
New forum chases 'seamless connectivity'

Marin'e Jacobs
By Marin'e Jacobs
Johannesburg, 15 Nov 2013
Michael Fletcher, sales director for Ruckus Wireless sub-Saharan Africa, says the WiFi Forum of SA should promote good interoperability, adherence to guidelines and good governance.
Michael Fletcher, sales director for Ruckus Wireless sub-Saharan Africa, says the WiFi Forum of SA should promote good interoperability, adherence to guidelines and good governance.

A forum that aims to accelerate the adoption of high-speed, reliable and cost-effective broadband services in SA was launched at AfricaCom, in Cape Town, this week.

According to a statement, the WiFi Forum of SA is a voluntary industry body comprising operators, service providers, technology providers and associated parties. The forum's Web site shows that current members include Dimension Data, Internet Solutions, Comsol Wireless Solutions and AlwaysOn.

Chairman Andile Ngcaba says the mission of the organisation is "to create a collaborative and self-regulating body that promotes the effective utilisation of WiFi technologies in the delivery of ubiquitous, interoperable and seamless connectivity".

The forum intends to provide an effective mechanism for the self-regulation of the WiFi industry to ensure adherence to international WiFi agreements, standards, guidelines and practices. It will also provide input to regulatory processes that pertains to the WiFi community.

Michael Fletcher, sales director for Ruckus Wireless sub-Saharan Africa, says the establishment of the forum could be a good thing as it could possibly localise the work that the Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) is doing.

"The point of the WBA is to get everyone talking to each other and operating in a legal and acceptable manner. So if [the WiFi forum of SA] promotes good interoperability, adherence to guidelines and good governance then they will certainly be successful," he says. "Perhaps with time they will get more members on board, which will give them more credibility."

IDC analyst Spiwe Chireka echoes Fletcher's sentiment that the forum is perhaps doubling up on the work the WBA is doing, but says it could still serve a purpose as a complementary body. "I don't see a critical need for a forum like this, but it will do well if it could give vendors and operators a combined voice when talking about the WiFi landscape," she says.
