Ilva Pieterse is ITWeb contributor
It's about cost benefits, stupid!
Technological progress is being stunted by a shortage in global information security skills.
Are we approaching a work/life singularity?
Cloud and other disruptive technologies are forcing the traditional role of enterprise architecture?- and the enterprise architect?- to evolve.
It's not only the usual suspects driving digital transformation - open source also has a role to play.
Forrester analysts released a report in April 2016, entitled 'Open Source Powers Enterprise Digital Transformation - CIOs Need To Embrace Open Source Software To Drive Change', which further drives the point.
There are mixed opinions regarding the state of risk-based security in the public sector.
Since ultimate accountability doesn't rest with the service provider, top management needs to take an active role in the company's SLAs.
By the time the IOT hits SA, it will be too late to get your big data analytics ducks in a row.
Conducting meetings via mobile devices is becoming the business norm.
If you're still trying to control and manage your employees' mobile devices, you're doing it wrong.
Security can no longer be considered a choice. ?