The National Tender Bulletin appears to be recovering from the procurement hiccup following President Cyril Ramaphosa's announcement of the formation of a dedicated unit to investigate COVID-19 procurement corruption.
This week's edition offers a slew of opportunities for the ICT industry. The software sector easily leads in new advertisements in the double digits, followed by hardware (also in double digits) and then services requests.
This week's notice of interest comes from a request for information from National Treasury – the Chief Procurement Officer is considering transversal contracts for the supply and delivery of ICT-based learning and teaching support material for the Department of Basic Education. The COVID-19 pandemic saw schools trying to provide remote learning for scholars following months of school closures.
New tenders
South African Revenue Service
SARS requires a financial assistance benchmarking tool for transfer pricing.
Note: The cut-off date for tender enquiries is 21 September 2020.
Non-compulsory briefing: 7 Sep. The Non-Compulsory briefing session will be held via a Zoom (Meeting ID number 249 036 7060 and Meeting password 6wSxGk).
Tender no: RFP 08/2020
Information: Tender office, Tel: (012) 422 7048, E-mail: tenderoffice@sars.gov.za.
Closing date: 2 Oct 2020
Tags: Software
State Information Technology Agency
SITA is advertising for the renewal of McAfee licenses and additional licenses for the Government Pensions Administration Agency for a period of three years.
Note: Kindly note that bid documents published by SITA are available and can be downloaded from the National Treasury website at www.etenders.gov.za. Bidders can also request bid documents by sending e-mails to Tenders@sita.co.za.
Tender no: RFB 2238/ 2020
Information: Takalani Singo, Tel: (012) 482 2253, E-mail: tenders@sita.co.za and www.etenders.gov.za.
Closing date: 18 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, Software licensing
Department of Health, Limpopo
Provision of a computerized aided dispatch (CAD) solution is sought for Emergency Medical Services to the Limpopo Department of Health with maintenance and support for a period of 36 months.
Compulsory briefing: 9 Sep
Tender no: RFB 2229/ 2020
Information: Pitsi Mashamaite, Tel: (015) 291 8012, E-mail: pitsi.mashamaite@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 2 Oct 2020
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance
The province is also looking for a centralised healthcare information system with maintenance and support for a period of 60 months.
Compulsory briefing: 9 Sep
Tender no: RFB 2230/ 2020
Information: Pitsi Mashamaite, Tel: (015) 291 8012, E-mail: pitsi.mashamaite@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 2 Oct 2020
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance
Department of Higher Education and Training
False Bay College requires hardware replacement – procuring full computers and laptops.
Compulsory briefing: 9 Sep. Zoom meeting invite to be sent by False Bay College for 9th September 2020 at 12h00 – please e-mail Stephen.Preston@purcosa.co.za to show an interest in the compulsory information session.
Tender no: PUR 807/ 17 – FBC T12/ 2020
Information: Technical: Stephen Preston, Tel: 083 967 6022 or (011) 545 0961, E-mail: stephen.preston@purcosa.co.za. General: Ansie Wiese, Tel: (011) 545 0961, Email: ansie.wiese@purcosa.co.za.
Closing date: 28 Sep 2020
Tags: Hardware, Computing, Mobility
New firewalls are also sought for all FBC sites.
Compulsory briefing: 9 Sep. Zoom meeting invite to be sent by False Bay College for 9th September 2020 at 14h00 – please e-mail Stephen.Preston@purcosa.co.za to show an interest in the compulsory information session.
Tender no: PUR 804/ 39 – FBCT15/ 2020
Information: Technical: Stephen Preston, Tel: 083 967 6022 or (011) 545 0961, E-mail: stephen.preston@purcosa.co.za. General: Ansie Wiese, Tel: (011) 545 0961, Email: ansie.wiese@purcosa.co.za.
Closing date: 28 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, Security
False Bay College is also calling for supply and delivery of 185 laptops for PL1 lecturers.
Compulsory briefing: 9 Sep. Zoom meeting invite to be sent by False Bay College for 9th September 2020 at 11h00 – please e-mail Stephen.Preston@purcosa.co.za to show an interest in the compulsory information session.
Tender no: PUR 802/ 29 – FBCT10/ 2020
Information: Technical: Stephen Preston, Tel: 083 967 6022 or (011) 545 0961, E-mail: stephen.preston@purcosa.co.za. General: Ansie Wiese, Tel: (011) 545 0961, Email: ansie.wiese@purcosa.co.za.
