The National Tender Bulletin is somewhat quiet this week, as government procurement enters a bit of a lull. Hardware providers get the bulk of the new opportunities put out to tender this week.
Meanwhile, the Flavius Mareka TVET College, based in the Free State, is on the hunt for ICT training services, spanning systems development, end-user computing and technical support.
New tenders
Electoral Commission
The IEC is advertising for two high-speed, heavy duty wide-format (A0) printing systems on option 1: outright purchase (no trade-in).
Note: Bids received will be evaluated in respect of the evaluation criteria as set out in the bid documentation and the 80/20 scoring principle as provided for in the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2017. All service providers that wish to render goods/services to the Electoral Commission must self-register on the National Treasury Central Suppliers Database (CSD) at www.csd.gov.za.
Tender no: 10380825
Information: Technical: Libisi Maphanga or James Aphane, Tel: (012) 622 5589/5729, e-mail: maphangal@elections.org.za, aphanej@elections.org.za. General: Vincent Qwabe, Tel: (012) 622 5700.
Closing date: 21 September 2018
Tags: Hardware, printing
The Commission is also advertising for two high-speed, heavy duty wide-format (A0) printing systems on option 2, with option to buy, as well as two existing IEC A0 printers (with trade in).
Note: Bids received will be evaluated in respect of the evaluation criteria as set out in the bid documentation and the 80/20 scoring principle as provided for in the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2017. All service providers that wish to render goods/services to the Electoral Commission must self-register on the National Treasury Central Suppliers Database (CSD) at www.csd.gov.za.
Tender no: 10381683
Information: Technical: Libisi Maphanga or James Aphane, Tel: (012) 622 5589/5729, e-mail: maphangal@elections.org.za, aphanej@elections.org.za. General: Vincent Qwabe, Tel: (012) 622 5700.
Closing date: 21 September 2018
Tags: Hardware, printing
Safety and Security Education and Training Authority
The Authority requires supply and delivery of ICT equipment, peripherals and related products.
Tender no: RFP/ SASSETA/201819124
Information: Musa Mazibuko, e-mail: scm01@sasseta.org.za
Closing date: 25 September 2018
Tags: Hardware
State Information Technology Agency
SITA is looking for a service provider to supply, install, customise (including design), integrate and deploy a Web-based case management system to the B-BBEE commission and then support and maintain it for a period of 24 months.
Tender no: RFB 1792/ 2018
Information: Bongani April, Tel: (012) 482 2546, e-mail: bongani.april@sita.co.za
Closing date: 21 September 2018
Tags: Software, services, Internet, cloud computing, support and maintenance
Department of Community Safety, Gauteng
The province requires a service provider for the provision of a traffic contravention management and collection system, back office support, and supply and deployment of traffic law enforcement equipment in the Gauteng province, for a period of 60 months.
Compulsory briefing: 7 September
Tender no: GT/ GDCS/ 086/2018
Information: Technical: Mkhululeki Hlatshwayo and Leslie Legoabe, Tel: (011) 689 3813/3630, e-mail: Mkhululeki.Hlatswayo@gauteng.gov.za, Leslie.Legoabe@gauteng.gov.za. General: Thebe Mereotlhe or Nthabiseng Mavuso, Tel: (011) 689 3746/3856, e-mail: Thebe.Mereotlhe@gauteng.gov.za, Nthabiseng.Mavuso@gauteng.gov.za. Tender Enquiries: Jaco Smit, Tel: (011) 689 6058 or Lenard Billings, Tel: (011) 689 6416, e-mail Tender.admin@gauteng.gov.za.
Closing date: 21 September 2018
Tags: Software, services, hardware, support and maintenance
Construction Industry Development Board
The Board seeks to appoint a service provider to provide it with a Mimecast Unified Email Management Enterprise system for a period of 36 months.
Tender no: RFB60008
Information: Technical: Matthews Mphuthi, Tel: (012) 482 7228, e-mail: MatthewsM@cidb.org.za. General: Sphiwe Mlangeni, Tel: (012) 482 7328, Fax: 086 618 5572, e-mail: SphiweM@cidb.org.za.
Closing date: 18 September 2018
Tags: Software, security, e-mail
Department of Higher Education and Training
The Flavius Mareka TVET College invites proposals for the training of 50 beneficiaries in the Further Education and Training Certificate: Information Technology Systems Development NQF L4; SAQA ID 78965.
Note: Flavius Mareka TVET College will apply its Supply Chain Management Policy and where the policy is silent, will apply National Treasury Regulations. The College does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right not to appoint. Late tenders will not be accepted.
Tender no: T/ 18/ 18 Learn SD
Information: H Du Plessis, Tel: (016) 976 0829, e-mail: hantiedp@fmfet.net
Closing date: 28 September 2018
Tags: Services, training
The College is also advertising for the training of 50 beneficiaries in National Certificate, Information Technology, End-User Computing, NQF Level 3; SAQA ID 49077.
Note: Flavius Mareka TVET College will apply its Supply Chain Management Policy and where the policy is silent, will apply National Treasury Regulations. The College does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right not to appoint. Late tenders will not be accepted.
Tender no: T/ 21/ 18 Learn EUC
Information: H Du Plessis, Tel: (016) 976 0829, e-mail: hantiedp@fmfet.net.
