The National Tender Bulletin opens with a bang this week as the Independent Communications Authority of SA (ICASA) announces its wish to appoint a consultant to help it determine the fair economic value of various radio spectrums.
The remainder of this week's issue also favours the services sector with a number of tenders targeting a broad range of service offerings. Software requests follow; however, there is little to get the industry excited about. The hardware sector registers a marginal increase in notices, and these requests lean towards more substantial contracts.
The bulletin closes with a good number of tenders reaching finalisation, although three of these fall into the cancellation column.
Of the awards, the Road Accident Fund offers the most notable one, with a R20 million tender for an enterprise architecture tool and services to awarded to Frozar Projects.
New tenders
Independent Communications Authority of South Africa
ICASA wishes to appoint consultants to provide consultancy services to assist it with determination of the fair economic value of the IMT700, IMT800, IMT2300, IMT2600 and IMT3500 radio frequency spectrum and the drafting of the invitation to apply on an 80/20 PPPFA 2000, Preferential Procurement Regulation: 2017.
Note: The bid will be evaluated on: (a)submission of the required documents, (b) functionality, (c) and on PPPFA preference points system. Only bidders who meet the cut-off score of 80 points for functionality will be considered further for price evaluation. The bid will be evaluated on 80/20 preference points system.
Non-compulsory briefing: 6 Aug
Tender no: ICASA 19/ 2019(b)
Information: Johannes (Jowi) Molomo, Tel: (012) 568 3810, E-mail:Jmolomo@icasa.org.za.
Closing date: 20 Aug 2019
Tags: Telecommunications, Services, Consulting
National Health Laboratory Service
Supply, delivery, installation, commissioning and configuration of the SSD tier on both 3PARS is required by the NHLS.
Tender no: RFB 157/ 18/ 19
Information: Judian Inama, Tel: (011) 555 0591, E-mail: Judian.Inama@nhls.ac.za.
Closing date: 8 Aug 2019
Tags: Hardware, Storage
Department of Tourism
The department wishes to appoint a service provider or providers to manage the implementation of data collectors/capturers project for the development of the National Tourism Information and Monitoring System (NTIMS) in Gauteng, North West, Limpopo, KwaZulu Natal, Mpumalanga and Western Cape provinces.
Compulsory briefing: 5 Aug
Tender no: NDT0027/ 19
Information: Technical: Tshepo Mothoagae, Tel: (012) 444 6383, E-mail: tmothoagae@tourism.gov.za. General: Nice Baloi, Tel: (012) 444 6744, E-mail: nbaloi@tourism.gov.za.
Closing date: 16 Aug 2019
Tags: Services, Software, Consulting, Data
National Library of South Africa
The NLSA is re-advertising for procurement of computers and laptops.
Non-compulsory briefing: 26 Jul
Tender no: NLSA.COMPUTERS 04/ 2019
Information: Technical: David Segalabutla, Tel: (012) 401 9780, E-mail: david.segalabutla@nlsa.ac.za. General: Zama Adegboyega, Tel: (012) 401 9773, Fax: 086 565 1169, E-mail: zama.adegboyega@nlsa.ac.za.
Closing date: 13 Aug 2019
Tags: Hardware, Computing
State Information Technology Agency
The KZN Department of Human Settlements requires renewal of Mimecast licenses for a period of a year.
Non-compulsory briefing: 26 Jul
Tender no: RFB 1956- 2019
Information: Lekoetsi Makwela, Tel: (012) 482 2588, E-mail: lekoetsi.makwela@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 12 Aug 2019
Tags: Software, Software licensing
South African Qualifications Authority
SAQA is advertising for maintenance of the existing National Learners’ Records Database (NLRD) and related databases for a period of three years.
Compulsory briefing: 29 Jul
Tender no: SAQA 0007/ 19NLRD
Information: Technical: Carina Oelofsen, Tel: (012) 431 5050, Fax: (012) 431 5051, E-mail: tenders@saqa.co.za. General: Jeremy Thomas, Tel: (012) 431 5062, Fax: (012) 431 5061, E-mail: tenders@saqa.co.za.
Closing date: 8 Aug 2019
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance, Databases
The authority also requires maintenance and administration of the SAQA Oracle, MS SQL and MySQL databases (DBA Services) for a period of three years.
Compulsory briefing: 29 Jul
Tender no: SAQA 0007/ 19IT
Information: Technical: Lesedi Rapholo, Tel: (012) 431 5158, Fax: (012) 431 5061, E-mail: tenders@saqa.co.za. General: Jeremy Thomas, Tel: (012) 431 5062, Fax: (012) 431 5061, E-mail: tenders@saqa.co.za.
Closing date: 8 Aug 2019
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance, Databases
Companies and Intellectual Property Commission
Proposals are invited for off-site ICT disaster recovery services for a period of five years.
Compulsory briefing: 7 Aug
Tender no: CIPC BID NUMBER:03/ 2019/2020
Information: Technical: Dorothea Wentzel, Tel: (012) 394 5807, E-mail: Dwentzel@cipc.co.za. General: Ntombi Maqhula, Tel: (012) 394 5344, E-mail: nmaqhula@cipc.co.za.
