
Being powerfully feminine

Synergy Group recently hosted its first networking event.

Randburg, 07 May 2013
Elsjene Burger, marketing manager at Synergy Group.
Elsjene Burger, marketing manager at Synergy Group.

Gone are the days of boring high teas with cold tea and stale cucumber sandwiches. A tranquil setting in the heart of Centurion was the venue for Synergy Group's high tea for women in business networking event. Why a networking session? The answer is simple, just because we can. What better way for like-minded business women to get together and share their "business" stories.

"As women in business we tend to forget just how powerful we can be while remaining feminine." These were the words of Elsjene Burger, marketing manager at Synergy Group and also the host for the event. "By no means whatsoever are we saying that women should be seen as ruthless and shrewd in business. We are also not implying that women should be as cunning as Catherine the Great of Russia who overthrew her husband Tsar Peter III."

Normally, women tend to have stage fright when asked to share their views and insights. Burger broke the ice by encouraging them to introduce themselves and mention their place of birth. Very soon everybody knew a little more about each other and it was easier for the ladies to interact more openly.

Synergy Group has always believed it can change lives through technology. This networking event was no different. Even if the women walked away with making only one single new friend or connection, the company has accomplished its goal.

One thing we must remember is that women conduct business in a completely different manner than men. Going for the kill is not their forte. Women rely on their nurturing and ever-caring nature to get the job done. These sentiments resonated through the words of Hanlie Raath, Psychotherapist and owner of Paradox8.

Raath presented a talk to the ladies that focused on the female power and how women have always been forced to continuously adapt to their work environment. "Through the years, women had to adapt and take on different roles to achieve their goal. The role of a 'fighter' is not reserved for men only anymore. In life we choose which role will suit us best. If you take a look at horses in the wild, you get the leaders, the herders, the babysitters, etc. Women need to be like the alpha mare. They are strong, nurturing and the true leaders."

The feedback from the ladies that attended the event was phenomenal. Burger mentioned: "Not in our wildest dreams could we have imagined our first women in business networking high tea to be such a success. Changing lives through technology does not always have to be business related. Sharing our business ideas and different backgrounds ultimately levels the playing field for everyone to network and connect on a mutual level."

If you would like more information, contact Burger at


Editorial contacts

Zach de Lange
Synergy Group