The court rules that telecoms newcomer AppChat cannot use Nashua ECN's intellectual property, approach its staff or its customers.
The listed group increases shareholder payouts as the tax burden shifts.
Earnings per share will be lower for the first half of the year.
A full hearing into whether John Holdsworth breached a restraint of trade signed with Reunert is scheduled for 29 May.
The listed company argues John Holdsworth is breaching a contract and should be stopped from launching AppChat later this year.
The company spends R305.5 million to buy franchises and ECN Telecommunications.
The company says full year earnings will be higher when it reports results next month.
The company's chief commercial officer steps down a month after the departure of its CEO.
Nashua Mobile can now get on with its plan of becoming a converged player.
The company's cash balance stands at over R1 billion, despite buying back shares worth R1.1 billion in the half year.
Selling its 40% stake in Nokia Siemens Networks SA aided the company's earnings in the first half.
Consolidation in the telecoms landscape in the next two years will transform the sector more dramatically than ever before.