White paper: Making workplace services work for employees

Johannesburg, 11 May 2021

Happy employees are good for business. There is a direct correlation between employee happiness and business success – research has shown happy employees are 20% more productive than unhappy employees. This could be because happy employees take 10 times fewer sick days and generally work harder and longer than those who are not satisfied in their jobs.

From a bottom-line perspective, companies with happy employees tend to outperform the competition by 20%, earn 1.2% to 1.7% more than their peer firms, and score 2.1% above industry benchmarks. One study found that over a seven-year period, the stock prices of Fortune’s “100 Best Companies to Work for” rose 9% more a year than companies not on the list.

Given these results, it is no surprise that organisations are focused on doing what they can to increase employee satisfaction and happiness at work. This white paper looks at how workplace services fit into the broader employee experience initiatives that organisations are embarking on to increase business results. It explores what it takes to do workplace services well and outlines four steps for a successful implementation that can create the kind of workplace that will make a difference in an employee’s work life.
