
Webinar: Key cyber security tips for POPIA and Cyber Crimes Bill

A live, free webinar is being held at 11:00am SA time on Tuesday, 29 June 2021, in a joint presentation by cyber security specialist F-Secure and legal firm Webber Wentzel.

The webinar will focus on cyber security tips for both the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) legislation that will be coming into effect in South Africa on 1 July 2021, and the Cyber Crimes Bill that has just been signed into existence by the South African president.

With headquarters in Helsinki, Finland, and being the biggest cyber security company in Europe, F-Secure has a great deal of experience in dealing with the similar General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation that came into effect in Europe just over three years ago.

Webber Wentzel is a world-renowned legal firm based in South Africa that specialises in the various aspects of the POPI Act legislation and is very knowledgeable on the new Cyber Crimes Bill.

The following topics will be discussed in the webinar:

  • The requirements of Information Officers needing to register for POPIA by 30 June 2021.
  • Which organisations in SA are required to register for POPIA.
  • POPIA unpacked - a brief summary of POPIA and its comparison to Europe’s very similar GDPR.
  • The roles of CEOs, COOs, CTOs, IT managers, etc, under POPIA and the Cyber Crimes Bill.
  • The security aspects of POPIA compliance.
  • Could you be doing something illegal under the new legislation without realising it?
  • Get answers to your questions at the end of the webinar by submitting them to the experts during the webinar.

Join the free webinar on this page for the live presentation by Knut Vatneström, Senior Sales Engineer at F-Secure Corporation, and attorneys Webber Wentzel at:

11:00am SAST

(South African time) on 29 June 2021.



CyberVision Pty Ltd is an IT security value-added distribution company that conducts business throughout Africa through a variety of resellers of various sizes and differing specialisations. The key personnel at CyberVision individually have over 25 years each of experience in data and network security with F-Secure’s solutions and have supplied services to many types of organisations in Africa, ranging from SMEs to large banks, insurers and government departments. Working with leading organisations in industry has resulted in an extensive understanding of security, allowing for a competitive advantage when it comes to ensuring that the right solutions are in place to adequately secure the networks of organisations of all sizes and types.

With offices in Johannesburg and Cape Town as well as a presence in Kwazulu-Natal, CyberVision has full-service teams capable of providing resellers and their customers with the necessary support services to ensure that their endpoint protection, vulnerability scanning and penetration testing is conducted efficiently and effectively to help prevent security breaches on their networks. The F-Secure Radar, Rapid Detection and Response (RDR) and Rapid Detection Service (RDS), as well as other F-Secure solutions are relied upon for much of CyberVision’s security expertise in mitigating risks and helping organisations manage complex security challenges with a business-focused man-and-machine combined approach.

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