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New Bolt app feature allows multiple ride requests view

Staff Writer
By Staff Writer, ITWeb
Johannesburg, 07 Mar 2024
Bolt recently added new features to its Bolt Driver app.
Bolt recently added new features to its Bolt Driver app.

E-hailing firmBolt South Africa has introduced Driver Destinations, a new in-app feature to provide more earning opportunities for driver-partners in South Africa.

The app update allows driver partners to add their end-destination in-app, and choose from multiple customer ride requests that gradually help bring them closer to their destination back home, while continuing to earn.

Drivers would previously drive for long distances back home, without the option of picking up riders who may be headed in the same direction. This is because it can be harder for them to find an order that matches their specific location and end-destination.

According to Bolt, the new feature also helps to increase earning opportunities for driver-partners through advanced routing and increasing access to ride-hailing services for riders.

The upgrade is based on feedback from Bolt’s network of 3.5 million fleet, driver and courier partners globally, who reported it can take longer for them to pick up ride-hailing orders when they’re on their way home, notes the e-hailer.

This means driver-partners may not earn at all on their way back home, which also means riders are waiting for longer to be picked up.

Sandra Suzanne Buyole, PR manager, Africa at Bolt, says: “At Bolt, we know that our network of 3.5 million fleet, driver and courier partners are the lifeblood of our platform.

“Driver Destinations is the newest upgrade to the Bolt Driver app, which provides more flexible earning opportunities for driver-partners and ensures the availability of our ride-hailing service for riders.

“It’s part of our ongoing investment in new products, features and incentives that help improve the Driver app ecosystem, offering drivers and riders a good-quality ride-hailing experience.”

Driver Destinations joins a suite of recent driver app upgrades from Bolt. These include the Bolt Rewards programme, which enhances driver engagement; the Driver Compliments feature, which provides drivers with recognition of exceptional service; and an in-app cancellation feature to discourage riders from taking offline trips.

Bolt recently introduced a vehicle branding opportunity, where drivers who choose to brand their vehicles will receive additional income as an incentive, providing them with an opportunity to supplement their earnings and improve their financial stability.
