
Paige Dos Santos, senior specialist: digital transformation and innovation, EMEA South, SAP Africa. 9 Nov 2017 - by Regina Pazvakavambwa Ethical norms vital to shape digital world
Ethical norms vital to shape digital world
Paige Dos Santos, senior specialist: digital transformation and innovation, EMEA South, SAP Africa.

Organisations need to become more ethical and value-driven in the way they use technology solutions, said SAP.

Morne Bekker, country manager at NetApp SA and district manager, SADC region. 9 Nov 2017 - by Sibahle Malinga Three pillars to being a data-centric organisation
Three pillars to being a data-centric organisation
Morne Bekker, country manager at NetApp SA and district manager, SADC region.

NetApp's Morne Bekker discusses the three pillars that will help organisations optimise operations and create business opportunities through data.

Mojapela Makau, executive of strategic projects at Tracker. 9 Nov 2017 - by Sibahle Malinga Customers demanding more responsive experience
Customers demanding more responsive experience
Mojapela Makau, executive of strategic projects at Tracker.

Tracker's Mojapela Makau told the ITWeb Digital Economy 2017 summit how the digital revolution has changed customer expectations.

David Ambler, people and organisation digital product development and manager at PwC. 8 Nov 2017 - by Sibahle Malinga Many forces shaping the workforce of the future
Many forces shaping the workforce of the future
David Ambler, people and organisation digital product development and manager at PwC.

The new industrial revolution makes human capital the new machinery, says PwC's David Ambler.

Philip Kiracofe, co-managing director for Startupbootcamp Africa. 8 Nov 2017 - by Regina Pazvakavambwa The future of Africa lies in start-ups, innovation
The future of Africa lies in start-ups, innovation
Philip Kiracofe, co-managing director for Startupbootcamp Africa.

Supporting innovation ecosystems is the only hope SA has for moving forward and upward, says Startupbootcamp.

Andrew J Moodley, Axiz chief digital officer. 8 Nov 2017 - by Regina Pazvakavambwa Platform business model presents opportunity for distributors
Platform business model presents opportunity for distributors
Andrew J Moodley, Axiz chief digital officer.

IT distributors should move from being pure traditional distributors of products to being platforms for trade, says Axiz.

Anton Cabral, partner and managing executive at LRMG Performance Agency Digital. 8 Nov 2017 - by Sibahle Malinga SA can learn from Japan's Society 5.0
SA can learn from Japan's Society 5.0
Anton Cabral, partner and managing executive at LRMG Performance Agency Digital.

Japan has realised that although technology is very important, the key is people, says LRMG's Anton Cabral.

7 Nov 2017 - by Sibahle Malinga Fine line between disruption and innovation
Fine line between disruption and innovation

HouseME CEO Ben Shaw discussed the differences at the ITWeb Digital Economy 2017 summit yesterday.

Matt Brown, CEO of Digital Kungfu. 7 Nov 2017 - by Regina Pazvakavambwa Three fundamental questions for business transformation
Three fundamental questions for business transformation
Matt Brown, CEO of Digital Kungfu.

Businesses need to ask the right questions to help them adapt to an exponentially changing world.

Morne Bekker, South African country manager and district manager, SADC region, NetApp. 6 Nov 2017 - by Allyson Towle Becoming a data-centric organisation
Becoming a data-centric organisation
Morne Bekker, South African country manager and district manager, SADC region, NetApp.

NetApp's Morne Bekker will present at the ITWeb Digital Economy Summit 2017 this week on how data has the power to change your customer's world.

DE 2017 Video

NetApp Video

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