SA's third computer-animated movie is the first to break into the global market.
Lawyer-turned-programmer Gianugo Rabellini explains why sustainable open source technology for mobile devices needs care from developer communities.
Beneath the noise about financial industry scandals, technology shifts trading, brokerage and banking into high gear.
A global player muscles into a local market created by severe procurement skills shortages.
Deploying intelligent self-service needs a less creaky contact centre.
MTN powers data centres with gas in a bold move to go off the grid.
Technology can help lure customers back into brick-and-mortar stores.
The country's biggest service provider will soon have to protect personal information in all its departments.
Great user experience, strategy and modern architecture grow audiences for enterprise mobile applications.
Kids outperform their school teachers in technology use, but three major projects attempt to narrow the gap.
Truly useful technology for SMEs according to business mentors, financiers and incubators.
Keeping company eyes on customer experience wins more games than just doing CRM.