Closing date: 28 September 2018
Tags: Services, training
Training of 50 beneficiaries in Further Education and Training Certificate: Information Technology Technical Support NQF L4; SAQA ID 78964 is also sought.
Note: Flavius Mareka TVET College will apply its Supply Chain Management Policy and where the policy is silent, will apply National Treasury Regulations. The College does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right not to appoint. Late tenders will not be accepted.
Tender no: T/ 19/ 18 Learn TS
Information: H Du Plessis, Tel: (016) 976 0829, e-mail: hantiedp@fmfet.net
Closing date: 28 September 2018
Tags: Services, training
Independent Communications Authority of South Africa
ICASA wishes to appoint a suitable service provider to administer a 360-degree online assessment annually (once a year) for the period of three years on an 80/20 PPPFA 2000, Preferential Procurement Regulation: 2017.
Note: The bid will be evaluated on: (a) submission of the required documents, (b) functionality, and (c) on the PPPFA preference points system. Only bidders who meet the cut-off score of 70 points for functionality will be considered further for price evaluation. The bid will be evaluated on the 80/20 preference points system.
Compulsory briefing: 14 September
Tender no: ICASA 06/ 2018
Information: Johannes (Jowi) Molomo, Tel: (011) 566 3810, e-mail: Jmolomo@icasa.org.za
Closing date: 4 October 2018
Tags: Corporate affairs, Internet
National Electronic Media Institute of South Africa
Nemisa wishes to procure voice-over-IP (VOIP) telephony services for a period of 36 months.
The VOIP system should address the following minimum aspects:
* The VOIP PBX to be provided and owned by the service provider and securely hosted at the service provider's premises. The specification will be outlined in the bid document in detail, to be provided on request by the service provider.
* Bids received from bidders who have a Level 4 to 8 B-BBEE contributor status and non-compliant contributor, will not be considered for evaluation and will be eliminated from further evaluation.
Note: The bid will be evaluated on: (a) submission of the required documents, (b) functionality, and (c) on the PPPFA preference points system. Only bidders who meet the cut-off score of 80 points for functionality will be considered further for price evaluation. The bid will be evaluated on the 80/20 preference points system.
Tender no: NEMISA/ 2018/VOIP/ RFB003
Information: Emmanuel Ramoipone, Tel: (011) 484 0583, fax: (011) 484 0615, e-mail: emmanuelr@nemisa.co.za
Closing date: 21 September 2018
Tags: Hardware, telecommunications, networking, VOIP
ICASA is also advertising for the supply of switches that are compatible with ICASA's existing networking systems for its new office (Centurion) on an 80/20 PPPFA 2000, Preferential Procurement Regulation: 2017 system.
Note: The bid will be evaluated on: (a) submission of the required documents, (b) functionality, and (c) on the PPPFA preference points system. Only bidders who meet the cut-off score of 70 points for functionality will be considered further for price evaluation. The bid will be evaluated on the 80/20 preference points system.
Tender no: ICASA 11/ 2018
Information: Mmatabane Hlapisi, Tel: (011) 566 3095, e-mail: Mhlapisi@icasa.org.za
Closing date: 10 September 2018
Tags: Hardware, telecommunications, networking
Department of Rural Development and Land Reform
The Department wishes to appoint a service provider to upgrade, and provide support and maintenance services for telephone management, as well as switchboard systems, at the following Deeds Registries Offices: Vryburg, Kimberley, Pietermaritzburg and Pretoria Deeds Registry, for a period of 24 months.
Note: Kindly take note that this bid will be evaluated in two stages. During the first stage, bids will be evaluated on functionality, whereas in the second stage, bids will be evaluated in accordance with the 80/20 preference point system as prescribed in the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2017. Bids that fail to achieve 60 points out of 100 on functionality will not be considered for evaluation in the second stage.
Compulsory briefings:
10 September - Kimberley Deeds Registry
11 September - Vryburg Deeds Registry
13 September - Pietermaritzburg Deeds Registry
14 September - Pretoria Deeds Registry
Bidders must attend all briefing sessions for offices they wish to bid for. Failure will disqualify bidders for that particular office.
Tender no: DRDLR (CRD- 12) 2018/ 19
Information: Technical: Giddeon Phokane, Tel: (012) 338 7007, e-mail: Giddeon.phokane@drdlr.gov.za. General: Buti Matjila, Tel: (012) 338 7107/7311, e-mail: Buti.matjila@drdlr.gov.za.
Closing date: 21 September 2018
Human Sciences Research Council
Appointment of a service provider for off-site storage for a period of five years.
Tender no: HSRC/ 11/ 2017/18
Successful bidder: Metrofile
Value: As per rates
South African National Parks
Outsourcing of ICT single services aggregator, including network services and infrastructure.
Tender no: GNP- 008- 18
Successful bidder: Datacentrix
Value: R298 958 098
Technical support for Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains for SANParks
Tender no: GNP- 003- 18
Successful bidder: Sethewo
Value: R299 460
Upgrading of Open Text MBPM V9 to Open Text Process Suite, including extended Open Text Enterprise Content Management
Tender no: GNP- 017- 17
Successful bidder: Datacentrix
Value: R35 982 229