Building an international business through persistence and a love for data

Upuli de Abrew is co-founder and director at Insight Consulting, a South African-based end-to-end data solutions company that has grown in 18 years from a two-man band to an international business with more than 70 permanent staff and a host of partners.
Upuli De Abrew, Co-Founder & Director at Insight Consulting. (Image: Insight Consulting)
Upuli De Abrew, Co-Founder & Director at Insight Consulting. (Image: Insight Consulting)

Upuli de Abrew’s start was one that many might resonate with – she had a career that included working for incredible companies with inspiring leadership that encouraged innovation and personal growth. Even though she felt fulfilled with her job at the time, she wanted to bring her love and passion, data – and all the business benefits it could provide – to more than one organisation at a time.

“I also knew that I wanted to be the master of my own destiny, and while everyone’s personal vision is different, I knew that for me, the only way to do this was to leave corporate and start my own business. The timing was right. I had a great friend and business partner to do this with, and a product that was groundbreaking at the time,” says De Abrew, who has a Master of Commerce (MCom) degree in Information Systems from Rhodes University.

De Abrew and her business partner started Insight Consulting with low overheads and secured a loan from their main supplier to fund what little the company needed to get going. “Although the amount was not massive, looking back, I am very grateful because the offer showed real belief in us, as well as a commitment to support us in realising our goals,” she recalls.

Entrepreneurs often have to wear many hats, and De Abrew’s roles included being a consultant, salesperson, account manager, HR manager, director, project manager and developer – sometimes all at once. She is now mainly responsible for setting the strategic direction, improving internal processes and mentoring consultants.

“Because I love data and technology, I get involved in strategic projects to provide direction. The best part of my job is learning from others and helping people grow. I get the greatest joy when I see people maturing and taking steps towards achieving their potential,” she adds.

De Abrew was honoured with the prestigious title of Qlik Partner Ambassador in 2025. “The Qlik Partner Ambassador Programme recognises champions from the Qlik Partner Ecosystem driving exceptional outcomes from data with their solutions. It’s an honour to join the 70 or so Qlik Partner Ambassadors worldwide” she explains.

Looking to the future, De Abrew says Insight Consulting has been investing in artificial intelligence (AI) and cyber security, with some exciting developments ahead for the remainder of 2025. In addition to this, the company has been growing its presence in the UK and Europe through near-shoring. This model sees a physical presence for account management and business analysis in these regions, while core development takes place in South Africa, creating win-win opportunities all around from a cost, expertise and engagement perspective.

“Finally, we continue to improve on our foundations, making sure that we invest in our people to ensure that they continue to expertly advise our customers and create lasting partnerships,” she adds.

Striking the right balance

On the topic of work-life balance, De Abrew says many of the women she knows – including herself – are constantly faced with guilt, especially when there are conflicting priorities at home and at work. And, as many women have done for a long time, she tried to do it all, sacrificing her sleep and mental well-being in order to try and be a “superwoman”.

“I’ve since realised that this doesn’t actually help anyone in the long term. I’m far more innovative, productive and receptive if I have rested well, feel healthy and have spent quality time with friends and family. Better planning and organisation is key to work-life balance, and while there are times when unforeseen situations arise, this can be the exception rather than the norm,” she says.

De Abrew points out that in order to achieve this balance, you need to be able to rely on a team that you trust. If you don’t, then you get involved in things you hadn’t planned to, which invariably causes you to work longer hours. “In my company, I am surrounded by an incredible group of people who take accountability for their areas of responsibility and execute their duties with diligence and maturity,” she explains.

De Abrew says female entrepreneurs who would like to start their own business would do well to surround themselves with people who can offer insight and advice, and to focus on growing their networks. She adds that they should read widely, keep abreast of the latest developments in their industry and be able to adapt to change in order to stay relevant.

“Own your strengths, recognise your accomplishments, know what sets you apart, and be persistent. Building a business requires the resilience to overcome obstacles and treat failures as learning opportunities. The world needs more diverse perspectives in business, and your voice is a crucial part of that,” De Abrew says.

Ready to harness the power of data for your business? Contact Insight Consulting today.
