The Department of Defence (DOD) says it is “working hard” to ensure its Web site is back up and running again.
This as the site has remained offline since mid-December last year.
On 15 December 2020, defenceWeb reported the DOD’s Web site had been inaccessible for some time due to contractual arrangements going awry.
According to the report, the DOD site is one of the national defence force’s prime tools for communicating with its various stakeholders, including South African citizens, parliamentarians, defence attachés and the media.
Attempts to access http://www.dod.mil.za have continued to be futile, with an error message across the screen that reads: “The requested URL could not be retrieved. The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.dod.mil.za/tender/defence_tenders.htm.”
Responding to ITWeb, Brigadier General Mafi Mgobozi, SA National Defence Force director for corporate communications, confirmed the site still can’t be accessed, without clear indication when it will be back up.
He says: “It is true that the Web site has been down since December 2020. The new service provider was appointed to take over from SITA [State IT Agency].
“The Department of Defence and the new service provider are working hard to ensure the Web site is back online.”
Mgobozi did not reveal the name of the new service provider, or when it was appointed.