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Looking for a competitive edge? Welcome Dell Technologies PowerStore

You may have read about it, you may have heard about it, but has your company embraced it?

We are halfway through the start of a new decade and digital transformation should be every organisation's main focus. Moving your organisation into a new era where the digital economy is moving faster than ever can be a daunting task. Ensuring you optimise your IT operations to handle the workload is the first step on your digital transformation journey.

The data being generated within modern workforces has reached an all-time high and this is where you need to ensure that you have the right storage solution for the job. The Dell EMC PowerStore will assist your organisation with improved operational efficiency, enhanced business agility, optimised service predictability and probably the most sought after result – reduced costs.

Designed for the data era, the PowerStore provides your organisation with the infrastructure that will allow you to fast-track your digital transformation journey, whether you are dealing with traditional or modern workloads.

Moving across to the key benefits, the Dell EMC PowerStore:

  • Presents a data-centric design to optimise storage efficiency, scalability and system performance;
  • Generates intelligent automation that simplifies management and optimises system resources, while also enabling protective health analytics; and
  • Provides adaptability that enables speed and application mobility, as well as flexible deployment models and payment solutions.

Pinnacle ICT has a team of highly trained Dell experts to assist you on your digital transformation journey. For more information on the Dell EMC PowerStore Storage Solution, click here
