional de Informacion Geografica (CNIG) – Yebes Observatory
Value: R9 515 082
Road Traffic Management Corporation
Appointment of service provider for supply, installation and maintenance of the moving violation recorder automated number plate recognition system and portable speed measuring apparatus.
Tender no: RTMC BID 09/2019/ 20
Successful bidder: Truvelo Africa Electronics Division (Pty) Ltd
Value: Per rate
Safety and Security Education and Training Authority
Provision of IP based PABX and call centre management system on a once off basis to SASSETA including maintenance and support for a period of 60 months.
Tender no: RFP/ SASSETA/201819129/ 1/ 2
Successful bidder: New Communication and I.T (Pty) Ltd
Value: R3 618 043
Appointment of a suitably qualified and licensed service provider to provide the Internet and telecommunication services to SASSETA for a period of five years.
Tender no: RFP/ SASSETA/201920123/ 1
Successful bidder: Mobile Telephone Networks (Pty) Ltd
Value: R7 049 618
Medical Research Council of South Africa
Provision of wide area network connectivity and services.
Tender no: SAMRC/ ITSDWANC/2020/ 04
Successful bidder: Secure Sphere Consulting
Value: R11 923 900