The financial status of South Africa's municipalities has had much media attention of late; therefore, it is unsurprising that this week's National Tender Bulletin sees National Treasury taking action.
The pair of tenders opens with a request from the Government Technical Advisory Centre for a team of specialists to conduct functionality audits on municipal financial systems. At the same time Treasury is looking for a service provider for the support, maintenance and further development of the Local Government Database and Reporting System.
The main body of the edition sees the services sector receiving a boost in interest from government. A number of these requests go beyond the usual support and maintenance contracts as the public sector finds a need for consulting and even research services. The software sector follows with opportunities in the double digits and the hardware sector attracting above average interest. Telecommunications solutions are also in demand with a total of four advertisements.
Aside from National Treasury's input, this week's notice of interest comes from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme. The organisation has decided to withdraw a previous tender for student laptops and issue a new call for bids.
New tenders
Department of Public Works
The department is advertising for procurement and implementation of laptop tracking and recovery software with maintenance and support for the period of 36 months.
Non-compulsory briefing: 15 Sep. Virtual briefing session will be held on the Zoom platform. Bidders who are interested in attending the session are required to send an e-mail to the project manager well in advance in order to receive a link an hour prior to the meeting.
Tender no: HP20/ 008GS
Information: Technical: Tlou Sekgala, Tel: 071 884 9327, E-mail: tlou.sekgala@dpw.gov.za. General: Tshwarelo Ramoleta, Tel: (012) 406 1248, E-mail: tshwarelo.ramoleta@dpw.gov.za.
Closing date: 29 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, Services, Computing, Mobility, Security, Support and maintenance
Companies and Intellectual Property Commission
Service providers are invited to submit proposals for data centre infrastructure management services for a period of three years effective 01 November 2020 to 31 October 2023.
Tender no: CIPC BID NUMBER:04/ 2020/2021
Information: Technical: Anand Moopanar, Tel: (012) 394 5272, E-mail: amoopanar@cipc.co.za. General: Ntombi Maqhula, Tel: (012) 394 5344, E-mail: nmaqhula@cipc.co.za.
Closing date: 23 Sep 2020
Tags: Services, Support and maintenance, Data centre, Hardware
Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
Renewal of maintenance and support is sought for VMware licences for the DPME for a period of one year.
Tender no: RFB 2245/ 2020
Information: Andisiwe Kunaka, Tel: (012) 482 3293, E-mail: Andisiwe.kunaka@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 29 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance
Department of Public Works, Eastern Cape
The province requires supply and delivery of 103 laptops. Bidders must be SITA accredited and registered on CSD. Preference point scoring system is 80/20. The project will be targeting bidders with BBBEE status of level 1.
Tender no: MTH02/ 2020
Information: Technical: Athi Faku, Tel: (047) 502 7113, E-mail: athi.faku@dpw.gov.za. General: U Mabusela, Tel: 047 502 7049, E-mail: unathi.mabusela@dpw.gov.za.
Closing date: 25 Sep 2020
Tags: Hardware, Computing, Mobility
National Research Foundation
A service provider is sought to supply two Core switches with maintenance support at iThemba Labs, Faure, Cape Town
Note: Cut off date for queries is 21 September 2020, before close of business day. Queries must be sent to scm3@tlabs.ac.za. Responses will be sent on the 23 September 2020 and published on the iThemba LABS website.
Tender no: NRF/ iLABS INIT/31/ 2020- 21
Information: Technical: Maria Mvungi or Melanie Robertson, Tel: (021) 843 1000, Fax: (021) 843 3525, E-mail: msmvungi@tlabs.ac.za or melanie@tlabs.ac.za. General: Lucinda Gordon or Odwa Mxenge, Tel: (021) 843 1000, Fax: (021) 843 3525, E-mail: scm3@tlabs.ac.za.
Closing date: 1 Oct 2020
Tags: Hardware, Services, Support and maintenance
National Student Financial Aid Scheme
NSFAS is advertising for supply and delivery of laptops to students.
Pre-qualification criteria: Bidders must have a BBBEE status level of contributor of 1 to 2. Failure to comply with this pre-qualification criteria will disqualify the bid from further evaluation.
Sub-contracting: The bidder must sub-contract at least 30% of the contract to either an Exempted Micro Enterprise (EME) which is at least 51% owned by black people or a Qualifying Small Enterprise (QSE) which is at least 51% owned by black people.
Tender no: SCMN008/ 2020
Information: National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS), Tel: (021) 763 3200, E-mail: scm@nsfas.org.za.
Closing date: 21 Sep 2020
Tags: Hardware, Computing, Mobility
KwaZulu-Natal Tourism Authority
Terms of reference are sought for Tourism KZN ICT infrastructure, support and disaster recovery services for 36 months.
