Citrix Systems, a leader in enterprise infrastructure software and services, has announced that it has joined the Mobile Enterprise Alliance (MEA) as a founding member.
The MEA, based in Geneva, Switzerland, is a global, not-for-profit organisation created to help enterprise organisations realise the benefits of providing application access to a mobile or remote workforce. Citrix`s chief evangelist and vice-president of strategy, Traver Gruen-Kennedy, will serve as the MEA chairman, providing guidance on the organisation`s formation based on his extensive IT industry expertise.
According to Chris Norton, manager of Citrix`s southern African office: "The MEA will be wholly customer-facing and will provide guidance and assistance to enterprises seeking to establish mobile workforce solutions. Local companies will benefit from the participation of some of the world`s largest mobility technology companies, including Citrix Systems.
"The MEA will provide access to a wealth of educational information as well as technical materials, case studies and product information. In addition, specific information on mobile access to applications within vertical industries such as finance, telecommunications and manufacturing, will be highlighted as part of a common knowledge repository for enterprise IT directors."
Citrix is joining more than 100 other leading IT vendors, service providers and systems integrators that will provide information and direction on mobility issues, including device and network compatibility, application access and security. For example, through case studies, peer references and other tools, the MEA will show enterprises how they can improve end-user productivity by enabling simple, secure access to business applications over virtually any wireless network.
"There`s an abundance of associations out there today that focus on specific technology standards - from CDMA to 802.11, but none that cross technology boundaries to focus solely on what the customer needs to mobilise its workforce," said Norton. "Our participation as a founding member in the MEA underscores our commitment to supporting initiatives that increase awareness of mobility solutions and help provide more advanced mobile technology to our customers."
This new appointment adds to the extensive roster of contributions Gruen-Kennedy has made to the adoption of policy and legislation on behalf of the technology industry. Gruen-Kennedy is considered by many to be the "father of the ASP industry", and served two terms as chairman of the ASP Industry Consortium, an international advocacy group. He is also a member of the board for the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA), president of the Technology Forum of South Florida, a Technology Pioneer of the World Economic Forum, co-founder of the Technology Enablement Network, and advisor to the Florida Atlantic University InternetCoast Institute.