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  • Martin Pienaar

Martin Pienaar

COO of Mindworx.

Martin Pienaar is COO of Mindworx. Business, cutting-edge technology, education, community service, fitness and co-owner of a boutique liquor store: these are Pienaar’s chief passions.

He is responsible for marketing, finance, analytics, IT, the Mindworx Academy and permanent recruitment teams, and development of the business. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant and is a member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants.

A strategic and visionary thinker, he is a natural solver of problems. On a personal level, his love of fitness has seen him complete the notoriously difficult Cape Epic cycle race. A highly sociable cook and foodie, he enjoys spending time with his family, getting out on his boat over weekends, and devouring business books and biographies. He is known for his community mindedness.



Emerging technology can solve SA’s employment crisis

In a digital world where the workplace is no longer defined by geographical borders, emerging tech can save companies, increase GDP and reduce the unemployment crisis.

Oct 23, 2020

How COVID-19 accelerated SA’s move to the gig economy

Gig workers allow companies to be more flexible in terms of scaling up or down fast − an essential survival tactic as competition and demand for digital skills intensify.