Closing date: 21 Aug 2019
Tags: Services, Disaster recovery, Security, Business Continuity
Eastern Cape Liquor Board
The board requires provision of computing equipment.
Tender no: 008/ 2019- 20
Information: Technical: V. Mdingi, Tel: (043) 700 0900, E-mail: vuyokazi.mdingi@eclb.co.za. General: Dr. N. Makala, Tel: (043) 700 0900, E-mail: nombuyiselo.makala@eclb.co.za.
Closing date: 6 August 2019
Tags: Hardware, Computing
National Agricultural Marketing Council
The council is advertising for IT services.
Tender no: NAMCA033/ 07/2019
Information: Technical: Sarah Netili, Tel: (012) 341 1115, Fax: (012) 341 1811, E-mail: Sarah@namc.co.za. General: Meshack Letlape, Tel: (012) 341 1115, Fax: (012) 341 1811, E-mail: meshack1@namc.co.za.
Closing date: 9 Aug 2019
Tags: Services
National Energy Regulator of South Africa
NERSA is looking for a suitable service provider of an integrated facilities management services (IFMS) solution for a period of two years.
Compulsory briefing: 29 Jul
Tender no: NERSA/ 1920/FAD/ IFMS/ BID005
Information: SCM Team, Tel: (012) 401 4795/4696, E-mail: SCM@nersa.org.za.
Closing date: 8 Aug 2019
Tags: Software, Services
uMalusi Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training
An accredited service provider is sought for the supply, installation, integration, operationalisation and maintenance of a vulnerability assessment and management solution/tool for a period of three years. Tenable Nessus or equivalent.
Tender no: UMALUSI(19- 20) T0006
Information: Supply Chain Management, Tel: (012) 349 1510, E-mail: tenders@umalusi.org.za.
Closing date: 12 Aug 2019
Tags: Software, Security, Services, Support and maintenance
Western Cape Nature Conservation Board
CapeNature is looking for Web site development, maintenance and support administration services for a period of three years.
Compulsory briefing: 29 Jul
Tender no: WCNCB 02/ 07/2019
Information: Technical: M Parker. Tel: 087 087 3183, E-mail: mparker@capenature.co.za. General: T Ismail, Tel: 087 087 3230, E-mail: tismail@capenature.co.za.
Closing date: 16 Aug 2019
Tags: Services, Software, Software development, Internet, Website
Western College for TVET
Supply and maintenance of an electronic student assessment and placement tool is required for all Westcol campuses for a period of 24 months.
Tender no: WT 2019/ 0002
Information: Carel van Biljon, Tel: (011) 6924004 ext 3009, Fax: 086 664 4196, E-mail: cvanbiljon@westcol.co.za.
Closing date: 12 Aug 2019
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance
Department of Labour, Free State
Bidders are invited to bid for the installation of security access control systems at provincial offices.
New compulsory briefing: 29 Jul
Tender no: FSDOL 09/ 2019
Information: Nthabiseng Tjawane and Malibongwe Ndlela, Tel: (051) 505 6227/6216, Fax: (051) 448 5330, E-mail: nthabiseng.tjawane@labour.gov.za, malibongwe.ndlela@labour.gov.za.
New closing date: 20 Aug 2019
Tags: Hardware, Software, Services, Security
National Prosecuting Authority
Appointment of a service provider to design and implement a business intelligence solution with maintenance and support.
Tender no: NPA 10- 18/ 19
Office of the Ombud for Financial Service Providers
Cancellation of complaints handling management system tender due to funds not available to cover the envisaged expenditure.
Tender no: FAIS 2018/ 19- 04
Western Cape Nature Conservation Board
Web site design and hosting, intranet.
Tender no: WCNCB 01/ 11/ 2018
Department of Correctional Services, Free State
Computers and laptops.
Tender no: GRV01/ 2019
Successful bidder: CHM Vuwani Computer Solutions (Pty) Ltd
Value: R560 745
Successful bidder: Ecoh Multimedia Solutions t/a Ecoh Transportation CC
Value: R52 383
Successful bidder: Virtualize (Pty) Ltd
Value: R155 844
Gauteng Growth and Development Agency
Development of a business case, feasibility study and business plan for the proposed Gauteng science and high-tech special economic zone.
Tender no: GGDA/ 11/ 2018-19/ SEZ
Successful bidder: SMEC South Africa
Value: R6 041 258
Road Accident Fund
Provision of enterprise architecture services and installation of the enterprise architecture tool, licensing, maintenance and support for a period of five years.
Tender no: RAF/ 2018/ 00010
Successful bidder: Frozar Projects (PTY) Ltd
Value: R20 297 739
The procurement of ACL software licenses.
Tender no: Deviation
Successful bidder: Suretech Solutions
Value: R1 096 631
Department of Environmental Affairs
Request to supply and deliver bulk computers: 50 Dell Optiplex 5260 All-in-One N03305260AJO Standard Desktops and 100 Dell Latitude 5490 N088L549014EMEA
standard notebook inclusive of Dell 24 monitor.
Tender no: RFO IT0008
Successful bidder: Lesedi Corporate Technology (Pty) Ltd
Value: R3 451 894