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  • Vernon Fryer

Vernon Fryer

Chief information security officer and head of CDOC at NEC XON.

Vernon Fryer is chief information security officer and head of CDOC at NEC XON.

He has nearly 50 years of experience in the cyber security industry. He has served at IBM, SAPS, Interpol Southern Africa, and been SA’s national head of the Computer Crime Unit. He lives and breathes cyber security.

Fryer has investigated computer fraud, helped track assets in liquidation, testified in intellectual property disputes, conducted forensic investigations and numerous security audits for regulatory requirements.

He was on the International Computer Crime Work Group and in 2008 was included in the Who’s Who in the World.

Today, Fryer develops business solutions that mitigate unified cyber and physical security threats, and operates Africa’s foremost cyber security managed service. He also consults to the continent’s most prominent defence, government, financial and mineral resources operations, as well as businesses in several other sectors.