Closing date: 28 Sep 2020
Tags: Hardware, Computing, Mobility
ORBIT TVET College invites capable and competent service provider to supply and deliver 246 laptops and bags at its Central Office.
Note: Bidders must ensure that they deposit bid document inside tender box at the security gate. Please note that documents that come with courier must be dropped inside the tender box at the security gate not at the Reception.
Tender no: C01/ 2020
Information: Technical: C Chaauke, Tel: (014) 597 5584, Fax: (014) 592 7013, E-mail: cchaauke@orbitcollege.co.za. General: K Metsileng, Tel: (014) 597 5524, Fax: (014) 592 7013, E-mail: kmetsileng@orbitcollege.co.za.
Closing date: 2 Oct 2020
Tags: Hardware, Computing, Mobility
Department of Labour
The department wishes to procure an online survey tool software.
Tender no: DEL RFQ001/ 2 Online Survey ToolInformation: Asanda Marenene, Divan Links, Vusani Lishivha or Candilicious Phatudi, Tel: (012) 309 4538/4859/4981, E-mail: rfq.request@labour.gov.za.
Closing date: 21 Sep 2020
Tags: Software
Office of the Chief of Justice
Terms of reference are sought for a source partner in development and implementation of business continuity management system and resilience programme within the OCJ for a period of twelve (12) months.
Compulsory briefing: 9 Sep. The compulsory virtual briefing session will be held through MS Teams. Prospective bidders should send an RSVP to the delegated OCJ official through e-mail to SCM: BidEnquiries@judiciary.org.za indicating their intention to attend the briefing session.
Tender no: OCJ2020/04
Information: Technical: B Motene, Tel: (010) 493 2500, E-mail: Bmotene@judiciary.org.za. General: N Ntimane, Tel: (010) 493 2500, E-mail: BidEnquiries@judiciary.org.za.
Closing date: 18 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, Security, Business Continuity
Pikitup Johannesburg SOC Ltd
The company wishes to appoint a service provider for the design and maintenance of ICT products and services on an as and when required basis for a period of 36 months. Minimum requirements: BBBEE status level 1 ,2,3 and 4 only.
Note: Late, telegraphic, facsimile or e-mailed bid documents will not be considered.
Tender no: PU082/2019
Information: Thobile Mgidi, Tel: 087 357 1227, E-mail: thobilemgidi@pikitup.co.za.
Closing date: 28 Sep 2020
Tags: Hardware, Software, Services
The Innovation Hub Management Company (SOC)
Supply of internet services are sought for a period of 36 months.
Note: All queries are to be directed in writing to scm@theinnovationhub.com. No telephonic queries will be allowed.
Tender no: TIHMC/ 2020/ 03
Information: Fulufhelo T. Ravele, Tel: (012) 844 0074, E-mail: scm@theinnovationhub.com.
Closing date: 28 Sep 2020
Tags: Telecommunications, Internet
Agricultural Research Council
Proposals are requested to assist the ARC with ICT desktop equipment asset management including the track and trace for a period of 3 years (Re-advertisement).
Tender no: ARC/ 23/ 03/ 2020
Information: Musa Zondo, Tel: (012) 427 9733, E-mail: zondomp@arc.agric.za.
Closing date: 28 Sep 2020
Tags: Hardware, Software
CEF (Pty) Ltd
The Strategic Fuel Fund requires supply, delivery and configurations of telephone system at Parow, Milnerton, Saldanha, OPC and Ogies offices for a period of 36 months.
Compulsory briefing: 8 Sep. A compulsory briefing session will be held as follows:Tuesday, 8 September 2020 at 11:00 via Teams, suppliers who are interested must send an email to sffprocurement@strategicfuelfund.co.za and request a link for the meeting.
Tender no: SFF/ 2020/ 054
Information: Technical: Nkhangweleni Madzivhandila, Tel: (021) 524 2700, Fax: (021) 524 2719, E-mail: sffprocurement@strategicfuelfund.co.za. General: Sandisiwe Kapa, Tel: (021) 524 2700, Fax: (021) 524 2719, E-mail: sffprocurement@strategicfuelfund.co.za.
Closing date: 25 Sep 2020
Tags: Telecommunications
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
A service provider is sought to supply, install, maintain and support of the virtualised server environment, storage area network, conversion of existing physical servers to virtual machines, migration of current operations, data stores and all databases, a backup and disaster recovery system for the Chief Directorate: National Geo-Spatial Information.
