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  • Vodacom helps modernise Free State health department

Vodacom helps modernise Free State health department

Staff Writer
By Staff Writer, ITWeb
Johannesburg, 22 Nov 2023
From left: Vodacom’s Poppy Tshabalala, premier Mxolisi Dukwana, health MEC Mathabo Leeto, DESTEA MEC Thabo Meeko, and department HOD Godfrey Mahlatsi.
From left: Vodacom’s Poppy Tshabalala, premier Mxolisi Dukwana, health MEC Mathabo Leeto, DESTEA MEC Thabo Meeko, and department HOD Godfrey Mahlatsi.

Vodacom, in partnership with the Free State Department of Health, has rolled out digital health solutions aimed at improving medical care in public hospitals across the province.

In a statement, Vodacom says these are the computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system and the assisted reality medico-legal surveillance system (ARMSS).

The CAD, says the statement, tracks ambulance requests from the moment a call is logged, to the final delivery of the patients at their destination. It includes the patient report form, which ensures electronic records of the procedures performed on the patient en-route to a medical facility.

ARMSS is provided through RealWearwearable devices. The system provides frontline medical workers with hands-free voice-enabled collaboration to conduct audio and visual recordings of the various procedures medical staffers conduct.

Additionally, it helps to safely store and forward the audio-visual recordings for reporting and investigative purposes.

The solution leverages telecoms offerings such as mobile devices, SIM connectivity and mobile device management software solutions and other advanced technologies, says the statement.

Evah Mthimunye, managing executive for Vodacom central region, comments: “We are using our technological capabilities to provide government, our long-standing partner, digital solutions that are geared towards solving real challenges they face in their pursuit to service members of the public better.

“Therefore, the solutions we are launching will go a long way in ensuring government-owned hospitals in the Free State provide ordinary citizens with improved medical care.”

“We have embarked on a journey to modernise and transform service delivery through technology,” states Free State premier Mxolisi Dukwana.

“This launch marks an important milestone, as we officially implemented strategic digital projects that will propel our province to the forefront of the digital future.

“The combined effect of all digital health solutions will greatly strengthen service delivery in the Free State. These solutions are aligned to our e-health strategy and the vision of rolling out universal healthcare through the NHI [National Health Insurance].”

Free State health MEC Mathabo Leeto adds: “The solutions integrate into a wider digital ecosystem that our digital health strategy envisions. Once fully constituted, this ecosystem will unite providers, specialists, laboratories, pharmacies, emergency services and administrators through shared data and insights. This is the backbone of the National Health Insurance.

“These digital innovations will help to systematically address the service backlogs, quality deficits and access barriers that our communities have grappled with for too long.”
