
Ben Shaw

CEO, HouseME

Ben Shaw, CEO, HouseME

An Allan Gray fellow, Ben Shaw completed his studies in finance and accounting at the University of Cape Town, and left the CA track in order to more quickly gain corporate experience in Johannesburg as an M&A investment banker at JP Morgan. His published trend work featured regularly on Flux Trends and he left the bank in 2015 to found HouseME (www.house.me), a tech-enabled business disrupting the residential rental market. HouseME launched in September 2016 and already serves as many clients as decades-old estate agencies. Shaw has been involved in a number of other small ventures and is passionate about entrepreneurship.

Ben Shaw will be speaking on the following topic:

Accelerator and start-up: Hidden menace: The HouseME case study

HouseME is a digital rental management platform that has taken the residential property market by storm since its launch in September 2016. The transparency and efficiencies realised through its technology platform allows expert, on-demand services to be available to landlords at a fraction of traditional fees. Find out about the damage that incremental change does to incumbent business, and why disruptive technologies remain a threat. And examine how technology start-ups challenge the status quo, and how they can best position their business to effectively ride the next wave.

  • Gain insight into the disruptive technologies that are threatening incumbent business
  • Learn how you can ride the next wave from the horse's mouth
  • A disruptor explains how HouseME has taken the residential property by storm and how this type of disruption could just as easily happen to you

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