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Smart robots don't just trust other robots, why do smart people?

Smart robots don't just trust other robots, why do smart people?

For the participants

ITWeb in partnership with Geekulcha invites you into the world of deceit, deception, malice, a world of wits, smarts, expertise and of the heroes who defend and protect against cyber crime. A world of cyber security and zero trust.

If you've got IT or cyber security skills and want to test your skills, or want to up your level, come learn from top professionals, compete against your peers and win cash prizes and career opportunities.

#SS23Hack officially starts on 13 May 2023, with the Ideathon for training, idea generation, and preselection. There you will learn from the mentors about the world of cyber security along with the specific challenges you can participate in this year.

You'll team up in groups and apply for challenges or submit ideas of what you can build or showcase, and where the top entries will be taken through to the main event, held alongside ITWeb's 18th Security Summit, the definitive event for information security professionals.

Admission reserved, geeks and hackers only.

Join the war against the bots, which side will you be on?

Red versus Blue Team CTF

For the industry

Over the years, the hackathon has played a pivotal role in improving cyber security skills, tools and capabilities of ICT students, young techpreneurs and cyber security aficionados.

If you are a cyber security professional we ask that you give a little of your time, to share the knowledge and spread the skills, and to become a mentor. Warning, it is rewarding and addictive and you may find it extremely fun.

If you are a delegate at the Summit, we invite you to come past the participants, look at what they are doing, give them advice or otherwise just say hello.

If you are a marketer or want to be associated with initiatives like these, or just want to see them better and more, support us by contacting Debbie Visser for a breakdown of sponsorship opportunities available.


When: 13 May 2023 9am-4pm

Where: Startup Business Campus, 66 Carr Street, Newtown, Johannesburg


When: 6-7 June 2023

Where: Sandton Convention Centre



R20000 and paid 12 month internship at Snode






Manuel Corregedor
Manuel Corregedor

CEO of Telspace

 Steve Jump
Steve Jump

Director, Strategist, Coach and Mentor

Lucky Litelu
Lucky Litelu

Executive Chairman at ICRD

Bernard Mashala
Bernard Mashala

Endpoint Security & IT Operations Specialist, Transnet

Nithen Naidoo
Nithen Naidoo

Snode Founder/CEO cybersecurity

Basia Nasiorowska
Basia Nasiorowska

Founder of companies, Mentor and Business Management Consultant

Muzi Ntombela
Muzi Ntombela

CIO at the CPSI

Ivan Regasek
Ivan Regasek


Hackathon Sponsors

#SS23Hack gallery

Event Sponsor
Event Sponsor Partners
Diamond Sponsor
Urban Café Sponsor
Broadcast Booth Sponsor
Platinum Sponsors
UK Pavilion Sponsors

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Gold Sponsors

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Legal Services Sponsor
Silver Sponsors

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Bronze Sponsors

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Display Sponsors