
Open source connecting people and technology

Free Beer Sessions takes place on 14 June 2018.

Candice Herotodou.
Candice Herotodou.

"Connect. Grow. Scale" was the headline to an article published in an entrepreneurial magazine which detailed how the ambitions of independent business owners are now no different from those of a large corporation.

Technology has now made it possible for anyone to compete globally and against opposition of any size.

What better way to learn how to leverage the ability to connect, grow and scale with open source technologies and agile processes than at Free Beer Sessions.

Engage with masters who have tried and tested this theory.

Candice Herotodou, formerly Mesk, will speak about agile. A collaborator by nature and involved in all things agile and DevOps, Herotodou will relay the story of her journey in a presentation titled DevOps Culture: Are you ready?

Moreover Quintin de Kock will discuss how Netstar took advantage of open source tech to scale its production environment.

Hear how Altech Netstar secured Platinum TT100 (The Technology Top 100) status for maintaining excellence for more than five consecutive years.

Head over to find out more!

Register now for this event, join online and follow on social media.


Obsidian Systems

Obsidian Systems is an established supplier of open source software solutions. The company was started in 1995 as a modest services provider targeting businesses and organisations looking to integrate and leverage off Linux infrastructure.

The last two years Obsidian Systems has expanded its knowledge base by acquiring 25% of both Autumn Leaf and GuruHut.

The expansion of skills is now a formidable team with Java expertise aligning our enterprise open source solution for retail, supporting technology and consulting services across enterprise-ready open source infrastructure, big data, collaboration and bimodal IT strategies for your business.

Obsidian Systems and its subsidiaries, GuruHut and Autumn Leaf strive to bring three legs to the South African market: the first being vendor-certified products, the second being local skills providing consulting, development and support and the third being vendor-certified training and certification. With these three elements, any organisation can trust the enterprise open source solution provided.

Obsidian Systems is a Level 2 contributor to broad-based black economic empowered supplier of open source software solutions in South Africa. For a smarter perspective on your IT, visit it at and

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