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New Total Economic Impact study finds Illumio delivered 111% ROI, paid for itself in six months

Illumio Zero Trust Segmentation Platform reduced blast radius by 66% and decreased the cost and impact of downtime by $3.8 million.

Johannesburg, 25 Apr 2023

Illumio, the zero trust segmentation company, announced findings from the Forrester Total Economic Impact of Illumio Zero Trust Segmentation (ZTS). The study showed the Illumio ZTS Platform delivered a total benefit of $10.2 million over three years and paid for itself (ie, payback period) in six months for a composite organisation based on interviewed customers. The study also found Illumio ZTS, over three years: 

  • Reduced a cyber attack’s blast radius by 66% by restricting lateral movement, which saved $1.8 million via decreased overall risk exposure;
  • Drove $3 million in savings via tool consolidation and reduced firewall costs;
  • Saved $3.8 million by limiting unplanned downtime;
  • Increased InfoSec’s operational efficiency by $1.6 million by reducing the time and effort needed to implement security policy; and
  • Delivered 111% return on investment.

Illumio commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct this TEI study and examine the return on investment organisations can realise by deploying Illumio. Forrester Consulting interviewed Forrester analysts, Illumio stakeholders and Illumio customers from organisations of varying sizes and industries to inform the findings of this study. The companies Forrester Consulting interviewed confronted a few major problems they needed to solve. They found that, especially with today’s complex, hybrid environments, traditional segmentation approaches were expensive and labour-intensive to deploy and manage, and they struggled to gain visibility into network communications.

These customers turned to Illumio ZTS because they wanted to ensure they could contain breaches and limit their impact. Organisations found Illumio provides a zero trust solution that supports organisations’ broader zero trust initiatives and aligns with zero trust methodologies on mitigating the damage caused by breaches. Additionally, they recognised that Illumio is a “future-proof solution” that scales alongside organisations, providing flexible, vendor and technology-agnostic segmentation.

The study also found that Illumio ZTS:

  • Minimised the effort needed to implement segmentation by 90% compared to traditional methods;
  • Improved institutional knowledge, arming not only security teams, but also infrastructure and application development teams with an understanding of how applications communicate and the risks associated with them;
  • Identified critical assets within their network with vulnerability maps, which allows security teams to better prioritise what to secure first, ultimately reducing risk; and
  • Satisfied cyber insurance and compliance regulations, so organisations can stay in accordance with today’s requirements and keep a step ahead of tomorrow’s.

The customers Forrester interviewed as part of the study said about Illumio:

  • “We know that a security breach is going to occur, so we use Illumio to limit the ability for the adversary to move laterally through the network and to disrupt the standard techniques they use,” said a head of cyber defence at a financial services organisation.
  • “If we experienced this same event without Illumio, at least two to three times more systems would have been impacted, creating a much more significant issue,” noted a director of infrastructure at a legal firm.
  • “The biggest benefit in my opinion has been the amount of education and learning that everyone that’s involved in this project has gained as a result of looking at the visibility data,” according to a cyber security advisor at a logistics company.

“Zero Trust Segmentation delivers clear security benefits, such as a 66% reduction in the number of systems and data assets impacted, and a tangible 111% return on investment because of efficiency gains, decreased risk exposure and limiting the cost of downtime – and it is satisfying to know this has been validated by experts who based the report on our customers’ real experiences,” said PJ Kirner, CTO and co-founder at Illumio. “Proven, validated return on investment is a requirement for security leaders in this economy and we will continue to help organisations reduce risk, stop ransomware and breaches from spreading and drive a meaningful return to their organisation while doing so.”

Read the full TEI study here.  



Illumio, the Zero Trust Segmentation company, stops breaches and ransomware from spreading across the hybrid attack surface. The Illumio ZTS Platform visualizes all traffic flows between workloads, devices, and the internet, automatically sets granular segmentation policies to control communications, and isolates high-value assets and compromised systems proactively or in response to active attacks. Illumio protects organizations of all sizes, from Fortune 100 to small business, by stopping breaches and ransomware in minutes, saving millions of dollars in application downtime, and accelerating cloud and digital transformation projects. 

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Private Protocol is a Next Generation IT Security distributor offering solutions and strategies that covers Mobile device, Data Security and Governance, AD Security, Secure Data Collaboration, Secure Messaging, SharePoint/O365 Security and Compliance, Network and Hybrid Security, File Share Security and Compliance, Software Defined Perimeter – Zero Trust Security and Cloud Security. Private Protocol have a distributed partner channel covering Africa and Indian Ocean Islands assist partners and customers with both products and services. 

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