OpenView HD - positioned by Platco Digital as "Africa's first free-to-air HD satellite television platform" - has gone live.
Maxwell Nonge, MD of Platco Digital, etv's sister company, says the offering addresses SA's under-serviced market.
Platco recently revealed OpenView HD's channel offering, which consists of over 10 new channels, as well as SABC1, SABC2, SABC3 and etv.
Etv has also launched four additional channels, eKasi+, eAfrica+, eMovies+ and eToonz+. While eMovies+ and eKasi+ will both be broadcast in high-definition, eKasi+ launched with a new Zulu news service, eNews Izindaba.
Retailing at around R1 600 (including dish, decoder and installation), OpenView HD is available at major South African retailers nationwide, including OK Furnishers, Jet Mart, Pick 'n Pay, Hirsch's, Extreme Discounters, Game, Dion Wired, Makro, House & Home and Hi-Fi Corporation.
Nonge says Platco is committed to developing an alternative direct-to-home broadcast platform in SA in an effort to contribute to the increase in the number and quality of channels for viewers, primarily those who cannot afford pay-TV services.