While government procurement activity remains low key, interest in ICT continues to rise, albeit cautiously.
Opportunities for the services sector lead this week's bulletin. These are dominated by support and maintenance requests, with two exceptions. The first comes from the Financial Sector Conduct Authority, advertising under its old FSB name, with a request for enterprise architecture design and alignment. The South African Local Government Association follows, asking for development of integrated data capability specifications.
The software sector also has a good week with notices in the double digits. Notably, several tenders incorporate development and/or customisation in the specifications.
Finally, government's hardware requirements remain minimal despite showing a small increase.
The Department of Defence closes the bulletin with a bang, announcing the awards of two outsourcing contracts for R113 million and R40 million respectively.
New tenders
Government Pension Administration Agency
The GPAA requires supply, delivery and maintenance of document scanners.
Tender no: GPAA 15/ 2019
Information: William Ramoroka, Tel: (012) 319 3476, E-mail: William.Ramoroka@gpaa.gov.za.
Closing date: 29 Jul 2019
Tags: Hardware, Services, Printing, Scanning, Support and maintenance
Agri-Business Development Agency
The ADA wishes to contract a service provider for the provision of offsite data backup of virtual servers for the period of three years.
Tender no: ADAB 06/ 2019
Information: Technical: Bongani Ntimba, Tel: (033) 347 8607, E-mail: ntimbab@ada-kzn.co.za. General: Nompumelelo Dladla, Tel: (033) 347 8641, E-mail: dladlan@ada-kzn.co.za.
Closing date: 2 Aug 2019
Tags: Services. Cloud computing, Software, Servers, Data, Virtualisation
Coega Development Corporation
The CDC is inviting service providers to submit tenders for the provisioning of a solution that would allow employees and approvers to sign documents electronically. The signature should resemble the physical signature of the user as well as be verified once applied to various document types. It should also integrate with Documentum (ECM). Factors such as ease of use, security, legislation and industry standards should be adhered to. For more details on this bid, please visit the Coega website www.coega.com.
Tender no: CDC/ 159/ 19
Information: Zine Mtanda, E-mail: tenders@coega.co.za.
Closing date: 29 Jul 2019
Tags: Software, Security, Document management
Department of Labour, Free State
Bidders are invited to bid for the installation of security access control systems at provincial offices.
Compulsory briefing: 17 Jul
Tender no: FSDOL 09/ 2019
Information: Nthabiseng Tjawane and Malibongwe Ndlela, Tel: (051) 505 6227/6216, Fax: (051) 448 5330, E-mail: nthabiseng.tjawane@labour.gov.za, malibongwe.ndlela@labour.gov.za.
Closing date: 5 Aug 2019
Tags: Hardware, Software, Services, Security
Compensation Fund
A service provider is sought for development, maintenance and support of a CF-filing system for a period of thre years.
Compulsory briefing: 22 Jul
Tender no: TCF 02: 2019/2020
Information: Marubini Tshikovhele, Tel: (012) 406 5712, E-mail: SCM.Enquiries@labour.gov.za.
Closing date: 5 August 2019
Tags: Software, Software development, Services, Support and maintenance, Document management
Department of Tourism
The department is looking for a qualified and experienced service provider for the provision, customisation, hosting, maintenance and support of an enterprise development and transformation portal for a period of three years.
Non-compulsory briefing: 15 Jul
Tender no: NDT0025/ 19
Information: Technical: Rodney Malehase, Tel: (012) 444 6549. E-mail: rmalehase@tourism.gov.za. General: Nice Baloi, Tel: (012) 444 6744, E-mail: nbaloi@tourism.gov.za.
Closing date: 31 Jul 2019
Tags: Software, Software development, Services, Support and maintenance, Hosting
Financial Services Board
The FSCA requires provision of call centre services.
Non-compulsory briefing: 17 Jul
Tender no: FSCA2019/ 20-P001
Information: Georgina Serumula, Tel: (012) 422 2855/2925, E-mail: tenders@fsca.co.za.
Closing date: 13 Aug 2019
Tags: Services, Call centres, Contact centres
The board is also looking for expansion of telephony services plus licenses and support for two years.
Non-compulsory briefing: 18 Jul
Tender no: FSCA2019/ 20-T006
Information: Georgina Serumula, Tel: (012) 422 2855/2925, E-mail: tenders@fsca.co.za.
Closing date: 13 Aug 2019
Tags: Services, Telephony, Telecommunications, Software, Software licensing
Enterprise architecture design and alignment is also sought by the FSCA.
Non-compulsory briefing: 18 Jul
Tender no: FSCA2019/ 20-T008
Information: Georgina Serumula, Tel: (012) 422 2855/2925, E-mail: tenders@fsca.co.za.
Closing date: 13 Aug 2019
Tags: Services, Enterprise architecture, Consulting
The board is also advertising for a McAfee endpoint protection upgrade.
Tender no: FSCA2019/ 20-T007
Information: Georgina Serumula, Tel: (012) 422 2855/2925, E-mail: tenders@fsca.co.za.
Closing date: 30 Jul 2019
Tags: Software, Security
Medical Research Council of South Africa
The council is in need of provision of printing services.