Non-compulsory briefing: 8 Sep. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, we will unfortunately not allow service providers to come to the building. However, we opt to have the briefing session through virtually via Microsoft Teams. Service providers are urged to install the web version of Microsoft Teams in order to attend and participate in the briefing.
Note: Courier deliveries must be given instructions to drop proposals inside bid box as no waybills will be signed by officials.
Tender no: SSC WC 06 (2020/2021) DRDLR
Information: Technical: Giel Mokoena, Tel: (012) 407 4528, E-mail: giel.mokoena@drdlr.gov.za. General: Lincoln Mathebula, Tel: (021) 409 0523, E-mail: lincoln.mathebula@drdlr.gov.za.
Closing date: 18 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, Hardware, Services, Maintenance and support, Virtualisation, Storage, Servers, Backup, Disaster recovery
Food and Beverages Manufacturing Industry SETA
FoodBev SETA invites all suitable prospective service providers to bid for the supply, delivery, installation, configuration, maintenance and support of multifunctional printers.
Tender no: FB SETA (19- 20)T0024
Information: Technical: Pretty Ngwasheng, Tel: (011) 253 7300, E-mail: scm@foodbev.co.za. General: Lunga Mokoena, Tel: (011) 253 7300, E-mail: scm@foodbev.co.za.
Closing date: 21 Sep 2020
Tags: Services, Hardware, Printing, Support and maintenance
National Housing Finance Corporation Limited
Proposals are requested for FLISP CRM system enhancement. Relevant documents, including Terms of Reference, may be downloaded for free from the NHFC website, www.nhfc.co.za. Sealed documents individually marked as per the above bid numbers and description must be placed in the Tender box situated at the NHFC Head Office’s reception, address indicated below,on or before the closing date and time specified above. No bids will be accepted after the closing date and time. No bid sent per facsimile, post or e-mail will be accepted. Bids may be publicly opened at the, 1st Floor ,Old Trafford 3 Building, Isle of Houghton, 11 Boundary Road, Houghton, 2198
Note: All service providers are required to be registered on the Central Supplier Database (CSD). For further details on the CSD, refer to http://ocop.treasury.gov.za. The full advert and any changes will be available on the NHFC website.
Tender no: OcM/ 08/ 2020
Information: Pumza Nsukwini, Tel: (011) 644 9800, E-mail: pumzan@nhfc.co.za.
Closing date: 22 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, Software development, CRM
National Nuclear Regulator
The regulator wishes to appoint a service provider for the provision of Cisco license renewal, technical maintenance, support service for Cisco video conference, audio visual, network security and telephony equipment for a period three years.
Note: Due to Covid19 the bid box will be place outside the NNR entrance and bidders must put the bid document inside the bid box. The NNR will not be held responsible for any delays where bid documents are handed to the NNR personnel or postal address, or any documents which gets lost.
Tender no: NNRSCM- 02-2020
Information: Technical: Julian Boulton, Tel: (012) 674 7176, Cell: 083 647 2675, E-mail: Lnkosi@nnr.co.za. General: Lindiwe Nkosi, Tel: (012) 674 7100/001 8427, E-mail: Lnkosi@nnr.co.za.
Closing date: 6 Oct 2020
Tags: Software, Hardware, Services, Support and maintenance, Video conferencing, Audio-visual, Networking, Security, Telephony
Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority
A service provider is sought to supply, develop, implement and maintain the online application, registration, training, assessment and back office solution.
Tender no: PSiRA/ 2020/ RFB/02
Information: Technical: Hofney Moepi, Tel: (012) 003 0686, E-mail: bids@psira.co.za. General: Tsakani Maluleke, Tel: (012) 003 0686, E-mail: bids@psira.co.za.
Closing date: 18 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, Software development
South African Social Security Agency
The Grants Administration department wishes to acquire call centre services at SASSA Head Office for a period of six months.
Tender no: SASSA: 08/ 20/GA/ HO
Information: Technical: Olive Matlanato, Tel: (012) 400 2582, E-mail: OliveMa@sassa.gov.za. General: Stanley Khumalo, Tel: (012) 400 2202, E-mail: StanleyK@sassa.gov.za.
Closing date: 11 Sep 2020
Tags: Services, Call centre
The agency also wishes to procure laptops.
Tender no: SASSA: 10- 20-ICT- HO
Information: Technical: Khanyi Ragophala, Tel: (012) 400 2268, E-mail: stanleyk@sassa.gov.za. General: Stanley Khumalo, Tel: (012) 400 2202, E-mail: StanleyK@sassa.gov.za.
