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  • Karel Rode

Karel Rode

security consultant at Performanta Consulting.

Karel Rode is solutions strategist for CA’s security practice. He is a seasoned information security professional and has served the Cape Town and Johannesburg IT community for the last six years, providing companies with networking and various security solutions. With a background in financial services at a life insurer, Rode has knowledge of the financial services industry and a firm grounding in large-scale computing platforms and information security.


MalwareDec 11, 2012

White, grey and black - lists...

Malware as we know it today is evolving and will evolve even more going forward, says Karel Rode, consultant at Performanta.


Reaping the real benefits of IAM

The complexity of IAM software requires planning to ensure benefits filter through the entire business, says Karel Rode, principal consultant, CA.

NetworkingMay 27, 2008

ID management often misunderstood

Identity management is fraught with confusing terms and misunderstanding.

NetworkingMay 14, 2008

Virtual environments need protection too

System administrators need to treat virtual environments with the same care they do any other systems.

SecurityApr 4, 2008

Wrapping your head around cryptography

Data has to be dealt with appropriately, because it is governed by trust.

SecurityMar 14, 2008

Is biometrics the next big thing?

Biometric user authentication can be a cost-effective value proposition.

SecurityJan 25, 2008

Are smart cards really that clever?

Today's smart cards rely on hi-tech, and aim to make our lives easier and safer.

SecurityDec 6, 2007

No easy solution for spam

Electronic spam is as unappealing as its ham-in-a-can version, and just as difficult to process.

SecurityNov 6, 2007

The importance of policies

Although authoritarian environments can make people unhappy, rules are important if anarchy is to be prevented.

SecurityOct 12, 2007

Directory deployment is not ID management

What is the difference between identity management, identity and access management, and a user directory?

Content securityFeb 1, 2007

The dark side of the Web

Effective content management should be a concern no matter the size of the enterprise.

IT securityJun 23, 2006

Take proactive approach to IT security

Many South African corporates have taken a reactive rather proactive approach to security, exacerbating the problems associated with being online, says Karel Rode, business technologist at CA.