
Dell Computers in rural KwaZulu-Natal

By PR Connections
Johannesburg, 26 Sep 2000

Myeka High School in the Valley of a Thousand Hills in remote KwaZulu-Natal is one of more than 16 400 schools in South Africa without electricity let alone the sophisticated technologies that are today accepted as standard in the modern world.

But Myeka High can count itself lucky. It`s been selected as a prototype school by a number of organisations that have successfully implemented a cocktail of technologies whereby it can now harness the Internet and introduce distance learning to its 850 scholars.

Through the convergence of solar, cellular and satellite technologies - a first in SA schools - Myeka boasts a computer laboratory equipped with the latest in PC technology sponsored by Dell Computer to the value of more than R70 000.

The classroom comprises five PCs linked to 20 monitors in an environment that a representative from the World Bank recently described as the most sophisticated he had seen anywhere in the world given the scarce resources in such a remote location.

Sophisticated because it was not a simple matter of plugging the PCs into a wall socket and connecting to the Internet via the phone line. None of that exists on the banks of the Inanda Dam where the school is located, but where there`s will there`s a way and Myeka found that way.

Solar panels were erected by Solar Engineering Services, a Durban company whose rural electrification manager Greg Austin said were connected to the Dell PCs in a specific configuration saving 44% of the power that would be required if they were connected individually.

"In this manner we have four active desktop PCs driving 20 workstations all of which can operate as independent units while saving a significant sum of money that would otherwise be necessary."

That takes care of the power. Connectivity to the Internet which is the fundamental purpose of the experiment being undertaken by Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF) was the real test as this is how distance learning - which rural schools require so desperately - will be effected.

SELF is a Texas based non-profit organisation whose chairman of the board is none other than Larry Hagman of Dallas fame. SELF`s objective is to electrify rural areas in developing countries.

Gareth Martin, MD of Dell Computer, who visited the school recently to witness first hand what his company`s contribution had achieved, says that while it`s easy to donate computer equipment, a responsible approach should be taken.

"Dell`s philosophy is to participate in a social responsibility programme where a sound infrastructure is in place that is properly managed and where results are evident.

"In SA we are currently involved in eight projects at educational institutions and I am very taken with the technological breakthrough that has been made at Myeka High."

Martin makes a point where some companies that donate obsolete equipment can sometimes do more harm than good. "If you`re going to take part in social responsibility such as education, it`s vital that the equipment is current technology allowing the institution to take advantage of technology such as distance learning via the Internet as is the case with Myeka High," says Martin.

"To enable Internet connectivity we used cellular technology for our outgoing signal and InfoSat provided us with the satellite technology for the incoming signal," said Rael Lissoos, a director at Learning Channel Campus, a Johannesburg company dedicated to empowering people through education technology.

"Naturally there were hitches along the way such as a small break in the aerial cable which took us forever to find, but now it works. This technology at Myeka High can be used at any school anywhere in the world through the combination of solar, cellular and satellite technologies. It`s the most cost effective method in the world where there simply are no modern facilities," said Lissoos.

Melusi Zwane, the headmaster at Myeka High - named after a former Zulu chief, Gwala Myeka, in the Inanda Valley, describes the introduction of Internet technology to the school as another chapter in the school`s ongoing development.

"We have a very high pass rate and the community in this district is extremely committed to the school and the role it is playing in society. Our goal is to produce scientists and engineers, doctors and lawyers and thanks to the technology we now have in place we can expect our students to excel further. As headmaster there is no prouder man than myself."