Tender no: TKZN NO: 03/ 2020 re- advertising
Information: Technical: Anir Bidesi, Tel: (031) 366 7500, Fax: (031) 302 6693, E-mail: anir@zulu.org.za. General: Nicolette Naiper, Tel: (031) 366 7500, Fax: (031) 302 6693, E-mail: nicoletten@zulu.org.za.
Closing date: 2 Oct 2020
Tags: Hardware, Services, Security, Disaster recovery, Support and maintenance
The authority is also looking for terms of reference for its connectivity, voice and data solution for 36 months.
Tender no: TKZN NO: 05/ 2020 re- advertising
Information: Technical: Anir Bidesi, Tel: (031) 366 7500, Fax: (031) 302 6693, E-mail: anir@zulu.org.za. General: Nicolette Naiper, Tel: (031) 366 7500, Fax: (031) 302 6693, E-mail: nicoletten@zulu.org.za.
Closing date: 2 Oct 2020
Tags: Telecommunications, Voice, Data, Networking, Telephony
National Prosecuting Authority
The NPA wishes to appoint a service provider to provide unified communication services for a period of five years.
Tender no: NPA 02- 20/ 21
Information: Technical: Manith Jugmohan, E-mail: tenders@npa.gov.za. General: Khayakazi Zaki, E-mail: tenders@npa.gov.za.
Closing date: 5 Oct 2020
Tags: Software, Services, Telecommunications, Communications, Unified communications, E-mail, Telephony
Department of Police
The South African Police Services requires provision of maintenance and support for PBX systems for a period of three years.
Tender no: RFB 2237/ 2020
Information: Technical: Bongeka Malinga, Tel: (012) 482 2655, E-mail: bongeka.malinga@sita.co.za. General: Brian Matemane, Tel: (012) 482 2543, E-mail: brian.matemane@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 25 Sep 2020
Tags: Telecommunications, Telephony, Services, Support and maintenance
Banking Sector Education and Training Authority
The authority wishes to appoint a panel of expert service providers in relation to the internal audit, IT audit and forensic audit.
Non-compulsory briefing: 11 Sep. Bidders who wish to attend virtual briefing session should indicate in writing within a week after advertising date.
Tender no: BS/ 2020/ RFB400
Information: Jack Serite, Tel: 066 471 8583, E-mail: jacks@bankseta.org.za.
Closing date: 5 Oct 2020
Tags: Services, Consulting, Forensics, Security
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
The department is looking for a service provider to render maintenance of Hexagon software licences and the customised requirements for the Integrated Topographic Information System and Geoportal for a three-year period (2020-2023).
Compulsory briefing: 15 Sep. Compulsory briefing session will be held on 15 September 2020 virtually via Microsoft Teams. Suppliers are urged to install the web version of Microsoft Teams in order to participate in the briefing. Suppliers who wish to attend briefing sessions should email their Microsoft Teams’ credentials to lincoln.mathebula@drdlr.gov.za.
Tender no: SSC WC 09 (2020/2021) DRDLR
Information: Technical: Katlego Moraba, Tel: (021) 658 4370, Fax: (021) 658 4357, E-mail: Katlego.moraba@drdlr.gov.za. General: Lincoln Mathebula, Tel: (021) 409 0523, E-mail: lincoln.mathebula@drdlr.gov.za.
Closing date: 25 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, Software licensing, Services, Support and maintenance, Software development
Department of Justice and Constitutional Development
SITA is advertising for the supply, installation and configuration of a legal practice management solution system (COTS based) for the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development with support and maintenance for a period of five years.
Tender no: RFB 2236/ 2020
Information: Wezi Pityana, Tel: (012) 482 2704, E-mail: weziwe.pityana@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 25 Sep 2020
Tags: Telecommunications, Telephony, Services, Support and maintenance
Energy and Water Sector Education and Training Authority
Bids are invited for the provision of research services on the influence of emerging technologies and artificial intelligence skills in the sector.
Tender no: EWSETA/ RFP/ 08/2020
Information: Technical: Kabelo Masilo, Tel: (011) 274 4700, Fax: 086 696 0478, E-mail: scmadmin@ewseta.org.za. General: M. Matlala, Tel: (011) 274 4700, Fax: 086 696 0478, E-mail: scmadmin@ewseta.org.za.
Closing date: 28 Sep 2020
Tags: Services, Consulting, Research and analysis
Government Pension Administration Agency
The agency is advertising for provision of daily collection and offsite storage of backup media.
