
Technology that helps you keep your kids safe

Johannesburg, 07 Dec 2022

It’s that time of the year again. Your children are days aways from school holidays and have a lot of time on their hands. Usually, this mean lots of screen time and outdoor visits with friends. Thankfully, parents can now leverage the power of technology to monitor their children’s movements.

From receiving notifications of your child’s every departure and arrival, controlling their screen time and restricting access to high-risk websites, you can rest easy knowing that your child is within safe environments.

We explore four apps that have been carefully curated on AppGallery to ensure your child’s activities and digital experience is a fun and safe one.

Find My Kids

Let us start with this great, user-friendly family GPS location tracker. Find My Kids does exactly what it says it will. We’ve all been there – sending a WhatsApp to your child and them either not responding or forgetting to reply. Well, the unique family safety features on this app lets you stay connected with your child when they are not responding.

It also features a nifty parental control app and mobile phone tracker, so you will always know where both your kids and their devices are located. This is great even when the kids are home but have invariably misplaced their mobile device. You can send a loud signal to the device to make tracking it down a breeze even in the untidiest of children’s bedrooms.

The ‘Listen in’ feature lets you tune in to what is happening around your child just to make sure they are safe and in good company. There is also a family chat option with fun stickers that makes staying in touch a fun experience. Another value add is the security control; get notifications when your child reaches their friend’s house, returns home or gets to other places like the mall. You can easily add custom locations to keep your mind at ease while you are at the office or running off to a meeting.


While Kroha also features a GPS, its strength lies in its parental monitoring capabilities. With this app, you can manage your kids’ screen time, block specific apps and set time limits on app usages. It also comes standard with website control and YouTube monitoring.

A nice touch is the ‘night mode’ that protects your child’s eyes from the intense blue light effect from a mobile device in the evening and sets the phone screen to warmer tones. The feature lets your child keep the screen at the correct distance from their eyes.

Parental Control Kroha also has Social Media Chat Monitoring and lets you set geo-zones to get notifications if your child leaves the ‘designated’ safe area.


Another great app to consider is Kidslox. This is a super-useful parental control and screen time tracker that makes it easy for you to control screen time, track your child's location, block apps and monitor app usage.

Its content blocking feature provides you with the peace of mind you need that your child is safely browsing the internet and not being exposed to anything they are not supposed to see. You can also block in-app purchases and lock ‘safe search’ for Google and other search engines.

Given how every family is different and the parents’ needs might vary, Kidslox offers several approaches to keeping the young ones safe online. For example, for in-the-moment control, you can use the instant lock. For establishing positive patterns, set daily screen time schedules. For many teens, it is appropriate to allow entirely free device use, but still monitor the apps and sites they are going on.

Advanced Parental Tools

Advanced Parental Tools makes the worries of being a parent a bit less. You can monitor and control app usage on any device and set various policies and restrictions according to your family's requirements. Think of it as a super-charged app that provides full control over your kids’ digital lifestyle experience online.

The application supports local and remote control modes as well as essential commands for device location and status monitoring. In addition to applications, Advanced Parental Tools supports monitoring and setting restrictions to websites visits.

Thanks to AppGallery, the digital journey for modern parents does not have to be a hard one. Get browsing today and find that perfect app to keep your kids safe online. 


Editorial contacts

Odette Bagley Swart
PR Manager (HUAWEI Mobile Services Division)