
Nerushka Bowan, Senior associate and business development manager, Norton Rose Fulbright

Nerushka Bowan

Emerging Technology Law Specialist | LegalTech Innovator

Nerushka Bowan is a privacy and technology lawyer based in Johannesburg. She is a co-chair of the Johannesburg chapter of the International Association of Privacy Professionals. She has experience with various data privacy matters for a number of international and local clients. During 2014, she gained invaluable experience working with global data privacy experts at Norton Rose Fulbright's London and Melbourne offices. Her international experience allows her to give clients practical advice in implementing local privacy compliance programs and has also assisted greatly in the development of an innovative online privacy compliance tool, POPI Counsel.

She regularly speaks at events and conferences, and publishes blogs and articles on various privacy, social media and technology-related matters. She is a contributor to the Norton Rose Fulbright's global Data Protection Report blog and the global co-editor of the firm's Social Media Law Bulletin blog.

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