Tender no: GPAA 15/ 2020
Information: William Ramoroka, Tel: (012) 319 3476, E-mail: William.Ramoroka@gpaa.gov.za.
Closing date: 29 Sep 2020
Tags: Services, Security
National Nuclear Regulator
The regulator wishes to appoint a service provider for the provision of Cisco license renewal, technical maintenance, support service for Cisco video conference, audio visual, network security and telephony equipment for a period three years.
Tender no: NNRSCM- 02-2020
Information: Technical: Julian Boulton, Tel: (012) 674 7176, Cell: 083 647 2675, E-mail: Lnkosi@nnr.co.za. General: Lindiwe Nkosi, Tel: (012) 674 7100/001 8427, E-mail: Lnkosi@nnr.co.za.
Closing date: 17 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, Hardware, Services, Support and maintenance, Video conferencing, Audio-visual, Networking, Security, Telephony
National Treasury
A team of specialists is sought to conduct functionality audits on municipal financial systems.
Tender no: GTAC 012- 2020-21
Information: Technical: Aletta Mbuyane, Tel: (012) 315 5041, Fax: (012) 315 5923, E-mail: psp@gtac.gov.za. General: Sanele Msomi, Tel: (012) 315 5572, Fax: (012) 315 5923, E-mail: psp@gtac.gov.za.
Closing date: 18 Sep 2020
Tags: Services, Consulting, Software
National Treasury is also looking for a service provider for the support, maintenance and further development of the Local Government Database and Reporting System.
Tender no: NT010- 2020
Information: Technical: Elsabe Rossouw, Tel: (012) 315 5534, E-mail: Elsabe.Rossouw@treasury.gov.za. General: Knowledge Ndou, Sithembile Skosana, Thivhileli Matshinyatsimbi, E-mail: Knowledge.Ndou@treasury.gov.za, sithembile.skosana@treasury.gov.za, Thivhileli.Matshinyatsimbi@treasury.gov.za.
Closing date: 28 Sep 2020
Tags: Services, Software, Software development, Reporting, Support and maintenance
Nelson Mandela National Museum
NMM invites suitably qualified, professional, experienced and competent service providers to render ICT vulnerability and risk assessment services, and the development of ICT governance and masterplan documents.
Tender no: RFQ- NMM- 2020-14
Information: Technical: W Quzu, Tel: (047) 501 9524, E-mail: wandile@nelsonmandelamuseum.org.za. General: M Mputa, Tel: (047) 501 9504, E-mail: mihlali@nelsonmandelamuseum.org.za.
Closing date: 25 Sep 2020
Tags: Services, Consulting, Software, Governance, Security
Small Enterprise Development Agency
Seda requires the professional services of an appropriately qualified service provider to provide licensing, design, development, enhancement, support, training, deployment, support and maintenance services of the Qlik Sense Business Intelligence Tool for a period of twelve months.
Tender no: RFP/ T 01- 2020/ 21
Information: S. Wright, Tel: (012) 441 1218, Fax: (012) 441 2218, E-mail: swright@seda.org.za.
Closing date: 6 Oct 2020
Tags: Software, Software licensing, Software development, Services, Training and eLearning, Support and maintenance
South African National Roads Agency Limited
SANRAL is soliciting tenders from an experienced service provider/s that will assist with its existing Citrix license renewals for a period of three years. The successful service provider will have to renew all licenses prior to their expiring dates stipulated and send licenses keys and proof of renewals to SANRAL.
Briefing: A compulsory tender clarification meeting with representatives of SANRAL will not take place. A tender clarification presentation is available to download from the SANRAL website from the following link: https://www.nra.co.za/service-provider-zone/tenders/opentenders/.
Tender no: CONTRACT SANRAL 58000/ 1013/2020
Information: Luyanda Sibali, E-mail: SibaliL@nra.co.za.
Closing date: 30 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, Software licensing
South African Tourism
The organisation is advertising for Simplivity hardware refresh.
Tender no: SAT179/ 20
Information: Alfred Masemene, Tel: (011) 895 3071, E-mail: alfredm@southafrica.net.
Closing date: 28 Sep 2020
Tags: Hardware
Digital platform support and development is also sought.
Tender no: SAT180/ 20
Information: Alfred Masemene, Tel: (011) 895 3071, E-mail: alfredm@southafrica.net.
Closing date: 28 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, Software development, Services, Support and maintenance
State Information Technology Agency
SITA is advertising for the renewal of McAfee licenses and additional licenses for the Government Pensions Administration Agency for a period of three years.
Note: Kindly note that bid documents published by SITA are available and can be downloaded from the National Treasury website at www.etenders.gov.za. Bidders can also request bid documents by sending e-mails to Tenders@sita.co.za.