Compulsory briefing: 18 Jul
Tender no: SAMRC/ CMCPPS/2019/ 03
Information: Technical: Alfred Thutloa, Tel: (021) 938 0274, Fax: (021) 938 0611, E-mail: alfred.thutloa@mrc.ac.za. General: Zoliswa Mthwa, Tel: (021) 938 0883, Fax: (021) 938 0611, E-mail: zoliswa.mthwa@mrc.ac.za.
Closing date: 2 Aug 2019
Tags: Hardware, Services, Printing
Provision, implementation and support of a human resources management system is also sought.
Compulsory briefing: 18 Jul
Tender no: SAMRC/ HRPI&SS/ 2019/ 05
Information: Technical: Patrick Charls, Tel: (021) 938 0900, Fax: (021) 938 0611, E-mail: patrick.charls@mrc.ac.za. General: Zoliswa Mthwa, Tel: (021) 938 0883, Fax: (021) 938 0611, E-mail: zoliswa.mthwa@mrc.ac.za.
Closing date: 2 Aug 2019
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance
National Prosecuting Authority
The NPA invites bids for Rack Air Containment System (RACS) Infrastructure renewal and maintenance for a period of five years.
Tender no: NPA 09- 19/ 20
Information: Technical: Manith Jugmohan, Fax: (012) 845 3013, E-mail: tenders@npa.gov.za. General: Thembi Ndleleni, Fax: (012) 845 3013, E-mail: tenders@npa.gov.za.
Closing date: 5 Aug 2019
Tags: Hardware, Services, Support and maintenance
South African Local Government Association
SALGA invites proposals for the development of business requirement specifications for integrated data capability.
Compulsory briefing: 16 Jul
Tender no: SALGA/ 80/ 2019
Information: Technical: Nomusa Ngwenya, Tel: (012) 369 8000, Fax: (012) 369 8001, E-mail: nngwenya@salga.org.za. General: Nokulunga Neti, Tel: (012) 369 8000, Fax: (012) 369 8001, E-mail: scm@salga.org.za.
Closing date: 6 Aug 2019
Tags: Services, Consulting, Data
South African Social Security Agency
SASSA invites proposals from potential service providers for the provision of Content Lifecycle Management Suite 16 (LIVELINK) support and maintenance for a period of three years.
Tender no: SASSA: 10/ 19/ICT/ HO
Information: Technical: Kamenthren Moonsamy Govender, Tel: (012) 400 2476, E-mail: KamoG@sassa.gov.za. General: Stanley Khumalo, Tel: (012) 400 2202, E-mail: StanleyK@sassa.gov.za.
Closing date: 26 Jul 2019
Tags: Software, Services, Support and maintenance
Western Cape Nature Conservation Board
CapeNature invites service providers to tender for the implementation of an electronic performance management solution.
Compulsory briefing: 19 Jul
Tender no: WCNCB 02/ 06/2019
Information: Technical: R Harding, Tel: 087 087 3240, E-mail: rharding@capenature.co.za. General: Nwabisa Gqoboda, Tel: 087 087 3229, E-mail: ngqoboda@capenature.co.za.
Closing date: 9 Aug 2019
Tags: Software, Services
State Information Technology Agency
SITA is advertising for the upgrade, maintainance and support of Security Access Control Building Management Systems (SACBMS) for twenty one SITA buildings nationally.
Non-compulsory briefing: 25 Jun
Tender no: RFB 1954- 2019
Information: Bongi Mochalatjie, Tel: (012) 482 2034, E-mail: bongi.mochalatjie@sita.co.za.
New closing date: 16 Jul 2019
Tags: Software, Security, Access control, Hardware, Services, Support and maintenance
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Appointment of a service provider for procurement of Forcepoint software renewal or equivalent mail security gateway solution for a period of five years.
Tender no: 35/ 18
Successful bidder: Performanta South Africa
Value: R3 539 865
Department of Defence
Outsourcing of specialised information and communication technology service to the Department of Defence for a period of three years.
Tender no: CPSC- B- PC-044- 2018
Successful bidder: Faranani
Value: R113 852 160
Outsourcing of electronic document management system for a period of one year with a five year maintenance plan.
Tender no: CPSC- B- PC-016- 2018
Successful bidder: Optiflex Information Technology Pty Ltd
Value: R39 662 080
State Information Technology Agency
Supply and implementation of a network applications performance management solution with maintenance and support for a period of 36 months.
Tender no: RFB1800/ 2018
Successful bidder: V And N Q Systems (Pty) Ltd
Value: Not disclosed
Education, Training and Development Practices Seta
ETDP SETA business process analysis solution.
Tender no: SCMU: 26 -2018/ 19
Successful bidder: Redflank Solutions
Value: R798 254
Supply and delivery of servers to ETDP SETA provincial offices.
Tender no: SCMU: 28 -2018/ 19
Successful bidder: Vukani Technologies (Pty) Ltd
Value: R641 201
Video conferencing for ETDP SETA.
Tender no: SCMU: 11-2018/ 19
Successful bidder: Ubuntu Technologies
Value: R2 486 962
Department of Health, Western Cape
Supply, delivery, installation, commissioning, support, maintenance of audio-visual equipment for all classrooms, lecture halls, and Simlab at the Western Cape College of Nursing, Campus (Athlone) for the Department of Health, for three years.
Tender no: WCGHSC0179/2018
Successful bidder: Protea Electronics (Pty) Ltd
Value: R1 367 622