
Formed in 1901, BSI was the world’s first National Standards Body and over a century later is globally recognized as a champion of best practice. BSI is responsible for originating many of the world’s most commonly used management systems standards and publishes over 2,500 standards annually.  These standards address the most pressing issues of today from clear billing to energy management and disability access to nano-technology; spanning sectors including aerospace, construction, energy, engineering, finance, healthcare, IT and retail. Our solutions and services improve performance and support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

At BSI, our mission is to share knowledge, innovation and best practice. This is underpinned by our role as the national standards body and through our prestigious Royal Charter. BSI Group believes in helping to build a world where consumers trust organizations to do the right thing, balancing the drive for profit with the needs of the planet and its people.

It is a trusted agent of positive change, helping to establish trust between stakeholders in a more ecosystem-driven world, accelerating innovation and progress, and making the world a better place. BSI works with 84,000 clients in 193 countries worldwide to help them adopt and cultivate the habits of best practices.

We have many varied partners. These include international standards bodies, such as International Standards Organization (ISO), and external consultants who help our clients and professional affiliations. We have been assessed against internationally recognized standards and operate to the highest levels of quality and service. We are accredited by 20 local and international bodies.

Digital trust is the confidence users have in the ability of people, technology and processes to create a secure digital world. Digital trust is given to companies who have shown their users they can provide safety, privacy, security, reliability, and data ethics with their online programs or devices.

Our vision is to support clients in the digital era, ensuring interactions between business, people and things are engaging, secure, trusted through evidence and profitable.

To address this new era of digital trust, BSI has expanded beyond just cybersecurity to take on broader questions around digital trust, helping customers address everything from digital supply chain risk to the ethics of artificial intelligence.

Digital trust aggregates four subdomains with interlocking strategies, plans, and actions:

  1. Cybersecurity and privacy
  2.  IT Governance and risk appetite
  3. Data stewardship and AI ethics
  4. Digital supply chain

BSI Group South Africa
+27 12 004 0279