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  • Familiar with MikroTik? Interested in becoming your own boss: entrepreneur opportunity

Familiar with MikroTik? Interested in becoming your own boss: entrepreneur opportunity

Are you familiar with MikroTik? Are you interested in being your own boss?

If you answered yes, we have a fantastic opportunity for you.

Using our Made for MikroTik solution, you can offer a tremendous value-add service to any group or organisation that has Internet access. Using our 100% white-label solution, branded as your own, you can provide the following services:

  • Security: Protection against malware, phishing, ransomware connections and DDOS attacks proactively.
  • Sophisticated real-time Content Filtering based on a number of key categories that you can select to suit your client's requirements.
  • Profiles: A client may have a requirement for children vs parents in terms of content viewed.
  • Time-based rules; for example, you can limit the time social media is allowed.
  • Detailed reporting on all aspects of traffic usage providing key visibility.
  • FairShare™: Ensuring all users of the network get equal bandwidth, particularly useful in online gaming communities.

What you need to take advantage of this opportunity

Simply familiarity and experience with MikroTik Routers.

How you can earn from this opportunity

Your market is limited only by your imagination. Almost every household and every company has Internet access. WiFi is available everywhere. You simply need to target these groups, whether they be:

  • Neighbours
  • Pubs, coffee shops
  • Businesses that you deal with
  • Schools
  • Universities

LucidView will provide you with the script, you sign them up and we invoice you per profile or Enforcer (our name for the product, which you can change to whatever you want).

  • The value you are adding to your client
  • Sophisticated content filtering
  • Visibility through easy to understand reporting
  • Detailed reporting including category reports, device reports, source IP reports and more
  • Protection against malware, phishing and ransomware
  • Ability to decide what sites are acceptable at what times
  • FairShare™ to prevent against latency

This opportunity can be as profitable as you choose and you can grow at your own rate. The potential here is limited only by you. LucidView will provide the tools to create your product. Each product or profile will only cost you $3 per month. You can add whatever margin you think is reasonable. LucidView does not sell to end-users, so we will support you while never competing with you.


Editorial contacts

Patricia Stuthridge