
Qlik simplifies the way people use data by making it a natural part of how they make decisions. We help people to do more than just report findings; we help them to change their worlds, in ways both small and large, through understanding and sharing data more naturally and effectively to create value. Our mission, "Simplifying decisions for everyone, everywhere," is about harnessing the real potential of data - big and small - and unleashing its power to change the world.

33,000 Customers in 100 Countries

Qlik was founded in Sweden in 1993 with the aim of solving critical problems for organizations of all sizes, including the largest global enterprises. Approximately 33,000 customers in 100 countries depend on us to support their most important decisions.

We've pioneered new ways of transforming data into meaningful information. Our product, QlikView, is the leading Business Discovery Platform, providing user-driven business intelligence (BI) to a variety of organizations worldwide. QlikView makes data associative, creating easily-understandable visual relationships across multiple, complex data sources. It's also mobile, social and collaborative. And with our Qlik Customer Success Framework, we surround our platform by a complete ecosystem of people, services, and applications that meet the full needs of the new enterprise .

See Customer Case Studies

Business Discovery for Everyone

But Qlik is about a lot more than that. It's about helping doctors better diagnose and treat children. It's about assisting police in catching criminals faster than ever. It's about showing governments how they can serve the people better. It's even about helping fishermen figure out when and where they can catch the most fish. In other words, Qlik is about you.

Read More About Business Discovery

Changing Our World

We believe Qlik can change our world. Through our QlikView Software Grant Program, we donate QlikView software and services to help humanitarian and community-focused non-profits make sense of complex information so their good work becomes even better. The Change Our World program has raised money to aid survivors of natural disasters, underprivileged youth and the orphaned children of Africa. And our Qlik Academic Program supports the academic community by providing free QlikView licenses to university professors and researchers.

Read More About the Qlik Corporate Social Responsibility Platform

Educating our Future Leaders

With our QlikView platform, Qlik makes the learning experience richer and more powerful by driving the analytical and critical-thinking skills that will prepare students for leadership in their chosen fields. The Qlik Academic Program supports the academic community by providing free QlikView licenses to university professors and researchers.

Read More about the Qlik Academic Program

What Makes us Qlik

Qlik has a vibrant, exhilarating corporate culture based on our strong commitment to our core values: Challenge, Move Fast, Open and Straightforward, Take Responsibility, and Teamwork for Results. These core values are at the heart of everything we do.

Read more about the Qlik Core Values

Share Your Story

Now that we've told you our story, let's hear yours. We want to learn about the data challenges you're dealing with and show you how we can help. Drop us a line and start a journey of discovery that just might change your world.


Contact Information by Branch

QlikView South Africa contacts


Cape Town
Physical Address:

Physical Address:

+27 (0) 861 754589
+27 (0) 87 8205530
P.O. Box 310,
Rondebosch, 7701Waterview Close 3,
Century Boulevard, Century City, 7446

+27 (0) 861 754589
+27 (0) 87 8205530
Building 13,The Woodlands,
Woodlands Drive, Woodmead, 2196

If you wish to get more information, please visit this page.