Closing date: 11 Sep 2020
Tags: Hardware, Computing, Mobility
Request for information
National Treasury
The Office of the Chief Procurement Officer is looking for information on the supply and delivery of information communication technology (e-LTSM) for the Department of Basic Education.
Tender no: RT39- 2020
Information: Transversal Contracting, Tel: (012) 315 5795, E-mail: Transversal.Contracting6@treasury.gov.za.
Closing date: 18 Sep 2020
Tags: Hardware, Software, Services
State Information Technology Agency
SITA is advertising for a vulnerability management solution with support for the Department of Defence (DOD) for a period of 36 months.
Note: You can also send e-mails to tenders@sita.co.za.
Tender no: RFB 2200/ 2020
Information: Thembeka Mdwara, Tel: (012) 482 2780, E-mail: Thembeka.mdwara@sita.co.za.
New closing date: 25 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, Security, Services, Support and maintenance
SITA is looking for the supply of Cisco WAN infrastructure equipment with maintenance, support and associated services for Zeerust SAPS.
Tender no: RFB 2180/ 2020
Information: Mantsie Mabiletsa, Tel: (012) 482 2655, E-mail: mantsie.mabiletsa@sita.co.za.
New closing date: 4 Sep 2020
Tags: Hardware, Services, Networking, Support and maintenance
Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sports Education and Training Authority
Terms of reference are sought to outline the scope of work for the provision of the MPLS services for CATHSSETA. The aim is to appoint a service provider to provide MPLS services to connect the CATHSSETA head office to all its regional sites; hosted sites and the internet. The MPLS infrastructure must be scalable, robust and secure.
Non-compulsory briefing: 14 Aug
Tender no: CATHS/ MPLS/021/ 2020
Information: Supply Chain, Tel: (011) 217 0600, E-mail: supplychain@cathsseta.org.za.
New closing date: 4 Sep 2020
Tags: Telecommunications, Services, Consulting
Community Schemes Ombud Service
CSOS also requires Mimecast license renewal and support services for a period of 3 years.
Tender no: CSOS003-2020
Information: Technical: Mawande Jadezweni, Tel: (066) 305 8300, E-mail: Mawande.Jadezweni@csos.org.za. General: Jabulile Sithole, Tel: (066) 302 5937, E-mail: Jabulile.Sithole@csos.org.za.
New closing date: 8 Sep 2020
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance
Agricultural Research Council
Cancellation of the ICT desktop equipment asset management including track and trace.
Tender no: ARC/ 23/ 03/ 2020
Government Pension Administration Agency
The supply of maintenance, support and professional services on the Qmatic Orchestra QMS solution to the Government Pensions Administration Agency for a period of 36 months.
Tender no: RFB 2185/ 2020
Independent Communications Authority of South Africa
Rental or lease of computer desktops and laptops for a period of three years with transfer of ownership to the Independent Communication Authority of South Africa after the three years lease term at no additional cost on an 80/20 PPPFA 2000.
Tender no: ICASA 05/ 2019
Department of Social Development, Limpopo
Request to supply, deliver, install and configure firewalls.
Tender no: RFB 2044/ 2019
Successful bidder: Dekatshe Consulting CC
Value: R494 709
Eastern Cape Rural Development Agency
Appointment of a service provider for the installation and setup of a multi-label protocol switched (MPLS) network and hosted PBX telephony for the ECRDA head office, regional offices and branches.
Tender no: SCMU 14 - 2019/20
Successful bidder: Brilliant Telecommunications (Pty) Ltd
Value: R6 997 799
Chemical Industries Education and Training Authority
Invitation to bidders to submit proposals for the leasing/rental and maintenance of multifunctional printer services for the Chemical Industries Education and Training Authority (CHIETA) for a period of five years.
Tender no: CHIETA- MP- 14-2019/ 20
Successful bidder: Evolution Technology Group
Value: R2 080 896
Gauteng Growth and Development Agency
The appointment of a service provider for the Innovation Hub’s network overhaul (phase 1).
Tender no: GGDA/ 05/ 2019-20/ ICT_PHASE1
Successful bidder: Sizwe Africa IT Group
Value: R3 709 515
National Nuclear Regulator
Appointment of a service provider for the provision of Sharepoint support services for a period of twenty four (24) months.
Tender no: NNRSCM- 04/2019
Successful bidder: Sankofa Insurance Brokers
Value: R2 880 000
National Research Foundation
Supply and delivery of data storage nodes.
Tender no: NRF SARAO SCSA 003 2019
Successful bidder: Eclipse Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Value: R994 096