Tender no: RFB 2238/ 2020
Information: Takalani Singo, Tel: (012) 482 2253, E-mail: tenders@sita.co.za and www.etenders.gov.za.
New closing date: 11 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, Software licensing
National Consumer Commission
The commission is advertising for the upgrade of the voice and data processing, storage and switching ICT back-end infrastructure.
New non-compulsory briefing: 14 Sept. Service providers wishing to attend voluntary briefing session are requested to send their request for attendance to P Makhubedu on (012) 428 7730 or p.makhubedu@thencc.org.za on or before 11 September 2020.
Tender no: NCC/ 01/ 2020/2021
Information: Technical: Nnapo Manok, Tel: (012) 428 7745, E-mail: N.Manok@thencc.org.za. General: Ernest Petje or Prince Makhubedu, Tel: (012) 428 7741/30, E-mail: e.petje@thencc.org.za, p.makhubedu@thencc.org.za.
Closing date: 1 Oct 2020
Tags: Hardware, Telecommunications, Voice, Storage
Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration
Request for the proposals for the appointment of a service provider to provide photography, videography and live streaming services for the CCMA offices, nationally for a period of thirty-six months.
Tender no: CCMA/ 2019/ 15(A)-COM
Office of the Chief of Justice
Terms of Reference to request for bids from service providers for bid no OCJ2020/04: Advertisement of a source partner in development and implementation of business continuity management system and resilience programme within the OCJ.
Tender no: OCJ2020/ 04
South African Weather Service
The appointment of a service provider to render a hosted VOIP PABX (telephony) solution with maintenance and support to the South African Weather Service regional offices, for a period of five years operational lease.
Tender no: SAWS - 216/ 19
The appointment of a service provider for the provision and implementation of a workstation solution,which will be deployed to all SAWS weather forecasting offices around the country and regional training centre to allow for optimal visualisation.
Tender no: SAWS- 235/ 19
Department of Agriculture, KwaZulu-Natal
Appointment of a service provider to assess the current ICT environment and develop policies and strategies to improve ICT, design and support the implementation of the future ICT state.
Tender no: ZNB 4327/ 19A
Education, Training and Development Practices SETA
Terms of reference for the procurement of laptops for the Gauteng and Limpopo Departments of Education officials.
Tender no: SCMU: 11- 2019/ 20
National Research Foundation
Supply, delivery, installation, commissioning and support of a computer numerical control (CNC) machines for the mechanical division at iThemba Labs for eight years.
Tender no: NRF/ iThemba LABS/2019 – 20: 12
National Student Financial Aid Scheme
Supply and delivery of laptops to NSFAS students.
Tender no: SCMN004/ 2020
Agricultural Sector Education and Training Authority
Appointment of service provider to render website and intranet design, support, maintenance services for a period of 36 months and an additional 200 hours of graphics design service.
Tender no: AGRISETA/ 2019/14
Successful bidder: Ideas Wise & Wonderful
Value: R953 120
Commission for Gender Equality
Tender no: CGE22/ 2019/ 20
Successful bidder: Vodacom Pty Ltd
Value: R2 287 736
Office of the Chief of Justice
Appointment of a service provider to implement Wi-Fi solution at the selected Superior Courts For the period of three years.
Tender no: OCJ2019/ 13
Successful bidder: Bytes Systems Integration, a Division of Altron TMT (Pty) Ltd
Value: R10 760 469
Public Service Sector Education and Training Authority
Appointment of a service provider for the provisioning of enterprise resource planning system.
Tender no: ERP/ PSETA/2019- 11
Successful bidder: Vision Wave
Value: R23 642 975
A service provider to provide business processes re-engineering services.
Tender no: BPR/ PSETA/10- 19
Successful bidder: BreitTech Technologies
Value: R921 150
Appointment of a service provider to conduct research services for emerging technologies in the public service sector.
Tender no: SPREMTECH/PSETA/ 09- 19A
Successful bidder: Redflank Solutions (Pty) Ltd
Value: R317 055
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
The appointment of service provider to supply a centralised telephone management system for Realitise ISDX PABX and Aastra bp250 PABX’s.
Tender no: 28/ 18
Successful bidder: Mitec (PTY) Ltd
Value: R1 493 024
Education, Training and Development Practices SETA
Supply and delivery of 350 laptops for ETDP SETA.
Tender no: SCMU: 14 -2019/ 20
Successful bidder: Neo Technologies
Value: R2 307 396
South African Heritage Resources Agency
Review and development of a performance management system.
Tender no: SAHRA/ HR/ 01/06/ 2020
Successful bidder: Tjaart Minnar Consulting t/a 2Collaborate
Value: R497 145