In SA, IITPSA is the recognised professional body for the ICT sector, but this does not prevent other enterprises from offering their own spurious designations that have no foundation, says Adrian Schofield, a Vice-President of the IITPSA.
The Republic of Korea's government policies that enabled rapid rollout of broadband can show the way for SA.
Recognition of your achievement was not arrived at by throwing a dart at the wall, and you have joined an elite group of leaders, says Adrian Schofield, VP, IITPSA.
Have we lost perspective?
It will be a travesty if the UN should be the cover for governments to control the Internet in the name of 'security'.
Algorithmic trading is a frightening technology - use it at your peril.
A plan is a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something. It's not a good intention.
Government does not recognise the critical need for access to affordable technology, says Adrian Schofield, president of CSSA.
Adrian Schofield, president of the Information Industry SA, examines the problems facing the local information and communications technology (ICT) sector in the transformation stakes.
Adrian Schofield, international sales and marketing director of the Computing Technology Industry Association, believes that the local IT training industry is far too complacent about its own future.
Adrian Schofield, international sales and marketing director of the Computing Technology Industry Association, believes the Skills Development Levy will stimulate skills development by enabling employers to reclaim some expenditure on skills development initiatives.
The local IT industry has a vital role to play in enabling other industries to grow, believes Adrian Schofield, international sales and marketing director of the Computing Technology Industry Association.