Avert ITD is a dedicated software and security appliance distribution company for the African continent. We are committed to providing quality solutions through our focused approach to support and technical knowledge.
We are dedicated to the success of our customers by providing award winning software which enhance business productivity. We know how competitive the market can be when it comes down to closing sales prospects and making a profit, this is why we always keep our pricing competitive by having special agreements in place with the vendors in procuring security software and appliances for all our partners and customers.
Having strong competitive pricing structures gives our partners the advantage in offering top quality products and services at cost effective rates, ensuring the success for both the reseller and the customer. We also encourage the success of our resellers by providing training and support programs for both the sales and support team members to eliminate delays in daily performance.
Waiting for quotes or support can be discouraging when it comes to urgent situations with customers, that’s why we believe in responding immediately to any query, whether it is sales related or an urgent technical support issue. We have partners across the Continent of Africa, middle east and South Africa, and nearing 800 active resellers for our different products. Avert IT Distribution was founded in 2004 and has been in successful operation since.

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Cape Town
+27 (0) 21 007 2655
+27 (0) 10 007 4430