The Eskom Expo for Young Scientists in Gauteng will host regional science fairs around the province to showcase the scientific brilliance of the province’s promising young scientists.
The regional expos will be the first physical science fairs since 2019. Learners will have a chance to show and discuss their own scientific investigations and projects in different fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) with judges, teachers and pupils from other schools, parents and other interested people.
According to Eskom, the road to this year’s regional finals began with a series of workshops across the province, followed by research and then district expos, where learners received valuable input from a team of ‘expo mentors’ to improve their research, prior to regional expos.
“Eskom Expo started the process of developing young scientists in the province by guiding them through the ideation and project initiation phase of their research, as well as assisting them on how to write a research plan, abstract and project report, along with how to identify potential ethics violations,” says Raven Motsewabangwe, provincial coordinator for the expo.
“The last two years have been quite challenging, as Eskom Expo had to execute its mandates virtually as a result of the pandemic, so it’s a welcoming return to form, to be able to host physical expos this year, where pandemic protocols will remain in place.”
Cecil Ramonotsi, Eskom Development Foundation CEO, says: “As the funder of Eskom Expo for Young Scientists, the biggest science fair on the African continent, moulding young scientists, especially previously disadvantaged learners and girls, remains vital in readying them to fulfil essential roles in the various fields of science.
“The regional science expos not only provide opportunities to celebrate our future scientists and showcase their talent, but also to inspire more young learners to pursue studies and careers in STEM.”
With an estimated 500 projects to be showcased in the province this year, young scientists will compete for a much sought-after opportunity to represent their regions and province at the Eskom Expo International Science Fair (ISF), which will be held virtually in October.
At the ISF event, learners can win prizes and bursaries, along with scholarships and various other opportunities. Learners also stand a chance to be selected to showcase their research or innovation in an international science fair in the US, Asia, Europe and the rest of Africa.
Regional expos will be held as follows: