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  • McAfee Active Virus Defense products support Microsoft Windows 2000

McAfee Active Virus Defense products support Microsoft Windows 2000

Providing leading anti-virus protection for users
Johannesburg, 21 Feb 2000

McAfee, a Network Associates, Inc. business, today announced that its industry-leading suite of virus security solutions are Microsoft Windows 2000 ready.

The suite of McAfee Active Virus Defense (AVD) products, including McAfee GroupShield for Exchange -- the first anti-virus software to include API-level integration with Microsoft Exchange -- will support Windows 2000 to provide superior anti-virus security and maximizing protection from viruses for the millions of Microsoft users.

The McAfee Active Virus Defense suite of tightly integrated best-of-breed, multi-tier solutions, including the market-leading McAfee VirusScan software for Windows 2000, NetShield software for Windows 2000, GroupShield for Exchange with integrated Microsoft API scanning and WebShield for Windows 2000, will be optimized for the new enterprise operating system from Microsoft.

"McAfee and Microsoft are once again working together to shut down the growing threat of email viruses," said Lee Fisher, of McAfee Active Virus Defense. "We are pleased to be part of such an initiative, and applaud Microsoft for the commitment it shows in protecting users from malicious code and viruses."

McAfee, a Network Associates business, provides the leading and most manageable Internet anti-virus solutions to protect e-businesses from virus attacks. The McAfee Active Virus Defense suite provides an award-winning multi-tier virus security solution that includes VirusScan desktop protection, NetShield software for file servers, GroupShield groupware protection and WebShield software for Internet gateway protection. McAfee also provides highly effective tools to manage virus security policy, updates and reporting with its ePolicy Orchestrator and Anti-Virus Informant software. All McAfee products are backed by the world`s leading anti-virus research organization, McAfee AVERT (Anti-Virus Emergency Response Team), which protects customers against the increasingly complex and frequent virus attacks that threaten to cripple e-business.

McAfee AVERT provides updates on new viruses 24 hours a day at
