The National Tender Bulletin is slightly thinner this week, reflecting the distraction of last week's mini budget on public sector operations. Government's interest in ICT requirements, however, remains buoyant.
The software sector, which normally attracts the greatest demand, takes a back seat this week, attracting only four advertisements. The services sector dominates the edition, with half of the opportunities on offer.
The past decade has seen controversy surrounding the extent of government's use of consultants and the resulting costs. In response, national Treasury implemented control measures in the public sector in an effort to eradicate wasteful expenditure.
What started out as orders to government to reduce its spend on consultants has progressed over the years to specific limitations being placed on recruitment of new services, as well as renewal of existing contracts.
The ICT industry has certainly felt the impact of these restrictions. Although diminished, the public sector still requires support and maintenance services. The lucrative consulting contracts that were so popular at the start of the century, however, have declined sharply in both scope and quantity.
New tenders
Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sports Education and Training Authority
CATHS SETA is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced service provider for the provision of an enterprise resource planning system.
Non-compulsory briefing: 13 Nov
Tender no: CATHS/ERP/001/2018
Information: Supply Chain, (011) 217 0600, supplychain@cathsseta.org.za
Closing date: 22 Nov
Tags: Software, ERP
National Lotteries commission
The commission is advertising for a managed unified email solution.
Tender no: NLC/ 2018 - 16
Information: Technical: Maureen Senyatsi, (012) 432 1470, lucky@nlcsa.org.za. General: Lucky Lesufi, (012) 432 1470
Closing date: 3 Dec
Tags: Software, Email, Unified communications
Department of Co-operative Governance
Provisioning of local area network (LAN) infrastructure, including cabling, network equipment, maintenance and support is sought for the Municipal Infrastructure Support Agent (MISA) for thirty-six (36) months.
Note: Bid documents published by SITA are available and can be downloaded from the national Treasury website at www.etenders.gov.za. Email Tenders@sita.co.za to request bid documents.
Non-compulsory briefing: 13 Nov
Tender no: RFB 1831/ 2018
Information: Ronald Kgonyane, (012) 482 2420, tenders@sita.co.za, www.etenders.gov.za
Closing date: 23 Nov
Tags: Hardware, Networking, Services, Support and maintenance
South African Revenue Service
SARS requires provision of maintenance services of its ICT facilities infrastructure for five (5) years.
Non-compulsory briefing: 14 Nov
Tender no: RFP 65/ 2018
Information: Tender office, (012) 422 4078, tenderoffice@sars.gov.za
Closing date: 3 Dec
Tags: Services, Hardware, Support and maintenance
Banking Sector Education and Training Authority
BANK SETA is seeking a suitable service provider to provide accounting, project management and supply chain management software package.
Tender no: BS/ 2018/ RFB415
Information: Eva Ratema, (011) 805 9661, tenders@bankseta.org.za.
Closing date: 23 Nov
Tags: Software, ERP
Department of Environmental Affairs
The department is looking for a service provider for the provision of VSAT/satellite connectivity services for five (5) years for its ocean and coasts branch.
Non-compulsory briefing: 14 Nov
Tender no: E1486
Information: Technical: Mathibela Selepe, (021) 405 9407/9433, mselepe@environment.gov.za. General: Samuel Mofokeng, (012) 399 9057/9070, smofokeng@environment.gov.za
Closing date: 23 Nov
Tags: Telecommunications, Internet, Networking
Gauteng Growth and Development Agency
The agency wishes to appoint a service provider for the development of a business case, feasibility study and business plan for the proposed Gauteng Science and High-Tech Special Economic Zone.
Compulsory briefing: 22 Nov
Tender no: GGDA/ 10/ 2018-19/ SEZ
Information: Technical: George Baloyi, (011) 085 2403, georgeb@ggda.co.za. General: Kgalaletso Sennanye, (011) 085 2438, kgalaletsos@ggda.co.za
Closing date: 30 Nov
Tags: Services, Consulting, Research and Analysis
National Library of South Africa
NLSA requires a Common Impact Measurement System (CIMS) survey for its Mzansi Libraries On-Line Project. The project, which is implemented by NLSA in partnership with the nine (9) provincial library services and the national Department of Arts and Culture, is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's Global Libraries Programme.
Compulsory briefing: 13 Nov
Tender no: NLSA.MLO CIMS10/ 2018
Information: Technical: Caroline Magadzi, (012) 401 9704. General: Zama Adegboyega, (012) 401 9765
Closing date: 26 Nov
Tags: Services, Consulting, Research and Analysis
State Information Technology Agency
SITA is advertising for the supply of professional services (conference programme for 1 April 2019 to March 2020).
Tender no: RFB 1830/2018
Information: Felix Ramosa, (012) 482 2546, Felix.ramosa@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 22 Nov
Tags: Services, Consulting
Banking Sector Education and Training Authority
The BANK SETA seeks to appoint a suitably service provider to provide accounting, project management and supply chain management software package.
Tender no: BS/ 2018/ RFB407
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
The department is looking for a service provider to supply a centralised telephone management system for Realitise ISDX PABX and Aastra BP250 PABXs for a period of five (5) years.
Tender no: 21/ 18
Financial Services Board
Network (switches) infrastructure hardware (technology refresh).
Tender no: FSCA2018/ 19-T004
Successful bidder: Sizwe Africa IT Group (Pty) Ltd
Value: R4 661 860
Provision of audio visual equipment.
Tender no: FSCA2018/ 19-T005
Successful bidder: AE Software Solutions (Pty) Ltd
Value: R2 372 507
Department of Rural Development and Land Reform
Appointment of a service provider to provide information technology audit projects for five audit projects as per the 2018/2019 annual internal audit plan over seven months.
Tender no: 5/ 2/ 2/ 1 RDLR-0016 (2018/ 2019)
Successful bidder: PriceWaterhouseCoopers Incorporated
Value: R6 101 805
Appointment of service provider to assist with the upgrade and maintenance of the private automated branch exchange (PABX) system for three years.
Tender no: 5/ 2/ 2/ 1 RDLR-0019 (2018/ 2019)
Successful bidder: Advanced Voice System (PTY) Ltd
Value: R3 645 097
Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority
Supply and maintenance of cellphone contracts for a period of 24 months.
Tender no: RFB/2018/PSiRA/01
Successful bidder: Vodacom (Pty) Ltd
Executive Package: R1 775 to R2 125
High-End Use Package: R887 to R1 264
Middle-End Use Package: R583 to R799
Low-End Use Package: R399 to R569
State Information Technology Agency
Request for pre-qualification accreditation for the supply of voice solutions and related services for a period of two (2) years.
Tender no: RFA 1746- 2018
Successful bidders:
* Integral Networking (Pty) Ltd
* Galeboe Profesional Services Cc
* AE Soft (Pty) Ltd
* Voimar (Pty) Ltd
* Burika Ict Solutions (Pty) Ltd
* Datacentrix (Pty) Ltd
* Itec Tiyende
* Ubuntu Technology (Pty) Ltd
* Elimu Technology Solutions (Pty) Ltd
* Brilliant Telecommunications (Pty) Ltd
* Mighty Comms (Pty) Ltd
* Atio Corporation (Pty) Ltd
* Storage Technology Services (Pty) Ltd
Value: Not applicable