Sponsorship opportunities
These webinars have proven to be incredibly useful resources for ITWeb’s community and a fantastic platform for sponsors to reach this audience, positioning themselves as trusted advisors on the topic in question.
Make this part of your marketing plan, contact Debbie Visser debbiev@itweb.co.za.
As a leading solution provider, this is your key opportunity to join us and exclusively sponsor one of our webinar topics in the series. Deliver your thought leadership message and e-meet your targeted prospects from ITWeb's wide subscriber base, who want to accelerate their technology decisions in this time of change and disruption to digitally reinvent their organisations.
You will have an opportunity to share your insights and solutions on the latest tech developments driving the various aspects of the digital economy. The webinar series will focus on different topics to suit your business solutions and bring you closer to your desired audience's key initiatives.
You choose your webinar topic as well as provide us with your target audience – excellent campaign to demonstrate qualified lead generation. Our minimum commitment is 100 qualified registrations as per your target audience.
ITWeb provides a professional MC for your webinar.
(Note that the format as well as timing of your webinar will be customised as per your requirements, this is merely a suggested format.)